Re: CCG Work Item Overview and Roadmap

Thank you so much for tackling this, Will!

I also really like this image which I think @Manu Sporny<> created for us. All I have is a screenshot:
Maybe this could be useful.

Kimberly Wilson Linson | Director of Credential Ecosystems
RANDA Solutions | 1113 Murfreesboro Rd. | Suite 106 #415 | Franklin, TN 37064
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From: Benjamin Young <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2:18 PM
To: Will Abramson <>
Cc: <>; Harrison <>; Kimberly Wilson Linson <>
Subject: Re: CCG Work Item Overview and Roadmap

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Hey Will,

It would be great to recolor that old roadmap and update it to reflect reality...or...label it as out of date. I think it could be useful if it were updated and reflected the current reality plus additional specs that have come about in the intervening years.

Thanks for curating all this, Will!


On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 6:39 PM Will Abramson <<>> wrote:
Hi all,

For those who don't know, my name is Will Abramson I recently joined Harrison and Kimberly as one of the CCG co-chairs.

In our call today, I realised that I don't have a good sense of all the work that the CCG is involved in or wants to become involved in.

I also noticed that the places someone could go to find out this information either don't exist, are out of date or I just don't know where they are.

In particular this repo - and associated webpage could do with an update.

I am willing to lead an effort to address this, but I will need some help

Initially, it would be great to get the list of work items up to date Could I ask, if you are working on a work item or a task force that is not listed either to raise a P.R. to add it or just add an issue<> and I will update the file for you.

There seems to be a couple of higher level items here too:

First, how do folks currently find out about the work the CCG is involved in? And how could we make that easier? Are there updates to the website that we should be making?

Second, what work do we as the CCG want to be involved in? What is our roadmap? I did find this one, but as we are now in the future according to this diagram it seems like we should be reviewing this old roadmap and reassessing where we want to focus our efforts?

Comments or questions welcome,



Developer Engagement Engineer
Digital Bazaar<>

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2024 23:32:42 UTC