Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-5] `prefers-contrast: high` media feature doesn't account for macOS and iOS (#2943)

A number of comments in #3856 also relate to this issue, so I encourage people to have a read (but please keep the discussion here).
In particular,  See also @cookiecrook 's comment in, which includes:

> High Contrast (this is a 2m crummy comp, not an existing view) similar to Windows HC mode.
![comp of what a real high contrast mode might look like](

This is not really similar to the unfortunately named Windows High Contrast mode, since the Windows HC mode could result in that OR in a low contrast rendering, OR in an light-on-dark rendering, OR in a fuchsia-on-sepia rendering, or whatever the user wants. It is a forced color mode, and [we have an MQ for that]( as well as more details in [](css-color-adjust-1). Great presentation from @melanierichards here:


I continue not to understand why you refuse to implement the value in the spec which is defined to match the mode you have in macOS and insist that we introduce an additional value which maps to the mode you have in macOS.

Sure, there might be in the future an OS which has a high contrast mode that is neither that of macOS, nor is forced colors as seen on Windows, and needs to be distinguished from both of those. We'll deal with it when it exists and when we know how it actually works and to what degree it needs distinguishing. In the mean time, I don't see why we should dedicate a value in the spec to this hypothetical and add a value to deal with what actually exists today, instead of implementing the spec as is.

If we just want to rename `high` to `increased`, why not. It's more letters, so I'd rather not, but I don't care strongly. But I continue to claim that the current definition adequately describes what macOS does:

> Indicates that user has notified the system that they prefer an interface that has a higher level of contrast.

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Received on Friday, 24 July 2020 10:08:30 UTC