Re: [csswg-drafts] Let’s Define CSS 4 (#4770)

> I don't think that it's the place of the CSSWG to tell authors what is ready to use on their websites

I agree, and I think if we do this, the list has to be generated by the authoring community, CSSWG just makes it official by publishing it.

> Let's think in terms of cycle of adoption and education, which I feel have a 2-5 years cycle

Agree 100% with @folletto's [comment]( 1-year cycles are too short to have the sort of marketing impact that this would be meant to serve. (And also I just don't think we have the capacity, we're struggling already to do the snapshots yearly even though they're less subjective. :)

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Received on Friday, 14 February 2020 02:03:30 UTC