Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

> * The ancestor is decided based on the old DOM. So if a name appears in the old DOM, we ignore the `view-transition-parent` for it specified in the new DOM. This is similar to our approach for paint order, we let the paint order of names be decided by the old DOM. It's only for entry animations that we consider parent declarations in the new DOM.
> * If the ancestor mismatches for an element between old and new DOM, then fallback to flattening to the root.

FWIW, I prefer keeping the old dom structure. So in exit or paired animations, the old state determines the structure. For entry animations, the new state determines where to attach the entry groups. It's simple and I suspect most of the time works for reasonable effects

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