Verifiable credentials decentralized status


I was advised to contact the group by Markus Sabadello regarding an idea of
specification I have about verifiable credentials status.

I am Pascal Knoth, an independent worker, and I am also the owner of
boruta, an implementation of oauth 2.0, openid connect, up to oid4vci which
is open source (the code is available on GitHub Thinking about verifiable
credentials revocation, I came to implement a decentralized way to store
verifiable credentials status using cryptography. Markus invited me to go
further and write a draft of a specification that is a work in progress and
is available on GitHub
I am not sure about how to proceed to write a sufficiently qualitative work
to be discussed by the group, hoping it to become a specification.

Is there any procedure to join the group if you find the work interesting
enough to be discussed?

Thank you for reading me so far,

Pascal Knoth - malachit
phone 0033 630739479

With care from Paris, France

Received on Monday, 24 June 2024 07:25:44 UTC