Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-images] Should the values of image-orientation include the <angle> variants? (#4164)

> If you have a compelling reason to override an image's built-in orientation, please state it here! The CSS-WG is interested in these cases.

I have a few concerns:

1. On this Twitter thread (, it was suggested that CSS transforms can be used to re-orient images that have been rotated incorrectly without the use of `image-orientation`.  I would argue that this isn't the same thing, since the amount of space the image takes place in the layout would be that of the "untransformed" image (due to how CSS transforms work).
2. Regarding setting "`image-orientation` as deprecated and RFC2119 optional" (as per @fantasai's comment above): this is going to cause a bunch of incompatibility issues among browsers if left as is.  Furthermore, you are asking people who upload images to content management systems to understand the difference between EXIF and "default" orientations when, in my experience, a lot of image editors/viewers don't agree on how to handle this.  I think this can be rather confusing and there should be something that CSS should control.
3. As mentioned above by @duanemoody , some imagehosts, image caching services and content management systems strip EXIF data for security reasons as well as remove excess data to optimize the image.  
4. I see that the top of this thread says that the "(image-orientation) property is likely going to be deprecated and its functionality moved to HTML".  Could I ask what the rationale for that is?  I would think that something that affects the visual style of the page should be controlled by CSS, not HTML.  I feel like this would set a bad precedent that some visual effects can be controlled by HTML (maybe I am misunderstanding something here?)

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Received on Friday, 23 August 2019 19:00:16 UTC