Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] issues with interpolation rules for calc-size() (#10220)

Okay, I added simplification rules:
* if your basis is a `calc-size()`, we sub the nested calculation into the outer one
* if your basis is a length-percentage, we sub it directly into the calculation argument, replacing the percentages with `(size * N)`
* If substitution would make a too-long value (billion-laughs attack), the property is IACVT.

The interpolation rules have been slightly simplified, as a result, since now the basis is *always* a keyword by computed-value time.

Notably, this now means that interpolation is *properly* linear at all times (there's a `details` in the spec with an example of how it's non-linear if you don't substitute).

And per #10369, Brian also agrees that if the interpolated value would be IACVT, it should fall back to a discrete transition.

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