Re: California DMV Launches OpenCred with Support for VC-based Driver’s Licenses

On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 10:45 PM Brent Shambaugh
<> wrote:
> First, your dedication impresses me.

Thanks Brent, I appreciate the sentiment, and once again, let's
remember that it's the people I mentioned in the initial email, and
this community, and our partner communities (RWoT, IIW, DIF, Conexxus,
OpenID, IETF, etc.), that got us here. Lots of effort, by lots of
people, over many years. :)

> What's the basic gist of this since the ISO specification is paywalled?
> "expression of the ISO-18013-5 Mobile Driver’s License (mDL) attributes
> as a Verifiable Credential."

This group (the W3C Credentials Community Group) has been incubating a
mapping of the ISO 18013-5 data model to Verifiable Credentials for a
number of years now:

The goal here is to get a 1:1 mapping between an ISO mDL (Mobile
Driver's License) and a W3C vDL (Verifiable Driver's License) so that
receiving either of those things results in the same data fields that
can then be used to power certain business processes.

We'll try to put a driver's license example out onto the VC
Playground[1] in the next couple of weeks so people can play around
with a "real" one and try it out.

Did that answer your question, Brent?

-- manu


Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Saturday, 11 May 2024 18:27:57 UTC