Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-paint][css-color][css-images] Named Hatching Patterns for Heraldic Tinctures and Technical Drawing Surfaces

For reference, [SVG 2 introduced a `<hatch>` 
element]( allowing 
to define hatch patterns.

Maybe both approached could be merged somehow.

Also, back in 2014 I already came up with the [idea of allowing to 
create custom 
 via an `@pattern` rule in combination with text decoration and 
envisioned a broader use for it.

So, maybe the keywords for the Heraldic tinctures may later be defined
 using the `@pattern` rule. But I imagine those patterns can also be 
expressed via Houdini's CSS Painting API.


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Received on Sunday, 5 March 2017 14:21:18 UTC