- From: Manuel Rego Casasnovas via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 10:42:18 +0000
- To: public-css-archive@w3.org
Just to wrap-up, as this issue has a lot of comments, I believe we have to agree on 2 things here: ### 1) The different behavior between `normal|stretch` and any other alignment value (e.g. `start`): * `stretch`: ```html <div style="display: inline-grid; grid: 40px / 40px; border: thick solid; font: 100px/1 Monospace;"> <div style="background: magenta;">item</div> </div> ```  * `start`: ```html <div style="display: inline-grid; grid: 40px / 40px; border: thick solid; font: 100px/1 Monospace;"> <div style="background: magenta; justify-self: start; align-self: start;">item</div> </div> ```  Right now Chromium has a different behavior for `stretch` vs `start` (which is similar to what happens on Flexbox) but Firefox doesn't. ### 2) If we should clamp the size for tracks with intrinsic max sizing function: Example: ```html <div style="display: inline-grid; width: 40px; height: 40px; grid: minmax(0px, auto) / minmax(0px, auto); border: thick solid; font: 100px/1 Monospace;"> <div style="background: magenta;">item</div> </div> ``` After thinking about this for a while, I agree with @MatsPalmgren and @rachelandrew, that the grid area should be the one affecting the clamping, so in this case the item will overflow the grid container. So the expected result would be:  Right now Firefox does it and Chromium doesn't. The same that would happen if you use `grid: auto / auto`, in this case both browsers behave the same way. Which leans me towards thinking this is a Chromium bug. ### Other Then once we got an agreement about the expected behavior I believe the text on the spec still needs some tweaks and clarifications. We need to be more explicit about this to avoid confusions in the future. And hopefully we should be able to add examples on the spec about this too. -- GitHub Notification of comment by mrego Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/283#issuecomment-262481269 using your GitHub account
Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 10:42:24 UTC