Re: European Digital Identity Wallets feedback

Hello Simone,

This is a BIG issue.  The amount of feedback you might get may easy be overwhelming. Here is something for the EU to ponder about:

Since the BigTechs are combining identity and payments in their wallets, I believe the EU must consider this as well.  However, what I have seen to date doesn't look overly promising:
There are no payment champions around.

FWIW, I'm personally trying to establish Deterministically Encoded CBOR as the foundation for wallets, be it for identity or payments:

Anders Rundgren

On 2024-08-21 11:18, Simone Onofri wrote:
> Hello CCG,
> As you probably know, it's time to comment on the EU Digital Identity Wallet Implementing Acts [1], which will also impact payments.
> What do you think about this? Was anyone pondering whether to send feedback?
> Please let me know in case, as  I am gathering the various views from W3C Community.
> Thank you,
> Simone
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 11:40:38 UTC