Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ruby-1] Drop ruby-merge in favour of a specific jukugo value

The line-breaking issue is addressed in the spec: "When there is not 
enough space for an entire ruby container to fit on the 
line, the ruby may be broken wherever *all levels simultaneously allow
 a break*."

Emphasis mine. If there is no line-breaking opportunity between the 
annotations, then there can be no break. So if word is 
marked up row-wise as a single ruby segment, then the line-breaking 
rules can have discretion simply based on the text in the 
annotation. Latin characters stay together when adjacent, so that will
 control line-breaking at that point. If they are 
replaced with kana, then the break will be allowed.

The spec is less clear on how this applies in the interleaved case. 
Certainly whether there is an opportunity there depends on 
whether one exists in the base text: we can't break here if the base 
text can't break here. But since the annotations are 
interleaved, we can't tell if there's white space between them or not,
 as the white space outside the annotations all belongs 
to the base level. My conclusion would be that annotations should 
always allow a break between ruby segments, and if the 
author does not want one, s/he must suppress it with the `white-space`
 property applied to the bases. (This would effectively 
require marking up each ruby in its own `<ruby>` element so that 
`white-space` can be applied.)

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Received on Sunday, 25 December 2016 02:41:20 UTC