[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2023-10-02

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2023-10-02

  1. IP Note
  2. Call Notes
  3. Introductions & Reintroductions
  4. Announcements & Reminders
  5. Main Topic
  Kerri Lemoie
  Our Robot Overlords
  Tracy Kuhrt, Kerri Lemoie, Nate Otto, Geun-Hyung, Jelle Millenaar 
  [Impierce], Nis Jespersen , Aditya - Infisign, Jeff O - HumanOS, 
  Phil Long, Keith Kowal, Sharon Leu, Tabraiz (Workbay), Adam 
  (Tangle Labs), Simone Ravaoli, Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, gillian, 
  Dmitri Zagidulin, Morgan Lemmer-Webber, Stuart Freeman, Andy 
  Griebel, Richard McQ, Daniel Buchner, James Chartrand, Mahesh 
  Balan - pocketcred.com, Ganesh Annan, Keith Hackett, Kimberly 
  Linson, Taylor (LEF), Chandi Cumaranatunge, Deb Everhart, Colin 
  Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Naomi, Benjamin Young, Marty Reed, TimG

<kerri_lemoie> Hello all! We'll get started in a few minutes.
<daniel> πŸ‘
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kerri Lemoie:  I let him get going here.
<daniel> πŸ‘‹ hello everyone
Kerri Lemoie:  There we go there's our recording hello everybody 
  this is Cary Illinois this is the Monday October 2nd 2023 BC Edge 
  you call today our topic is we have open Wallet Foundation here 
  today this is kind of a preparation for a plugfest next week 
  where we won't be having this called because we'll be at plugfest 
  but we thought we'd keep up with the wallet theme and and are 
  happy that.
Kerri Lemoie:   Function of the Open Wallet Foundation are here 
  today to tell us.
Kerri Lemoie:  About what they've been working on there and let 
  you know what they're about that's going to be great also have 
  created a document for us to do a little bit of ideating for IIW 
  sessions that I can share later but most of all we'll just like 
  will meet with that arm Apollo Foundation see if there any 
  questions there and then we can also check in to see if there's 
  any plugfest Logistics questions and we're going to plan on 
  ending at about 50 minutes.
Kerri Lemoie:   At call.

Topic: IP Note

Kerri Lemoie:  Okay let me go through the boilerplate really 
  quick here and then we can get started so the first thing is IP 
  note of course anybody can participate in these calls these this 
  is an open call we are part of the credential community group but 
  if you are planning to do any make any substantive contributions 
  to the ccg including participating in plugfest then you should 
  join the ccg I'm in the agenda email that we sent out their 
Kerri Lemoie:   With and information on how to do that.

Topic: Call Notes

Kerri Lemoie:  I have noticed that we are recording this call and 
  also that there is a transcriber in the chat right now that's a 
  robot transcriber it won't be perfect but it does a pretty good 
  job actually so keep an eye there feel free to if you see it 
  really flub something up you can always do a reg ex to to replace 
  words I'll put an example of like have that in the chat for you 
  yeah I'm familiar with that.

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

Kerri Lemoie:  Next when we see if there's anybody here who would 
  like to introduce themselves or would like to reintroduce 
  themselves well open up the floor oh actually before I do sorry 
  one important thing for those of you who aren't familiar we do a 
  queue system for participating in the call and asking questions 
  and chatting and so what we do in the chat is we type literally 
  the letter Q & A plus sign to add yourself to the queue or a Q&A 
  - to remove yourself.
Kerri Lemoie:   We also did see.
Kerri Lemoie:  Hand at the bottom that you can use you click on 
  in the dashboard to raise or lower your hand.
Kerri Lemoie:  Okay so that's it is there anybody here like to 
  make some introductions or reintroduce themselves to the group 
  here today.
Kerri Lemoie:  If I'm going to pronounce your name wrong with it 
  I can you tell me how you say it please so I don't.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah okay thank you welcome.
Kerri Lemoie:  This is great thank you for joining us the other 
  could you put a link to your company in the chat Portis.
Simone Ravaoli: 
Kerri Lemoie:  Anybody else like to introduce themselves.

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Kerri Lemoie:  How about announcements announcements they'd like 
  to make if so you can cure yourself up and we'll call on you to 
  make your announcements.
Kerri Lemoie:  Morgan you have the floor hello.
Morgan_Lemmer-Webber: Hello I am speaking on behalf of digital 
  bizarre and I just wanted to let people know that we have been 
  running office hours on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. eastern time for 
  the verifiable credentials playground previously known as the 
  chappie playground so if you are maybe working on your demo for 
  plugfest three and you need help integrating with the playground 
  morrow at 11 is.
Morgan_Lemmer-Webber:  is a good time to come and ask questions.
Kerri Lemoie:  Great thank you so much.
<ganesh_annan> 11AM ET tomorrow!
Kerri Lemoie:  Hey does anybody else have any announcements.
Kerri Lemoie:  Sharon not to put you too much on the spot here 
  but do you is there anything you want to tell folks about 
<morgan_lemmer-webber> VC-Playground Office Hours Tomorrow at 
  11am ET: meet.google.com/caz-catz-vuo
Sharon Leu:  Okay so I think the key deadlines are that your 
  video will be due this week so definitely get working on those 
  and go to the office hours if you have questions it's been fun to 
  see people working together on the slack so if you are part of 
  the plugfest cohorts okay so we the number one your videos are 
  due this week number two if you're not currently working on the 
  slack with other the cohort participants and me and a message.
Sharon Leu:   Then the third thing is demo day.
Kerri Lemoie: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/plugfest-3-2023/
<kerri_lemoie> Partiicpation guide: 
Sharon Leu:  Next Monday and so I posted into the listserv how to 
  link to that meeting which is going to be both virtual and in 
  person if you're at iiw if you're hoping if you're going to be at 
  iow and would like to participate in person please send me a 
  message and we will get that setup will get you the logistics for 
  that so again the videos are due today and for all of you who are 
  yes thank you for posting the.
Sharon Leu:  For all of you who are participating as well as we 
  have three different verifiers that you can I think that are 
  currently working that you can use to demonstrate your 
  interoperability with consult the participation guide and ask 
  your colleagues on the dev slack if you have any questions and I 
  think that's it.
Kerri Lemoie:  Excellent thank you Sharon.

Topic: Main Topic

Kerri Lemoie:  Okay if nobody has any of any other announcements 
  and also you can queue yourself later if you think of something 
  but why don't we move on to our main topic and then we can take 
  it from there so today we have leaders leadership from open 
  Wallet Foundation they Tracy Daniel and Torsten are here to tell 
  us more about the work that you've all been doing I'm not sure 
  who to hand it over to Baby Tracy should I start with you.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Sure I'm happy to start I said my name is Tracy Kurt 
  and I am the technical advisory Council chair for the open Wallet 
  foundation and I also work for Accenture as an architect and an 
  open-source advocate so I'm very happy to be here and to talk 
  through what we do have but before we get there I will hand it 
  off to Daniel to introduce himself.
Daniel Buchner:  Hi it's a real pleasure to be here thank you 
  very much for the invitation I'm just executive director Traci is 
  a lot more important probably for this called and I am but I'm 
  really glad to be here.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thanks to Daniel it's great to have you both here.
Tracy_Kuhrt: So this is my first time using this tool so I'm 
  going to attempt to share my screen and we will see how that 
Tracy_Kuhrt: All right so hopefully you can see the presentation 
  and if I go to slideshow mode looks good.
Kerri Lemoie:  Looks good you have a happy never link to the 
  slides that I can put in the chat.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I do just throw that in here.
Kerri Lemoie:  Perfect thanks Tracy.
Tracy_Kuhrt: No problem all right so let me find my screen again 
  all right so put this project together it's just kind of an 
  introductory slide that into what the open knowledge Foundation 
  is I'm happy to take this in any direction that you would like to 
  but you know if you do have any questions just let me know I 
  can't see the the Q so if somebody does have a question just stop 
  being I'm happy to answer those questions.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  all right so.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The open world Foundation what is it so I know I've 
  seen some of you on the calls before so this shouldn't be new to 
  you but for those of you who haven't heard about the open Wallet 
  Foundation were an open source project in the Linux Foundation 
  under specifically the Linux Foundation Europe where we support 
  the development of interoperable digital wallet those wallets can 
  be any anything from verifiable credentials to.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  oral acids to payments in.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Point to store in a wallet is something that the 
  open world Foundation is looking to support we do also have 
  something that's slightly different than other Linux Foundation 
  projects in that we do have a government advisory Council so the 
  intent is to get feedback from different government bodies in 
  order to ensure that we are taking the Open Lord foundation in a 
  direction that not only the community.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  it's to.
Tracy_Kuhrt: In line with some of the new regulations and laws 
  that are coming out across the world so that's just a high level 
  overview of what the open Wallet Foundation is again completely 
  open source we're home 100% open there's never a pay-to-play to 
  join the open Wallet foundation and to participate as a technical 
  contributor you know join our meetings attend those meetings 
  bring up your thoughts your ideas completely open.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Morning what people have we're also looking to have 
  people bring in their project specifically to the open Wallet 
  Foundation whatever those might be that our wallet specific 
  related so developers designers Architects documentation writers 
  testers anyone that might be interested in advancing the open 
  wallet is what we're looking to bring into the open Wallet 
  Foundation we're vendor-neutral we don't have any specific.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Okay so in one vendor or another so it really is the 
  direction that the community will take us as to what direction 
  the only one permutation heads.
Tracy_Kuhrt: So there's a lot of times when you know people are 
  like why would we want to contribute to the open Wallet 
  Foundation well if you're looking to develop collaboratively in 
  the open on wallets and while it Technologies and the open one 
  advantage is the right spot for you we are designed really to be 
  that collaborative development environment we're not focused on 
  the specifications but rather the implementation of the different 
  specifications that are out there.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  and bring those to the open wallet.
Tracy_Kuhrt: So sometimes we get some of these questions when 
  people are looking to think about contributing to the open Wallet 
  Foundation the first question is what if I don't have any 
  collaborators yet that's okay contributing is a great way to find 
  collaborators collaborators who are potentially looking to find 
  other people who are working on similar sorts of work we have a 
  Labs group organization where we bring in code that's kind of 
  that new experimental.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  the code.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Be a place where people want to show off what 
  they're working on to see if they can really kick start that 
  Community bringing in other people who are interested in 
  developing the same sorts of things and so we definitely 
  recommend even if you don't have any collaborators yet you're a 
  single individual or a couple of individuals just working on 
  something together bring that to the open warrant foundation and 
  see what other community members might be interested in also 
  contributing with you the second question.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  we tend to get it.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Lose control of my project the answer there the 
  short answer is no so projects that come into the open Wallet 
  foundation will continue to use similar sorts of governess to 
  what they have so the maintainers list the contributors those all 
  remain the same that the technical advisory council is not here 
  in any way shape or form to tell people the direction the 
  projects have to go or the road map that has to exist we are here 
Tracy_Kuhrt:  they just to make sure that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The project meet kind of the the mission of the open 
  Wallet Foundation we're here to help people get started in 
  contributing in an open-source manner to find other collaborators 
  and other community members who might be interested in helping to 
Tracy_Kuhrt: So another question is what kinds of Coach should be 
  contributed so this is a brainstorm from an architecture special 
  interest group meeting that we did have it's been quite a while 
  since we've had this meeting but there is some information and 
  we've been really in that architecture special interest group 
  talking about these different ideas about things that could be 
  contributed I'm going to leave this up here I'm not going to 
  actually go through each of.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  each of these bullet points.
Tracy_Kuhrt: But just a general idea of the sorts of things that 
  could be of interest you know really around Key Management the 
  different sorts of wallet engines the way that you trust those 
  wallets different sorts of ways in which you might do issuer 
  holder verifier wallets backup/restore different sorts of things 
  here that are listed just really did to think about how we might 
  bring these things together I think about the.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  Omelette pan.
Tracy_Kuhrt: As a mechanism to create different sorts of 
  libraries and tools that other wallet developers can use to build 
  those wallets in to take those to their users.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The next thing I have here is just a Project Life 
  Cycle so this is the overall Project Life Cycle that we have for 
  projects that would come into the open Wallet Foundation where we 
  start with a proposal we propose a project to the technical 
  advisory Council for technical advisory Council checks just 
  ensure that things like licensing things like we do support the 
  the developer certificate of origin things like that are.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  taking care of that there's an idea that this.
Tracy_Kuhrt: It's with the mission and the vision of the open 
  Wallet foundation so those are the sorts of things that were 
  really looking for to understand what the maturity of that 
  project is to understand which particular active stage it had 
  stoop whether it's experimental and go to Labs whether there is 
  kind of a growth plan for for making this project in production 
  ready and to be adopted by other folks or whether.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  there's already some.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Impact that is happening with this project where 
  people have adopted it there's good sort of healthy Community 
  open source Community practices that are ongoing there they know 
  how to do releases or they've done long-term supports for their 
  particular project had so looking at those different stages to 
  try and figure out what the right stages for a project and then 
  obviously projects do reach an end of life at some point I am.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  so we do have the Americas stage for those 
  particular projects.
Tracy_Kuhrt: We obviously don't have any projects in that stage 
  yet we're not old enough to to have gone through the entire 
  Project Life Cycle.
Tracy_Kuhrt: This is a high level status of pain of what we've 
  been doing in the technical community there is a lot of 
  information here a lot of links so definitely take a look and see 
  what's here but we have put together governance for the open 
  world foundation for the technical projects we have approved for 
  different projects all in the lab state from to St job projects 
  to a farm worker wallet OS.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  and then just recently we are.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The VC API project we do have two proposals in the 
  pipeline for wallet framework dotnet in an Android identity 
  library that we will be reviewing in our upcoming technical 
  advisory council meeting this Wednesday for different sorts of 
  community meetings you can see we do have a number of special 
  interest groups that have been set up architecture special 
  interest group a credential format comparison special interest 
  group digital wallet and agent overview.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  a special interest group.
Tracy_Kuhrt: A safe wallet special interest group so you can see 
  information about each of these what they're intending to do and 
  capture in the special interest groups we also have a task force 
  that's have focused on the open ID for VC trying to figure out if 
  there are projects that we can bring into the open Wallet 
  Foundation specifically focused on that particular specification 
  and then of course we do have the technical advisory Council 
  meetings that do occur.
Kerri Lemoie: Slides: 
Tracy_Kuhrt: The community calendar so you can click on that and 
  see when all of the different products different Community 
  meetings are occurring I do have also in the presentation ways to 
  get involved with the open Wallet Foundation from joining our 
  mailing list or Discord server we also have the GitHub repos that 
  you can take a look at and look community calendar itself as you 
  may or may not be aware the Linux Foundation project.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  checks are supported by a number of different 
Tracy_Kuhrt: These are the sponsors that have already signed up 
  at least as a when I took this screenshot I do think we have 
  another one Microsoft who should end up in the General sponsors 
  here but yeah these are the sponsors that we do have and I think 
  with that it was a quick overview I did really want to get to 
  questions and see where people want it to take this and with that 
  is all that I have for.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  or slides.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thanks Tracy I put the slides in the chat again 
  because there's a lot of Great Links in there that folks may want 
  to look into we don't have any questions yet so I'll kick it off 
  with what one is is there one specific open-source license that 
  you're using for all of the projects or does it depend on the 
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah so the Preferred Open Source license that we 
  have is apache2 we do have the ability to discuss and see if 
  there are other licenses that might meet the needs of the 
  sponsors and see if those will be accepted as well.
Kerri Lemoie:  Awesome especially because I know that you know 
  some of the projects I may want to donate to a while Foundation 
  already have some license attached that's good to know I noticed 
  that well first of all I've put folks in as the DCC is on this 
  list of sponsors because we're really excited as an organization 
  to be part of this we think this work is great.
Kerri Lemoie:  Other question I have for you before other people 
  jump in and help other folks jumping because I think there are a 
  lot of folks here are probably curious about this I started BC 
  API is on there which is great do you know host those meetings at 
  open world Foundation instead of them being my ccg meeting or 
  like how does that work when they move from like a work item say 
  it's ECG token wallet Foundation.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah so these are the projects again so the 
  community meetings will continue to happen where they are so for 
  these specification type meetings they will happen where they are 
  the open Wallet foundation will host any sort of meetings that 
  maybe the maintainers of the project went to host so for to talk 
  about the actual underlying implementation but not the 
  specification so we wouldn't take it.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  any sort of specification work into the open.
Tracy_Kuhrt: It's really just the implementation and the 
  conversations around say the road map of the project itself there 
  might be meetings around that there might be meetings at people 
  host around you're trying to get people interested in 
  contributing source code you know I know in some of the other 
  open source organizations that I'm part of they have things like 
  programming they have meetings where they do updates on what 
  they're working on.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  So You Know It.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The idea here it really is not to not to move work 
  from where it's happening today because those groups are already 
  formed so if there's specification work that's happening in 
  different organization those that work should continue where it's 
  at we're really just looking for the work to help people with the 
  actual underlying implementation.
Kerri Lemoie:  That makes perfect sense thank you don't see any 
  questions you have in the chat so I'll ask you something else 
  what is key to us a little bit about your plan for the pre IW 
  meeting on Monday the 9th they know you are holding a session 
  some folks may be interested in that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yes we are holding a session let me see if I can 
  bring it up here because see hopefully now you can see the 
  developer face-to-face tab that is on the screen okay great so 
  Monday morning October 9 9 to 12 p.m. Pacific we are hosting a 
  developer face-to-face the agenda.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  is here on this.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I will put this link in the chat as well they do 
  that right now so I don't forget oops.
Tracy_Kuhrt: There you go so really the idea is to get together 
  the different project maintainers have them discuss the projects 
  that they have contributed in order to get other people one 
  interested in contributing to the code and asking questions of 
  those project maintainers we're also going to be having a 
  workshop where we're going to tend to talk about what sort of 
  components do we want in an open wallet.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  system are there.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Existing projects that exist out there what sort of 
  collaboration might might we put together between what's 
  happening already in the ecosystem and the open Wallet foundation 
  and just thinking through kind of what the best way is to build 
  out the open Wallet Foundation this the next thing that we'll be 
  doing obviously is brainstorming so potential iiw topics for 
  people to be talking about during the week and and having some.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  um you know.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Had a pretty thought out ideas around iiw so in the 
  end there's kind of two goals in my mind for this one is to get 
  the community together so that we can meet face-to-face and 
  understand who the people are that we've been talking to for the 
  past six months to a year right depending on whether it was pre 
  formation or after formation and you know start to build those.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  those Bonds in those.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Some chips words easier to have these conversations 
  offline if you will right or not face-to-face but in the you know 
  online space I guess so and then the second thing really is just 
  a understand where people want to take the old woman Foundation 
  what are the sorts of things that would make sense to do to 
  contribute to the open Wallet Foundation that we should be going 
  out and having conversations with others to say hey did you know 
  that the open-world foundation exists and what are the sorts of.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  objects that you're working on that you might want 
  to bring to to the opener.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I think those are the two major sorts of things that 
  I want to accomplish out of this and I think that this is a 
  really good way to do that.
Kerri Lemoie:  That's awesome Tracy I think you guys may know 
  because we've chatted about it a little bit that your session 
  this procession is at the same time as our plugfest session so 
  we're wondering and they do not you know to answer this or to put 
  you on a spot by maybe some of this could get recorded for those 
  of us who can't make it to both other we're going to try and 
  divide and conquer I think yeah just something to consider you 
  know to answer that now.
<daniel> Let’s coordinate this better next year!
Tracy_Kuhrt: No that's that's good hey I will I will have a 
  conversation and see what's possible I do know that it's a 
  combination virtual in person functionality here so there might 
  be some opportunities there but I make no promises obviously it 
  will depend on what we have available to make this happen.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah absolutely I mean when I did and I'm going to 
  think someone is in the keys I'll call on him to ask her one 
  thought about him session ideation is could be a requirements in 
  needs for education and Workforce while it's maybe we could a 
  cohort co-host a session.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah that sounds great.
<sharon_leu> I would love to be in on that!
Kerri Lemoie:  On our list as suburban a you have the floor.
<daniel> We should co-host an IIW session
Kerri Lemoie: +1 Daniel
Tracy_Kuhrt: I think that they are the ones that are back here 
  are really the sort of two questions that pertain to get asked 
  most frequently from people who are looking to participate in the 
  open world Foundation whether or not people can come in who don't 
  have any need collaborators yet maybe they're that single 
  individual and then do I lose control of my project.
Tracy_Kuhrt:  I think that is one of the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Things that people have as they join these open 
  source foundations what exactly does this look like and how do 
  how do I continue to do the work that I've been doing without 
  having any sort of you know people suffering and trying to 
  control of the direction of my project Daniel would you say 
  there's other frequently asked questions that you've heard.
Daniel Buchner:  There is one question probably most pertinent in 
  my neck of the woods here in Europe which is how does this relate 
  to the EU D I work the European digital identity Wallet work and 
  you know one the the code that Google is in the process of 
  contributing will be relevant in the Udi context I can't say more 
  publicly but there is going to be some connection there and we 
  are very hopeful that.
Daniel Buchner:   There's going to be a lot more.
Daniel Buchner:  Connection with the Udi project in the future 
  obviously it's already been announced that the code in Europe is 
  going to be open source and there is going to be a need to build 
  a strong developer Community around that code as well so you know 
  in a nutshell we don't see the work of the open Wallet Foundation 
  at all to be competitive with what's happening in the Udi context 
  in Europe but rather hopefully really help.
Daniel Buchner:  To those those initiatives.
Daniel Buchner:  And then maybe one other question that I'm 
  getting sometimes you have to be a member in order to contribute 
  code or to use code and they are the simple answer is no you 
  definitely don't those are really two separate things the the 
  members of the open Wallet Foundation are primarily responsible 
  to make sure that the money that they contribute to open wallet 
  is used in a way that makes sense.
Daniel Buchner:   And what.
Daniel Buchner:  Is exactly how it should be but anyone can use 
  code and anyone can propose to contribute code you don't have to 
  be a member to do so I know that Tracy you mentioned that earlier 
  but this is definitely one of the one of the questions that comes 
  up and then maybe the last one which Tracy also mentioned is how 
  about standards and just to reiterate the open Wallet Foundation 
  is not an sto we're not competing with the w3c or the fight 
Daniel Buchner:   Science or the open ID Foundation we're not 
  trying to create.
Daniel Buchner:  Nerds but rather to ensure that everything we do 
  is hopefully based on existing Open Standards what we will try to 
  do is bring different code components together that mix-and-match 
  code lots and lots of different standards and hopefully the work 
  of the open Wallet Foundation is going to contribute to a future 
  where different standards work better together than the they 
  already do but nothing we do is try.
Daniel Buchner:   Dying to.
Daniel Buchner:  With the work of this deals.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you it's really helpful Danielle.
Kerri Lemoie:  Let me check the here Sharon you are next.
Sharon Leu:  Thank you I have a question that's a little bit 
  different than the questions that have been asked for before you 
  mentioned that there was sort of a government government Advisory 
  Group as well as you know work to align it with like Udi what is 
  your thinking about how this works for companies or organizations 
  that work in the u.s. context where there's not sort of a burning 
  body already like how to enable it like adoption and sort of you.
Sharon Leu:   Use of some of these like Open Standards.
Daniel Buchner:  Tracy I'm not sure if you want to answer that or 
  if I should take a stab.
Daniel Buchner:  So you know this is a huge Challenge and I don't 
  want to go on record and say yeah you know the open Wallet 
  Foundation has it all covered were going to be the magic Silver 
  Bullet that is going to solve every challenge here there are some 
  countries and jurisdictions where there is a clear lead by you 
  know certain part of the government in terms of creating a.
Daniel Buchner:   Trust framework and.
Daniel Buchner:  Reference framework in terms of software and 
  architecture there are some countries where there are even 
  several different parts of the public sector proposing slightly 
  different things you know maybe one in the area of identity and 
  another one in the area of cbdc's for instance you know Central 
  Bank digital currencies and then there are countries where the 
  public sector does not have a lot of.
Daniel Buchner:   Of opinion on.
Daniel Buchner:  Should or should not be created or behave in the 
  future and then there are of course a lot of different companies 
  in a lot of different Industries looking at wallets from Fairly 
  different perspectives again in the identity space or in the 
  payment space or for academic credentials or for authentication 
  and authorization and getting access to cars or hotel rooms or 
  maybe Fido pass keys.
Daniel Buchner:  Is a very very complicated space and if this was 
  Mars and there would be you know 20 people poor smart and well 
  intended and we would try to figure this out with a clean sheet 
  of paper I think the answer would look very different but given 
  the complexity that we're facing what we're trying to do is 
  basically a bottom-up approach so we're going out there and we're 
  trying to get as many developers and maintainers.
Daniel Buchner:   As possible.
Daniel Buchner:  To be interested to contribute code to an 
  organization that is attempting to erect a really big tent and 
  we're trying to do the same thing with governments and we see 
  that different governments again you know have very different 
  ideas which Departments of the government should be responsible 
  for the wallet space and the hope is that we're going to create 
  and build code together but in order to do.
Daniel Buchner:   Do that we have to build something that is.
Daniel Buchner:  Just as important which is to build Bridges and 
  to build trust in some cases even between different parts of the 
  government of the same country or between different divisions and 
  groups of the same company and you know at the end of that is 
  really to bridge different jurisdictions across boundaries and 
  very different ideas which Technologies to use so all that is to.
Daniel Buchner:  To be a long-term effort and there is no 
  guarantee we're going to succeed but in our opinion the best 
  possible hope to get to anywhere anytime soon is to bring the 
  right people together and start asking the right questions and 
  hopefully finding the right answers together.
Kerri Lemoie:  I think Daniel only think so too this is a great 
  way to start I mean there are so many different different ways of 
  processing even just academic credentials right now and it's 
  great to have an organization like this where we can really start 
  thinking about not just that but also because we already doing 
  some of that here right at ccg but also thinking about how do 
  these credentials relate to other credentials and how do wallets 
Kerri Lemoie:   Become applications not just you know the holding 
  of the.
Kerri Lemoie:  How will this evolved over time and so having you 
  know a place where we can meet and discuss these things centrally 
  is pretty great I think so thank you for this.
Daniel Buchner:  Yeah and again you know the idea is not to 
  compete with someone like the ccg or to compete with the large 
  scale pilots in Europe or to compete with you know any sto The 
  Hope really is that open Wallet Foundation is at the same time 
  the least ambitious and maybe most ambitious organization in this 
  space least ambitious because we are not trying to Champion 
  anyone credential format we're not trying to.
Daniel Buchner:  You know did the the board or or Tracy or I is 
  executive director we don't try to push our own ideas and our own 
  agenda and say this is how the architecture of a global wallet 
  would be because there are architectural ideas in Europe and Anil 
  has ideas and you know there's so many ideas out there what we're 
  trying to do is create a safe space for people to come together 
  and have discussions.
Daniel Buchner:   Russians together and hopefully.
Daniel Buchner:  There is going to be consensus but consensus not 
  in that the open Wallet Foundation is trying to tell anyone what 
  to do but consensus in bringing people together who will find 
  common ground and you know see how they can Bridge the gaps 
  whether they are technical gaps whether they are philosophical 
  gaps sometimes or gaps in trust Frameworks and and then 
  eventually get to a point where you know very different code 
Daniel Buchner:   Basis as.
Daniel Buchner:  Tribute to today are able to be used in a you 
  know Less in a way that has less and less friction over time.
Daniel Buchner:  So this is just to say you know I really applaud 
  the work that the ccg is doing and we applaud the work that the 
  w3c is doing and hopefully we can play a small part in bringing 
  different folks together with different ideas on how to do 
Kerri Lemoie:  That's excellent Daniel that's really great thank 
Kerri Lemoie:  Do not see anybody else in the queue right now 
  Tracy is there anything else you would like to add or Daniel 
  before we move on to some iiw ideation here ourselves.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I think the only thing that I would add is I'm 
  looking forward to seeing you know folks here either continue to 
  join the the meanings of vehicle and Foundation or to begin 
  joining those meetings and for us to continue to have these sorts 
  of discussions I think they're very useful to see where everybody 
  is at the moment and to really figure out how we can move this 
Kerri Lemoie:  That's great thanks Traci it'll be nice to meet 
  you in person after all those times for do that too okay bones 
  I'm going to um open up the floor in the last few minutes that we 
  have for two topics one is IW ideation for VC edu I made a 
  document that you could always see make sure it's public before I 
  share this one second there we go.
Kerri Lemoie:   I made a document.
Kerri Lemoie: 
Kerri Lemoie:  Put some thoughts about IW vcg ideation nothing in 
  this document will you know we won't hold you to anything it just 
  sort of want to put some ideas down so I sort of just put in two 
  ideas one is for credential rendering and using render method the 
  DCC is started working on something you doing that we actually 
  should be able to demo it later this fall sometime so I would 
  love to talk about that maybe I was special.
Kerri Lemoie:   And about that also maybe we.
<sharon_leu> Isn't the real question who is person who is tallest 
  and/or has the pointiest elbows to get the session on the board.
Kerri Lemoie:  So chair or co-chair session with whom Allah 
  Foundation about wallet requirements and needs for the space that 
  we're all working in we do have a requirements document there was 
  more like technical requirements that the DCCC did a couple of 
  years ago I think now it maybe this could be more of like you 
  know what are the needs what are the user interface needs you 
  know what do we really need to do now with these wallets so I 
  created this document where you can add ideas.
Kerri Lemoie:   As you could chime in on ideas that are here.
Kerri Lemoie:  Something that we.
Kerri Lemoie:  Even talk about more abundant slugfest.
Kerri Lemoie:  And if you have any ideas now that you'd like to 
  talk about that would be great the floor is open Nate.
Nate_Otto_(he/him): Hey I'm unfortunately not going to be there 
  to offer the session I wish I could one thing that's been on my 
  mind recently has been around presentation requests and the 
  amount of specificity and maybe we're finding where the limits 
  were query by example might work specifically within the 
  education space we have you know a great standard in open badges 
  that can express a whole lot of different achievements at skills.
Nate_Otto_(he/him):  competencies assessments passing all the way 
  up through degrees.
<kerri_lemoie> Fixed edit access in the doc
Nate_Otto_(he/him): The ability for us to query for specific 
  badges that might fit our purposes out of wallet might be we 
  certainly can't rely on type based querying and query by example 
  might have some issues to so I'm curious if there's any great 
  thoughts that come out of the people who are showing up at iiw or 
  even in a future BCE you call to dive into finding more use cases 
  for how do we want to query for badges that MIT press.
Nate_Otto_(he/him):  meet particular.
Kerri Lemoie:  A cobra cranking it.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> lol
Kerri Lemoie:  Funny I'm sorry I'm laughing because I was looking 
  with the transcriber how it just translated what I said and a 
  cobra cranking it might just be a really good name for a band in 
  the future so take note of that one right before we close here 
  we're about five more minutes so feel free to you know take that 
  document I just added edit access to it feel free to add to it 
  play around in there I mean this is really just a place.
Kerri Lemoie:   For you to ideate lastly in the last.
Kerri Lemoie:  And does anybody have any questions right now 
  about plugfest logistics I know it's not a lot of time to ask 
  questions and we do have the slack where you can ask some more 
  specific questions but just wanted to open up the floor now since 
  this is the last BC at you call before we have click Fest.
<phil_t3> Kerri - Dmitri, Golda, and  I are thinking about 
  offering as session if there is interest on the latest on 
<sharon_leu> Thanks!
Kerri Lemoie:  You are an unusually quiet group today I expected 
  expected lots of questions I hope you all have a great week and 
  I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on Monday and next week 
  and take care thank you.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> Thanks all! Wish I could be there 
  next week!
<phil_t3> Thanks everyone!
<daniel> Thank you!

Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 15:32:54 UTC