Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Interpolating calc-size() more generally (#10294)

Between dbaron's [proposals](, I'd lean towards the former option:
`size-keyword-interpolation`: `none` | `auto`

That syntax feels reasonably intuitive to me; it's pretty clear that "none" (as the initial value) means that size keywords don't interpolate, vs. "auto" means some magical interpolation may happen between size keywords.

Whereas: in the other suggestion `size-interpolation`: `auto` | `keywords`, I have less of a good intuition for what the syntax means. It's not obvious whether the `keywords` value represents an expansion vs. a limitation on interpolation behavior; i.e. whether it means "_also allow_ interpolation of keywords" vs. "_only allow_ interpolation for keywords (preventing interpolation of other types of values)".

> We could use `discrete` instead of `none` as the default value since they do in fact "animate" with a discrete interpolation, you just don't get transitions starting [because transitions don't start on discrete interpolations]( (but it can still be animated with CSS animations or web animations).

I'm happy with either `none` or `discrete` as the naming for the initial value here, though I lean slightly towards `none` for simplicity.

(`none` seems just-as-clear since, colloquially at least, "animation between two values **without** interpolation" is understood to mean "animation **with discrete** interpolation between those two values".  So "none" seems ~fine from that perspective.  And "discrete" doesn't make things especially clearer, with regard to interaction with `transition-behavior`.  Looking just at the naming, it's not much easier to grok whether/what behavior would change if you specify a `transition-behavior` of (a) `normal` vs (b) `allow-discrete`, alongside `size-keyword-interpolation:discrete`.  When paired with `allow-discrete`, it ends up feeling like you're requesting discrete animation twice with two similar-but-not-quite-the-same syntaxes, which feels confusingly redundant.)

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