Re: How much is it reasonable to generalize from the TruAge implementation?

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 7:59 PM Adrian Gropper <> wrote:
> Your list of different capabilities is about as user-hostile as I can imagine.

Some of them absolutely are, and that's the point. That's one of the
reasons I'm personally concerned.

To be clear: I disagree deeply with some of the capabilities listed
because 1) they're overly invasive (thus harm privacy -- but in some
cases there ways to achieve the same guarantees in a
privacy-protecting manner), 2) they're anti-competitive (if there are
no open standards to provide the features), and 3) they're not
appropriate for a large number of use cases (you don't need a remote
biometric verification from me for a movie ticket, or really, most use

The question you asked, however, is if there is a difference between
the terminology introduced, and that's the question I was answering.

As Steve mentioned in his response, there wouldn't be an expectation
that individuals would have to navigate or make those decisions
directly, but as I said in a previous email, I'm concerned about them
being navigated into a privacy-invasive transaction.

There are a few ways to do feature/capability detection in a
privacy-preserving way, and there are many ways to do it in a
privacy-invasive manner.

> Please consider working with civil society groups and avoiding euphemisms.

Your response comes off as a "gotcha"; you seem to have jumped to a
conclusion and accused those participating of acting in bad faith (not
engaging civil society, using euphemisms to hide something nefarious).
This is an unpleasant pattern with you, Adrian. Please consider
engaging in a more productive manner by not making unfounded

A number of us have been personally involved in conversations w/ the
Center for Democracy and Technology, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, and the American Civil Liberties Union for years about the
application of Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized identifiers.
Many of us care deeply about decentralization and protecting people's
privacy. Presume good faith and request information rather than
asserting general falsehoods.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2023 15:56:23 UTC