Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-lists-3] Should automatic list-item increment adjust for ol[reversted]? (#4181)

If we want to explain the magic via a brand new property (which wouldn't have cascading or backcompat problems), that's fine. I don't think it's useful enough to be worth doing, but whatever; I'm not opposed.

But I don't like the idea that you can definitely set `counter-increment: foo 1;` on a normal `li` and it'll continue to number itself perfectly correctly, but if that `li` is in an `<ol reversed>` you'll screw up the numbering.

Either both forward and reverse numbers should work magically, regardless of what other stuff you set in `counter-increment`, or both should fail to work, imo.

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Received on Thursday, 8 August 2019 18:42:18 UTC