Call for Papers - Trends in Digital Identity: Security, Privacy, and Trust
Call for Papers - Trends in Digital Identity: Security, Privacy, and Trust
Submission Status: Open   |   Submission Deadline: 31 October 2023

*EURASIP Journal on Information Security
<> *is calling for submissions
to our Collection on Trends in Digital Identity: Security, Privacy, and

Identity management is a critical component in the development and
deployment of digital services in a variety of applications, including
e-commerce, e-government, healthcare, and financial services. With the
increased adoption of digital technologies, the demand for reliable
identity management solutions is greater than ever. In this framework, many
challenges arise in terms of security, interoperability, data protection
and privacy. This involves both technical and regulatory aspects, thus
calling for collaboration among researchers and practitioners working in
various fields. This special issue seeks to foster this interdisciplinary
approach by providing a venue for sharing innovative solutions,
systematized knowledge, on-field experience and best practices derived from
dealing with digital identity systems.

We aim to explore cutting-edge solutions and approaches to identity
management that can help secure digital services against potential security
and privacy threats.

We encourage submissions on a range of topics, including but not limited

● Access Control in IoT and Distributed Systems
● Behavioral and Risk-based Authentication Mechanisms
● Compliance with Regulations such as eIDAS (2), PSD2, NIS2
● Cryptography for Digital Identity (e.g., hiding commitments, selective
disclosure signatures, zero knowledge proofs, accumulators, and secure
● Decentralized Identity and Self Sovereign Identity
● Digital Wallets and Verifiable Credentials (e.g., selective disclosure
and revocation)
● Identity for Web 3.0 and Metaverse
● Identity Governance and Administration
● Identity of Things and Cloud Security
● Mobile and Strong Authentication
● Passwordless Authentication (including passkeys)
● Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Identity Management
● Remote Identification, Onboarding and Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures
● Securing Identities for the Financial and Governmental Services
● Session Management for Seamless and Continuous Authentication
● Trust Frameworks for Identity Management Solutions
● Video-based identity proofing (e.g. automated face comparison,
impersonation attacks, document analysis)
● Zero Trust Architectures

Received on Friday, 23 June 2023 21:09:54 UTC