Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] issues with interpolation rules for calc-size() (#10220)

One other issue with the rules is that they have frequent references to "the result’s [calc-size basis](".  However, it's not clear to me whether this is intended to recursively extract the basis.  For example, can you interpolate between `calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size * 0.5), size * 0.5)` and `calc-size(min-content, size)`?

My understanding is the intent of allowing `calc-size()` values as the basis was to allow this sort of thing.  However, I think a literal reading of the spec currently doesn't allow it.

Then the question is:  if it is allowed, is the correct interpolation behavior to un-nest the `calc-size()` expression by substituting for the `size` in the outer expression's calculation, or is it to separately interpolate the calculation and the basis?  (The resulting behavior is different for the interpolation above:  with substitution the midpoint of the interpolation would be `calc-size(min-content, size * 0.625)` whereas with separate interpolation the midpoint would be `calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size * 0.75), size * 0.75)` which is equivalent to `calc-size(min-content, size * 0.5625)`.)

(I suppose one could ask the same question about the rules for interpolation when the basis is a `<calc-sum>`.)

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