- From: Javier Fernandez Garcia-Boente via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 23:17:50 +0000
- To: public-css-archive@w3.org
javifernandez has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts: == [css-align][css-grid] Inconsistence on Baseline Alignment terminology for orthogonal flows == The CSS Box Alignment spec states the following when defining the Baseline-sharing group: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align/#baseline-terms > A baseline-sharing group is composed of boxes that participate in baseline alignment together. This is possible only if they > > * share an alignment context whose axis is parallel to their inline axis > * either have the same block flow direction and baseline alignment preference, or have opposite block flow direction and opposite baseline alignment preference (in other words, the baselines that want to align are on the same side of the alignment context). Then, in the Section 8.3 Aligning Boxes by Baseline it's stated the following: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align/#align-by-baseline > Given a set of boxes and their baselines that all belong to a single baseline-sharing group, the boxes are baseline-aligned as follows: Hence, when applying this to a Grid box, we can align the grid items by baseline only if they belong to the same baseline-sharing group. This implies that they share an alignment context whose axis is parallel to their inline axis. Said this, I want to refer to the already closed issue #373 where it was resolved that orthogonal grid items should synthesize their baseline from their border-box. Let's assume an horizontal grid container with some vertical grid items. Does this resolution imply that we should use such synthesized baseline to align those orthogonal items along the grid's row-axis ? I assume that we can align those orthogonal items align the grid's column axis, but for that case there is no need to synthesize a baseline. As an example of the issue I'm trying to describe, consider the following grid vs inline-block cases: ``` .row { grid-auto-flow: columns; } <div class="grid row itemsBaseline"><span>A</span><span class="verticalLR">A</span><span>A</span><span class="verticalLR">A</span></div> .item { display: inline-block; } <div><div class="item">A</div><div class="item verticalLR">A</div><div class="item">A</div><div class="item verticalLR">A</div></div> ``` This is the output using both, Chrome (implementation in progress) and Firefox nightly:  Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/721 using your GitHub account
Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 23:17:56 UTC