questions about Ayra

Hi Drummond,

Thanks for the presentation yesterday. After reading the different papers a few questions remain unanswered for me at this point, and I felt they may be beneficial to the rest of the CCG so I’m using this channel to ask them. They are in no particular order, just as they came to me while reading the different documents:

  *   What if you are part of a community that becomes illegal? How can you prevent your exposure to/activity with this community from binging trouble to yourself/your company?
  *   Can you selectively disclose your relationships?
  *   What are the security measures to prevent unwanted discovery (of relationships or self identity)? As in any agent manages to tie the dots between your different profiles? Subsequent question, as an individual user with 0 cryptographic knowledge and poor online privacy hygiene, what are the safeguards around my wallet/profile?
  *   if you delete a VRC, does it delete in both sides of the relationship?
  *   as a customer (individual person) can you opt-out of the system?
  *   And from a technical perspective I haven’t yet grasped the architecture of the systems: how are the files stored/read, who manages them, as well as are we expecting the system to run in a node like structure spun-up by any individual/companies/governance networks/etc?



Julien Fraichot
Developer – Hyland Credentials

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