[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force} Call - 2023-03-13

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2023-03-13

  1. IP Note
  2. Call Notes
  3. Introductions & Reintroductions
  4. Open Agenda
  5. W3C CV3
  6. VC 2.0
  7. ETH Denver
  8. HR Open
  Our Robot Overlords
  Simone Ravaoli, Stuart Freeman, TimG, Nis Jespersen , Jeff O - 
  HumanOS, Phil L (P1), Kerri Lemoie, Kaliya Young, Susan Stroud, 
  Mahesh Balan - pocketcred.com, Phil Barker, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), PL/T3 ASU, Sharon Leu, 
  Taylor (LEF), Eric Shepherd, Dmitri Zagidulin, Geun-Hyung, 
  Kimberly Linson, Deb Everhart, Kayode Ezike, Jim Goodell, Naomi, 

Simone Ravaoli: Organizer: Simone Ravaioli
<kerri_lemoie> Hello all!
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<phil_l_(p1)> Would someone (Kerri/Simone) say something to test 
<kerri_lemoie> @Phil - SImone is speaking now
<phil_l_(p1)> @Kerri - thanks I'll have to restart my browser.

Topic: IP Note

Kerri Lemoie:  Not am not seeing the transcriber it was going now 
  it stopped again.
Kerri Lemoie:  There it is it's back though there we go all right 
  thank you.

Topic: Call Notes

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

Kerri Lemoie:  Hi there I wanted to share with you all is 
  exciting being a we're going to be doing pretty soon and actually 
  you could try it right now if you would like to we are doing our 
  first BC edu badge and it is an intro to chappie badge and you 
  can see it actually at the chappie playground that digital Bazaar 
  has put together and put a link to it right here.
Kerri Lemoie:   And the chat home.
<kerri_lemoie> CHAPI Playground: 
Kerri Lemoie:  And so you will see when you go to this link.
Kerri Lemoie:  On the far right that there is an intruder chappy 
  credential and just simply by using a wallet the ones at the 
  bottom right now are listed the various quality or learned Card 
  Wallet definitely have chappie integrated or implemented you can 
  issue that credential to yourself and then the point of this is 
  to actually get the credential by by doing it by learning how to 
  do it we're going to set up a web page that explains all of this 
  but I thought some of you that are on here.
Kerri Lemoie:   They might want to go and try this out for 
  yourself and play.
Kerri Lemoie:  Expect instructions web page the next couple weeks 
  or so ideally we'd like to do more education efforts like this 
  bcig so if you have an idea like this and you'd like to work on 
  it with us from your platform or or just have ideas you don't 
  know where to do it if you're interested in doing more education 
  efforts please reach out to us because we're really super 
  interested in helping people understand how all of the pieces of 
  the technology work so this is just our first sort of like toe 
Kerri Lemoie:   Her toes into this okay that's it that's what I 
  have any.
Kerri Lemoie:  For thank you.
PL/T3_ASU: Hi did you hear me thank you just as an information 
  note it's come to our attention of a number of us that there is a 
  new work group being proposed it's just a by the way a good time 
  some money to talk about that or would you like me to wait on 

Topic: Open Agenda

PL/T3_ASU: Sure so it cost someone's radar at w3c including Manos 
  a Manos Barney who alerted a number of us that a proposal was up 
  in the proposed w3c work group Pages which describes.
PL/T3_ASU:  a new.
Simone Ravaoli: https://www.w3.org/community/cv3/
PL/T3_ASU: Group being proposed called CV 3.0 and a description 
  of it was essentially to explore what a new resume structure 
  would look like in the context of the I assume these using the CV 
  3.0 yet though he doesn't quite explicitly say so in the context 
  of web three related stuff there is only.
PL/T3_ASU:  only two.
PL/T3_ASU: Names listed on the page the person that proposed it 
  who is from an organization called the io foundation and and a 
  colleague of ours Ian Davidson from identify and in conversation 
  with Ian he said that he's joined it only because of the annouced 
  sort of alert message that man who sent via email to some of us 
  since he thought since he received that he joined in order to.
PL/T3_ASU:  being made sure he got any messages that might be.
PL/T3_ASU: Sent through to that group to understand and be 
  engaged in what they're thinking there have been no messages as 
  far as we can tell and no one else has joined as far as we can 
  tell that group and so as a result I think the the message I 
  spoke with Ian earlier today and we're going to compose an email 
  to the.
PL/T3_ASU:  founder of that.
PL/T3_ASU: To be named Jean Carol Carol not sure I'm pronouncing 
  that properly Q UE R alt which who is I believe Belgium and and 
  just asked him if he was aware that there is a several activities 
  going on in w3c under the auspices generally of the ccg community 
  group of which the vce to you as a task force under it and and.
PL/T3_ASU:  for which the DC we're good.

Topic: W3C CV3

<kaliya_identity_woman> can you post a link to the proposed 
  working group?
<kaliya_identity_woman> community group I mean.
Simone Ravaoli: https://www.w3.org/community/cv3/
PL/T3_ASU: Is a formal work group that is addressing verifiable 
  credentials broadly as a standard and also to indicate that 
  there's been Outreach to the standards organization off for HR HR 
  Open Standards who are incorporating the verifiable credential 
  data structure into into their Json schema and with this 
PL/T3_ASU:  Jean be willing to.
PL/T3_ASU: To bring that conversation into the ccg which would 
  have a presumably wider immediate audience to discuss what he's 
  thinking and and take it from there so that's the status of that 
  it could very well be that this CV 3.0 group will Wither on its 
  own and and disappear since there hasn't been anything or anyone.
PL/T3_ASU:  join it or any activity.
PL/T3_ASU: Associated with it in the several weeks it's been up 
  so far and we hope that if this conversation goes forward it 
  would happen within the auspices of the broader ccg community and 
  and so that's the best I can give as an update and thanks to Manu 
  for alerting many of us that it was something he saw posted in 
  that we should probably be aware of it and consider what steps to 
PL/T3_ASU:  take and.
PL/T3_ASU: The current plan for steps to take any questions.
Kaliya Young:  I know actually a conference and he's coming to I 
  owe you so I have it's as like surprised to see this with its 
  particular framing has some really interesting ideas about ADA 
  and human rights and.
Kaliya Young:  I think really high of his work and thinking in 
  terms of really put forward the kitten that.
Kaliya Young:  Like or seeing programmer as Frontline he writes 
  workers and really trying to bridge the gap between what the 
  so-called digital right Community says what hodak might do so.
Kaliya Young:   I know.
Kaliya Young:  That you got some reached out and I think if 
  you're coming to iiw we can talk to him and said there.
<jeff_o_-_humanos> Agree regarding his Jean Q's work and looking 
  forward to seeing him there
<taylor_(lef)> Badge Summit proposals due March 17 - 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): A couple of 
  things to note first off it looks to me like this has been around 
  for a week all of seven days so I'm not surprised that there 
  isn't a lot of activity there yet second it's important to be 
  clear in our terminology this is a community group not a W3 
  working group the two are very very different in how they come 
  about and what they do.
<pl/t3_asu> Thanks for the correction in terminology TallTed
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): There should 
  be no problem in having a parallel community group on with this 
  kind of focus and there's also nothing wrong with it being folded 
  in and becoming a work item in this community group if that's 
  what everybody thinks makes sense I'm guessing that lets you 
  crawl doesn't know about us.
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks @TallTed
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thanks Simona so I wasn't a teeth Denver 
  unfortunately but I wanted to bring up another item which is so 
  the verifiable credential 2.0 working group is aiming towards a 
  feature freeze at the end of the month meaning due to the 
  Machinery of w3c working groups in order to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   To fulfill.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Are not run over.

Topic: VC 2.0

Dmitri Zagidulin:  The group meets aggressively moved towards 
  finalizing this back and working backwards from all of the 
  deadlines in means feature freeze at the end of this month so 
  just a heads up to people those those of you who are part of the 
  working group you probably already know this take a look through 
  the features see if something crucial is missing or something's 
  obviously broken bring it up of interest to this particular group 
  are two topics.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   That may or may.
<susan_stroud> What key conferences, summits, etc., does this 
  group plan to attend for the remainder of the year?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Able to make it into the spec by the end of 
  the month the one is the proposed render hint property and the 
  other one is a mechanism to cryptographically link credentials 
  together the digest field so yep just a heads up peach trees 
  coming which the overall op shot is that soon will have soon in 
  quotes we will have a variable credential 2.0.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Specification which.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That's it for me thanks.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Susan - ooh, great question, re conferences
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah I just wanted to follow up and went to meet 
  you is saying it TJ I was wondering if you could say a little bit 
  more about any other changes I think there are some like other 
  property changes that will affect probably the badges spec in 
  some way.
Kerri Lemoie:  I think I'm thinking of issuance date Maybe.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah great point I'll do that I just have to 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Sure okay so I won't I'll just start ripping 
  the queue while we're on the topic of the sequential data model 
  to the main breaking changes so far have been the renaming of 
  several date fields mean.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  She wants date has been renamed to valid after 
  and expiration date has been renamed to valid well I'm sorry 
  about before.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  No I got that backwards one second let me pull 
  up this but but but the upshot is that expiration and issuance 
  have been renamed that's keeping the one there's been.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Some clarification and additional definitions 
  on what it means to be a verifiable credential and what needs to 
  be a regular credential on verifiable there's currently an in 
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> nbf = not 
  valid before
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Registration hopefully of a media type.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That would be something like and this is this 
  is again so in progress so it'll probably be finalized by the end 
  of the month but something like application slash credential + LD 
  + Json or something related I think those are the two main.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Changes are salted or anybody else from the 
  group please feel free to hop on and.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And fill-in items I missed.
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks!
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> might be 
Taylor_(LEF): How about now sorry about that.
Taylor_(LEF): Yeah thanks to money I was yeah permissions by 
  phone and Jesse was just giving a quick update having been 
  supporting the Denver and did day and Wallach on a number of 
  events over the last couple weeks I thought it went really well 
  super well-attended think we had probably 90 to 100 packed into a 
  room and Denver for today I'll pipe.
Taylor_(LEF):  don't think the recording is quite there yet but 
  I'll make.

Topic: ETH Denver

<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> I'm curious about how those 
  changes in date properties were decided,  since validity and 
  expiration mean different things
Taylor_(LEF): To send it out to the group so that everyone can 
  review that if it's of Interest the whole day did get to get 
  recorded so we have that and yeah overall super energizing really 
  cool to just see alignment across the eight or ten groups that 
  that presented and yeah I'll kind of keep resources flowing as 
  they come in and I'll also share a link here for those that are 
  curious about the event but overall I'd say a lot of.
Taylor_(LEF):  just positive alignment and Storage.
Taylor_(LEF): See the just shared narrative around you know why 
  did how did just you know why they matter within the broader 
  digital identities landscape had a obviously a bit of a sort of 
  web three lean but yeah I thought it was just a really positive 
  and energizing event.
<dmitri_zagidulin> yeah, the two fields - 'validFrom' and 
<dmitri_zagidulin> hey, naming is hard :)
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): You know I'm not going to be 
  that person who complains about something where they didn't do 
  the work I just wanted to point out that validity is different 
  from expiration you know valid is the if the determination of the 
  value of the resource right and expiration is a date determined 
  so for example validity might be determined by the.
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): Receiver apart from what the 
  credential issuer determined as how the issuer defined expiration 
  so I'm not necessarily asking for any action I just wanted to 
  point out that they are two different things.
<dmitri_zagidulin> note that 'validUntil' does not refer to the 
  /resource/ or subject. it refers to the /credential/ itself
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): If I'm a leap 
  into that that's been an active piece of discussion and yes we 
  are aware of it these things are different things and getting 
  them still has been part of the challenge of this revision work I 
  should not have put not valid before I should have said not 
  before because yes they are different things and they have 
  different semantics they also have different kinds of 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Part of the 
  challenge is that other groups who have done similar work have 
  made similar mistakes at different points and in the 
  conversations about these things consistency is shall we say rare 
  even among people who are very well familiar with exactly what 
  they mean to be saying they use the wrong words of times case in 
  point me earlier.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): More 
  participation by more folks who are aware of these things but 
  appreciate you pointing it out anyway.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> just fyi, the CTDL definition: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I sure I just wanted to sort of clarify that 
  the valid until belongs not to any sort of resource or the 
  credential subject it specifically means that this credential is 
  valid until such a time which I think the group tells was fairly 
  synonymous semantically with expiration.
<kaliya_identity_woman> I need to run. Thanks everyone!

Topic: HR Open

PL/T3_ASU: Yeah I just don't know if it's been mentioned here 
  before or not but the HR open Community Open Standards group has 
  been working on a resume standard modification to its Jason a 
  Json schema for HR systems and they have incorporated into it 
  which should be open and public shortly I think by.
PL/T3_ASU:  the end of the month.
<simone_ravaioli> LER RS - LER Resume Standard
PL/T3_ASU: A a resume schema that is being referred to as Ellie 
  our RS for Ellie our resume standard and it is a sort of an 
  amalgamation or a hybrid of the former json-based schema that HR 
  open systems has been promoting for the purposes of being able to 
  ingest and process resumes and the.
PL/T3_ASU:  the addition is to incorporate.
PL/T3_ASU: Credentials of the form of json-ld that are from w3c's 
  data model and one add text to recent data models so they'll be V 
  3 and C LR V 2 and we will and that will be visible that will be 
  public in a I think by the end of the month it does not 
  facilitate at present the sending of credentials in VC form to a.
PL/T3_ASU: Application system that is if following the HR Open 
  Standards that because there is no mechanism at this point in the 
  HR side to be able to receive that sort of thing other than as a 
  file upload from your creation of an account on a on a job board 
  or similar similar mechanism that is currently in place so.
PL/T3_ASU:  this is clearly a.
PL/T3_ASU: Step towards something that is more open and accepting 
  of credential sent by wallets but it is it's not it doesn't do 
  that currently you would have to be on a job site and be prompted 
  to upload your verifiable credential via a flight typical file 
  upload process from your account on that site.
PL/T3_ASU: Just to respond to that and Dimitri feel free to jump 
  in as well the the lers standard does offer a means by which a 
  verifier from that is embracing and using the HR Open Standards 
  can can execute a verification of a VC.
PL/T3_ASU: We gave them some advice when we in this case Dimitri 
  and I gave him some some advice as to how they could do that 
  without requiring existing verifiers in the w3c VC world to 
  rewrite their verification code so in that sense we were trying 
  to do exactly or dress exactly a question you're raising are we 
  making it harder for folks to verify credentials in Our intention 
  was to show that there is a way they could do that that doesn't 
PL/T3_ASU:  sure they are verifiable credential community and 
PL/T3_ASU: Verifiers to modify code to be able to respond to a 
  request for verification from an HR System that adopts This Ellie 
  RS4 s standard themselves so I don't think we're aware of that 
  problem and and so I and there are ways I think that we can 
  minimize it it doesn't address anything beyond verification in 
  the sense of tamper evidence which is.
PL/T3_ASU:  quickly in.
PL/T3_ASU: Chang is what are additional methods for validation of 
  the credential and its quality and other sorts of Dimensions 
  which so far outside of the scope of the VC definitions.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah thanks for thanks for that feeling thanks for 
  asking this question so any 22 okay this is just a talk first 
  about the two standards we know that education centers that we 
  know are have been aligned with verifiable credentials right we 
  have open Badges and CLR so far that are ready to use and CLR for 
  CRV one primarily was assistant the system exchange it was like 
  behind the scenes sort of like you know students transferring or 
  data available to the students but not.
Kerri Lemoie:   Necessarily occurred in chaleur verifiable claim.
Kerri Lemoie:  Until this version and with open badges what we've 
  we saw is that most platforms made it possible for people to 
  share their badges online and there was more of a human and and 
  social verification right then then then the the verification 
  number talking about now and so I think for open badges I don't 
  think it's going to increase friction I think instead it adds 
Kerri Lemoie:   And IT addresses an audience that we haven't been 
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> 74M
Kerri Lemoie:  Absolutely recently we've been talking to issuers 
  mostly and there are a lot of open badges in the world like I 
  mean I think the report came out about how many like badges 
  probably have been issued many many thousands of Hedges and many 
  of them never see the light of day they just sit on servers or 
  maybe they get shared at one point in time on Facebook or 
  LinkedIn or something and so I think I don't think we're adding 
  friction because that can still happen right you can still issue 
  open badges B3.
Kerri Lemoie:   Three that can be shared online just like they 
  can be now but I think we're adding additional functionality.
Kerri Lemoie:  The verifier also we talked about this ceremony 
  now and I love that word ceremony ceremony so thank you for using 
  it but we don't have to do the verification that way right that 
  is just one of the ways that it's being proposed now that is you 
  know what one of the more direct ways where we actually know so 
  how it works really is that the for those who don't know is that 
  the verifier sends a request and they say please send these very 
  specific types of credentials I we want to see one that's a 
Kerri Lemoie:   One that's maybe.
Kerri Lemoie:  You know a student ID and they're all type of open 
  badge and then the wallet knows what to look for and the person 
  can send those specific credentials and and this is very 
  different because it's not like people are like we have this 
  concept of like over badging which I don't never believed it with 
  open Badges of they're all of these Badges and existence and 
  nobody knows what they all do but in this case the verifier 
  specifically says I just want to know about these specific 
  warrants and I think that's going to be really powerful.
Kerri Lemoie:   I don't think it's gonna have to fiction but I 
  think there's I'll stop soon.
Kerri Lemoie:  Ahead of us.
Kerri Lemoie:  We can we can overcome that.
Kerri Lemoie: +1 Simone
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Simone - I think giving users many options 
  /besides/ QR codes is crucial. (like how LCW allows creation of a 
  public human-readable link for a credential, etc)
PL/T3_ASU: Next yeah I just wanted I guess my I'm trying to 
  remember my comment now because the the question really that's 
  emerging is I think starting to spill over from what you your 
  provocation and Carries response indicates is around things like 
  trust Registries and and the like to add another layer of of 
PL/T3_ASU:  about the.
PL/T3_ASU: Its contents as opposed to its structure and whether 
  it has been touched and I think that's the direction that that 
  were now moved in we've moved into and and it's important one 
  because it's a it's one that has the potential for exclusion as 
  well as inclusion of a community that we want to be mindful of 
  and be careful about so I just wanted to make that connection.
Kerri Lemoie: Re: Trust Registries - if you missed last Tues CCG 
  call, the agenda was about a new group springing up to discuss 
  verifiable lists: 
Sharon Leu:  Thanks actually this is a question for Phil so I'm 
  glad you were ahead of me in the queue so this conversation has 
  me thinking not just about the options for the holder of the 
  credential but I'm curious whether the a jar open group had done 
  any kind of sort of user design research on what is it that the 
  verifier would like to do with the credential I'm curious because 
  your group seems to flip it approaches this problems at from the 
  flip side as you know a lot of us who do work with.
Sharon Leu:   Holders and in.
Sharon Leu:  I'm curious whether in thinking through what do 
  verifiers want to do with this whether it has impacted the way 
  that you have sort of designed any of the processes or anything 
  like that so very curious about how and whether you will include 
  some kind of ride up of that in your spec documents.
PL/T3_ASU: Simona should I go ahead now.
PL/T3_ASU: Sure thanks Sharon that's a great great observation 
  the initial stages was simply as was articulated before to to 
  allow for the credentials of the vcl ER type to be included into 
  the HR applications that such as applicant tracking and matching 
  tools and representations in actual HR information.
PL/T3_ASU: The conversation about what the verifier AKA in this 
  chance I'm interpreting that to mean the employer is looking for 
  is is one that is is starting but it's not it hasn't been the 
  focus yet of whole lot of a concentrated discussion in part 
  because the impression seems to be that the data that the 
  employers seek.
PL/T3_ASU:  eek they.
PL/T3_ASU: They've already incorporated into their schema and 
  that includes a whole bunch of things that we wouldn't 
  potentially necessarily think about but which are important to 
  many different employers that have to do with you know status of 
  various licensing and other other parameters that are directly 
  related to a particular job 81-point that has been discussed is.
PL/T3_ASU: Information that an employer seeks based on what the 
  employers themselves have been concerned about which is 
  information about the applicants preferences for work conditions 
  that includes being able to commute from their current location 
  to the job site and what what implications that might have on 
  their decision-making aspects of job flexibility aspects of other 
PL/T3_ASU:  ending criteria that may be important.
PL/T3_ASU: With the applicant and that the employers know 
  influence applicant decision making but which they have not 
  formally included into into the information about the applicant 
  themselves and so we have had some extended discussions about 
  those aspects of what employers are seeking and and there is in 
  the existing Json schema some Editions.
PL/T3_ASU:  and that.
PL/T3_ASU: Right time to commute times and our flexibility for 
  work and other things that that an individual might want to have 
  as a decision-making parameter in whether a job is worth their 
  pursuit or not and I can dig through and summarize some of that 
  hasn't been written up formally but it's in the notes of the 
  meetings and I can pull that out and summarize and try to bring 
  it back to the group but that's the extent of.
<sharon_leu> Thanks, Phil.
<pl/t3_asu> @sharon - there is a quality of work dimension that 
  influences  employers in this tight job market. This might 
  suggest at VC that describes these attributes  might be useful to 
Sharon Leu:  Sorry can I follow up on that this is the question 
  for feels so I hear you on the like you know qualities of like 
  work and preference that's more like in the data model itself I'm 
  curious like to the earlier conversation that Simone a and Carrie 
  were having about like ceremonies like whether there's anything 
  in particular about the workflow of verification that you.
Sharon Leu:   Sort of constructed that you think is maybe a 
Sharon Leu:  Based on the feedback that you have received from 
  working with various 80s providers.
PL/T3_ASU: May I respond directly some money.
PL/T3_ASU: Sure so around the ceremony the where this is actually 
  come up is in an acknowledgement that there is no feedback from 
  an employer to the applicant in any meaningful way currently and 
  a ceremony of its ceremony involving that is both a tricky 
  proposition as many lawyers.
PL/T3_ASU: Players to say very little for fear of liability and 
  whatever they say but but it is also the case that there the 
  employers are painfully painfully aware that applications don't 
  necessarily have a an individual's we submit them don't have a 
  mechanism to improve their prospects if they aren't given 
  feedback that a line that indicates to them the qualities.
PL/T3_ASU:  is that they.
PL/T3_ASU: To the job and where they might be strengthening 
  themselves if they were they were able to do some have additional 
  training in a particular way or or experiences that their 
  employers looking for that they're not presenting with respect to 
  verification per se I think the report on The Last Mile that 
  indicated that that verification is.
<simone_ravaioli> off topic: I like how the english transcription 
  of my name is "small money" (how true!) ;(
PL/T3_ASU: Significance to employers then we had perhaps really 
  hoped except for those employment current circumstances which 
  have high risk associated with with performance that is subpar in 
  that meaning things like Health Care Physicians and others we're 
  doing something inappropriately on a job has significant 
PL/T3_ASU:  but other than that.
PL/T3_ASU: Is considered a necessary step but the way in which 
  the VC world has had made that simpler to accomplish is one that 
  I think the HR folks are looking forward to but it is not 
  dispositive and decision-making.
Kerri Lemoie: +1
<kerri_lemoie> DCC Community Call: https://bit.ly/420cwUm
Kerri Lemoie:  I'm in reference to this topic we had a certain 
  human computer traction researchers from Georgia Tech from c21 
  you at Georgia Tech president last week last Thursday at the DCC 
  Community call and they did their research with employers and I 
  thought you made from you all my friend this interesting so this 
  is the recording and in the Chatters put that link and I will I 
  will publish the.
Kerri Lemoie:   The slides I have them somewhere.
<eric_sembrat_(gt,_he/him)> We've got slides and some boilerplate 
  write-up on the DCC call: 
Kerri Lemoie:  My email but they're not public but at that you 
  may find their their findings interesting and how the employers 
  they talk to this is just your small research study with with 
  about ten employers I think in each different there are two 
  different studies talking about you know what they saw is the 
  value of credentials what they need to know as they're coming 
  their way it will be helpful for them so we're checking out when 
  you have a moment okay Derek just put the slides that there.
Kerri Lemoie:   Thank you Eric.
<pl/t3_asu> Thank you Kerri!
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks for all the great topics all!
Kerri Lemoie:  It's money I don't know that I'm sorry I don't 
  remember what we're doing next week I do know very soon will be 
  ASU tln will be presenting an April.
Kerri Lemoie: TLN: https://tln.asu.edu/
<sharon_leu> Thanks!
<susan_stroud> Thanks!
<taylor_(lef)> Thanks :)

Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2023 15:36:45 UTC