Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-display-4] Define how reading-order / reading-order-items interact with focusable display: contents elements. (#9230)

I agree this is an issue. We (really @dizhang168) are in the process of trying to prototype an implementation of `reading-order-items`, and this case came up. For example:

<div style="display:flex; reading-order-items: flex-visual">
  <div style="order:2">Flex item
  <div style="display:contents" tabindex=0> Problem here
    <div style="order:3">Flex item <button>D</button></div>
    <div style="order:1">Flex item <button>A</button></div>

In this example, the sequential focus order should be A, B, C, D. There's no well defined "place" to put the `display:contents` div, since **a)** it isn't a flex item that can be ordered according to the flex visual order, and **b)** it can wrap flex items that aren't even contiguous. There's a similar (and slightly more complicated) case for `<slot>`s within a flex container like this.

I propose these `display:contents` elements within a `reading-order-items` container should simply be declared non-focusable entirely. Unless there's a compelling use case for doing that?

The case for `<slot>` gets more complicated, since a `<slot>` forms a [focus navigation scope]( which must be traversed in its entirety before returning to the owning scope. We think we have a solution for that, maybe, but that's likely a good candidate for another issue. But it'd be simplified, here, by saying `<slot>` (which is `display:contents` by default) cannot itself be focusable within a `reading-order-items` container.

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