Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-hdr] Add mechanism to query HDR headroom (#9306)

> The preferred approach is to allow authors to supply a list of assets, and have the UA pick the appropriate asset (like srcset).

That approach doesn't really work well in the case where there is a **single asset** which can adapt to a range of HDR headroom values. One example of that approach is being standardized in ISO TC 42/WG 23 on Gain Maps. A single image resource has an SDR baseline image and a gain map; from that information a variety of HDR renderings can be reconstructed, corresponding to the actual HDR headroom.

That work is being driven and implemented by Apple, and Adobe.


Another example would be a web app which draws to Canvas 2D context, which computes a tone mapping curve in real time following the procedure in section _5.4.1 Mapping to display with limited brightness range_ of ITU Rec_BT.2390.

HDR is being widely adopted by native apps. The web also needs to adopt it, and one size definitely does not fit all viewing conditions. Presumably WebKit would not want to hold that back, especially since the Apple platforms on which it primarily runs already have that HDR headroom adaptation capability.

How can we move forward on this in a way that provides the capability in a privacy-sensitive way?

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