[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2024-10-28

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2024-10-28

  Kerri Lemoie, Simone Ravaioli, Dmitri Zagidulin
  Our Robot Overlords
  Ildiko Mazar, Perrine de Coëtlogon, Raj, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau 
  (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Geun-Hyung Kim, Sharon Leu, Kerri 
  Lemoie, Dmitri Zagidulin, Eric Sembrat, Naomi, Alex H, Nis 
  Jespersen , TimG, Perrine de Coetlogon

<ildiko_mazar> Good morning, good afternoon everyone, welcome to 
  today's W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call, 
  on Monday, October the 28th. Let's get started with the 
  housekeeping items. IP Note: Anyone can participate in these 
  calls. However, all substantive contributions to any Credentials 
  Community Group Work Items must originate from members of the CCG 
  with full IPR agreements signed. You can find the link to this in 
  the meeting invites. You'll need to have a W3C account, that is 
  also something easy to do online. Moving on to call notes. Please 
  note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot 
  transcriber and we also make audio and video recordings, that are 
  archived and available online. If you want to speak, please raise 
  your hand, or add yourself to the queue by typing “q+” in the 
  chat. And please be brief if you have a question to ask, we want 
  to maximise the time for conversations. Thank you. Now to 
  Introductions & Reintroductions. If we have any new people in the 
  call, or somebody would like to reintroduce themselves, please 
  feel free to take the floor. If nobody wants to take the floor, 
  we can move on to announcements and reminders. Anyone has events 
  or things that happened that people should be aware of, again, 
  please queue yourself up and share the news with us. Now to the 
  main agenda topic, that is Future of Learning & Working track's 
  Office Hour.
<raj> Hello everyone
<kerri_lemoie> Hello all
<ildiko_mazar> Hello everybody, welcome to today's VC EDU Task 
  Force call
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kerri Lemoie:  Hey elico this is Carrie uh Carrie lamoy I just 
  wanted to jump on Kim is going to come back she's going to rejoin 
  she was having some jitsi issues.
Kerri Lemoie:  Um I think I believe the um the aim of today's 
  call is just to see if anybody has any questions and to see if um 
  we should review um any of the tasks and how to submit them I 
  don't see too many folks on here so I'm not sure.
Kerri Lemoie:  If there will be anybody with questions but um I 
  just want to open the floor and see um if anybody does I think 
  when Kim comes on she might be able to give you a status as to 
  how things are going so far.
Kerri Lemoie:  Um so I don't I pause there and see does anybody 
  have any questions about the hackathon or the projects you're 
  working on.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah looks like we have 401 participants but 
  that's in the hackathon generally I'm not sure how many folks are 
  participating in the education when that would be great to know 
  Kim may know that when she comes on.
Kerri Lemoie: 
Geun-Hyung Kim:  I'm here now and yeah hi um sorry about that I 
  uh yeah didn't work in the app but um yeah so we we actually 
  won't know the Full Count until the very end um we do get some uh 
  early submissions but they're sort of um you know not enough to 
  make statistically significant predictions 1 thing I wanted to 
  emphasize here well we we're getting a lot of a lot of 
  participants um but 1 thing about this track is we have so many 
  prizes that I want to make sure people know that it's not too 
  late to get started so we still have a week left in the hackathon 
  and um you know some of the the challenges are actually you can 
  be done fairly quickly so um yeah not too late to sign up and um 
  I the previous 1 we shared all the links to get.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   Started so.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  I'm not at the.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Now but uh yes thank you Carrie that's that's 
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah Kim I'm happy to share any links to other 
  things if you'd like me to I know you're on the road right now.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Yes uh thank you and so did we have any um 
  questions yet or should I should we just start with a review of 
  what we're doing I I can t that up if if so I don't see any 
  questions yet.
Kerri Lemoie:  I don't think we have any specific questions yet I 
  know there were a couple of questions in Discord but we're kind 
  of having a thread of discussions over there so um how about we 
  do what you suggest and then um see if anything comes up.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Yeah it sounds good so I can give a some context 
  real quickly.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Yeah the hackathon well the diff hackathon it's 
  about uh getting people to build.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Applications of decentralized identity so it's a 
  really good opportunity to do whether it's a a side project that 
  you've always wanted to do um and we have a lot of good uh uh 
  tracks this year so we have.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  The education future of education and Workforce 
  we have some focus on um verifiable Ai and.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  All of the nuances involved with that also 
  hospitality and travel and reusable identity so a lot of 
  interesting uh themes all of which decentralized identity can be 
  uh Technologies and standards can be used to make meaningful 
  impact so in the future of education and Workforce challenge we 
  are building on the progress and success of the JFS jmf plugfest 
  uh series of challenges and for reference those were uh focused 
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Holder wallets uh verifiers and issuers to you 
  know where the rubber meets the rub prove interoperability of 
  these standards that we're building so for reference you know we 
  all know that we're building according to standards verifiable 
  credentials decentralized identifiers uh chappie or ovf uh for V 
  VC VP but.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   When it comes.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  To actually proving it out it turns out that 
  people can interpret the standards differently they can combine 
  them in different ways so jfa plugfest was very helpful for 
  getting a set of issuers verifiers um uh holders to actually 
  demonstrate that this they can use the standards to achieve 
  interoperability and through that a lot of artifacts were built 
  from the jmf plugfest those include um what we call profiles 
  which are selections of Standards along with other requirements 
  or samples to actually prove out flows uh tools sets like the VC 
  playground that would actually show here's a sample um open badge 
  V3 verifiable credential format um and just a wide range of other 
  resources so that.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   What is the.
<kerri_lemoie> Link to this strand: 
Geun-Hyung Kim:  For the verify potential future of education and 
  Workforce hackathon um the the really nice thing about that is it 
  lowers the barrier to entry to this hackathon track because it's 
  a robust set of tools and um.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Um you know specifications profiles that let 
  people see how to get started so rather than build the all the 
  tooling from scratch they have these components that they can 
  just start using they can use a wallet or a test issuer things 
  like that.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  So um and then so building on that we carved out 
  3 um kind of I'll call them series of challenges.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   1 Is.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Really based on the transformation enabled by 
  decentralized identity Technologies and what can happen when 
  people can own their working and learning records.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  The second 1 is a set of tooling challenges and 
  um sorry I may need to consult something read so I think we where 
  we did that and Carrie chime in if I'm missing it but the second 
  1 I think is focused on the um browser plug-in plus the uh with 
  the what is it called the um learner credential wallet render 
  method is that right Terry.
Kerri Lemoie:  The the Second Challenge is you're close you're 
  very close um the Second Challenge is to build 1 um multiple 
  language support I'll just read the the statement here to uh so 
  it's multiple language support promote crossborder Mobility by 
  enabling educational credentials to be meaningfully used 
  internationally build a tool that constructs VCS in any language 
  with a special emphasis on non-latin scripts and this is using 
  the render method attribute.
Kerri Lemoie:  Other 1 is the browser integration and this is 
  where we are thinking about how can we enhance convenience and 
  usability um with a browser plug-in for displaying a verifying 
  BCS and we're also thinking that render method would be um a 
  great use a great application for this.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Great and then um the third 1 is the um I think 
  that's where we have a learner credential wallet 1 and maybe 
  something else.
Kerri Lemoie:  Um yeah so we um we were this is sorry I didn't 
  mean to interrupt you okay.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Oh yeah no go ahead.
Kerri Lemoie:  Actually this is where we also kind of putting an 
  emphasis on render method 1 to um see if we could use render 
  method to inform wallets how they should display credentials um 
  we put this 1 in because we we know that there's like so many 
  properties that could be displayed in a credential and it's a 
  very small screen and 1 of the things that came out of plugfest 
  was how do we how do we like how do we display the credentials in 
  the way that makes sense they can't just display all the way all 
  the the same way all the time right so in the learner credential 
  wallet we are only right now displaying the required fields of 
  open Badges and we know that there's a lot more that could be 
  displayed so 1 of the the opportunities here is to test that out 
  and to show us how you would do that um if you know if you want 
  to do that and then the other 1 is doing something similar with 
  verify or plus verify or plus is a web verifier for credentials 
  and right now it also in other open source software um.
Kerri Lemoie:   From the DC.
Kerri Lemoie:  Now displaying you know the required elements of 
  open badges 3.0 and we think there could be more that could be 
  displayed in there and the render method seems to be a really 
  interesting way to explore this and and those of you who aren't 
  so interested so um informed about render method is it's a way to 
  put a template inside of the signed credential that says hey 
  here's like different ways that you could display this credential 
  so it could be an array of templates it could be here's 1 for the 
  wallet here's 1 for a PDF here's web from a web display and um we 
  just want to see like how people would um implement this and and 
  try this out.
Kerri Lemoie:  Open Badges and for Education credentials.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  So the last thing I'll add is um you know 
  especially as we get to the last 2 challenges um you know you 
  still have enough time to do those and and you know there's a.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Chance you can get some good prices out of it we 
  have a lot of prizes for you know each tier and honorable 
  mentions so um it's really great way to get involved and you know 
  refresh your your coding chops.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  So yeah do we have any questions yet.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Yeah um we use that for some of the projects 
  that are you know bigger in Scopes to say like maybe the first 
  maybe the first challenge set of of this track where they're 
  wanting to work with others to you know maybe they're good at 
  coding but they're not so good at designing or kind of organizing 
  things end to end so um yeah we do have a challenge a a channel 
  called find team I think in the Discord where people can 
  advertise their availability and um you know sort of find other 
  people with complimentary interest.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  For a while 1 of the sponsors was uh Vitos was 
  organizing a kind of form they had a forum link they probably 
  still have it up where you can enter some more details about what 
  tracks you're interested in what your skills are what you're 
  looking for but um if you're wanting to just move fast to find a 
  team channel is a good place to start.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  None yet um the yeah we will only see at the end 
  we will have a final um you know kind of uh what is it called the 
  final award ceremony all of that where we'll get to see uh the 
  winners and then also.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  You know especially I think for this track it 
  will be interesting to curate and reuse some for future jmf 
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Events so we did make sure that the uh source 
  code license is you know mitt so it's permissive so we can reuse 
  so I think that's 1 thing that we're really excited for with this 
  track is the ability to benefit the whole line of jmf plugfest 
  effort and and how this could benefit future ones um so yeah 
  check in it keep checking in with us I think um a good way to 
  stay up to date would be just joining the Discord and then also 
  we can join uh the a VC edu call um in the future maybe you know 
  I know you guys are are planned out for a while but um you know 
  if we did something December uh something like that I think we 
  would have enough information to come report back on what we 
<ildiko_mazar> I think that would be great to see some of these 
  solutions demoed at one of our future calls
Kerri Lemoie:  Hey um this is Carrie again I'm wondering I know 
  this is a small group here today but there's a whole lot of 
  people traveling to Mountain View for the internet identity 
  workshop and I suspect there will be people there who are 
  participating in the hackathon so I just wanted to mention that 
Kerri Lemoie:  Also at DCC Engineers will be there too.
Kerri Lemoie:   If anybody.
Kerri Lemoie:  Is stuck and has some questions.
Kerri Lemoie:  I'm sure they'll be helpful.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Great call out yeah and lymari will be doing a 
  hackathon session during IBEW she's going to be reporting on the 
  success so far um you know what's been going on so um that might 
  be a good 1 we'll coordinate with the DCC Engineers on that to 
  make sure we can time it appropriately we could we could also 
  turn it into a ask me anything session as well if people do have 
  questions about it.
Kerri Lemoie:  That's a great idea thank you.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  So yeah I guess you know we don't have to um go 
Geun-Hyung Kim:  I think we we wanted to just come in and check 
  in answer any questions and raise your hand if you have something 
  you want to discuss um but otherwise we can we can end early-ish.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  I forgot it was in the time zone Vortex period I 
  guess that will be corrected as of next week and yes he we 
  interpret the silence as just uh stunned awe at our magnificence.
<naomi> lol!
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Terry and I are used to that.
<kerri_lemoie> :)
<naomi> :heart: :heart:
<ildiko_mazar> That's true, many of us Europeans are out of 
  office this week
<kerri_lemoie> Hello Perrine! 
<sharon_leu> That is exciting. Can't wait to hear the update and 
  lessons learned.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Yes thank you pairing an amazing work I can't 
  wait to hear about it and um yeah and thank you it'll go for 
  asking us back and we're looking forward to giving a report out 
  at the end and showing off the amazing things that were built.
<kerri_lemoie> Let's talk soon Perrine!!
<naomi> thank you!
<sharon_leu> Thanks all!
<perrine_de_coetlogon> Indeed, I was about to send you a mail 
  this morning!

Received on Monday, 25 November 2024 11:12:08 UTC