Could Jevons Paradox take digital credentials in the wrong direction?

I’ve been thinking of expanding on my thoughts laid out in this issue[1]
about the potential harmful impact our work may lead to on the web. I know
traditionally the answer to this has been governance frameworks, but I’m
concerned that some governments and later the market due to Jevons
Paradox[2] are actually taking this technology in the wrong direction which
could lead to harmful effects. Particularly as more and more credentials
become available. Is this a view that concerns others within this community
and is there something we believe that should be done here or do others
think this work is justified and a net gain overall? I’d love to get more
people weighing in on that issue given this community’s involvement in the
credentials space. Where do you all land in this topic?


Received on Friday, 23 June 2023 21:27:24 UTC