Re: Unlawful Unregistered Securities, DID and VC

+1 to both Chaals and Manu’s comments. There are serious allegations being made, some of which will result in jury trials. Until those are resolved however, they remain allegations.

Concern about the reputational threat to W3C for methods and the code that implements them is reasonable. The response by W3C at this stage I think should focus on what the goals and principles that guide W3C activities follow and their justification. Chaals Neville’s, along with Manu’s highlights some core guidance that we follow. At present our best ‘response’ is to use this as a ’teaching moment’ to a wider audience who likely has little or no understanding of the W3C, what it values or seeks to promote. Clarifying this and reiterating the principles guiding our work would help differentiate our work from the allegations and serve to bring those unfamiliar with us toward a greater understanding of our aims.


Phillip D. Long, Ph.D.

Advisor to ASU Enterprise Technologies on VC/LER,Digital Identities/Learning Environments
Arizona State University

Senior Fellow, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
Georgetown University
e: pl673@georgetown,edu<>

LER Network Facilitator
T3 Innovation Network, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation


On Jun 14, 2023, at 8:24 AM, Manu Sporny <> wrote:

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 14:14:14 (+02:00), Melvin Carvalho wrote:
st 7. 6. 2023 v 15:20 odesílatel Michael Prorock <> napsal:
Personal hat firmly on, I would be a fan of removing the did registry. Especially in favor of standardizing of few methods, such as did:web

That makes sense to me, Mike, as a possible way forward

-1, that sounds dangerously close to censoring everyone publishing a
DID Method in the registry just because of a few bad actors and
assertions that have yet to work their way through the legal system.

We shouldn't turn our back on those that are trying to re-decentralize
the Web. Yes, we should consider these events and discuss how we might
respond to them, but no, we shouldn't overreact and shut the whole
thing down (as much as there are those that would like to see that

Chaals said many of the things that I wanted to say, only more
eloquently put than I could have done.

I'm saying the above as one of the maintainers of the DID Spec
Registries, who is not fond of the amount of work that that particular
registry produces.

I'm also saying this as one of the DID WG members who fought hard to
ensure that we'd have a mechanism that allowed many flowers to bloom.

There are problems with the DID Spec Registries that need to be
addressed, but shutting the whole thing down sounds premature and
feels like an overreaction to events that are going to take years to

-- manu

Manu Sporny -;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!chH2EjO_2Rc5XplgXiZwsRljk0-bVsgj2DmW7aI-4jMfHYoB2MXwdwcJqvY8PONyOeWgf1FpjKuxEZfpR6J0lg$

Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!chH2EjO_2Rc5XplgXiZwsRljk0-bVsgj2DmW7aI-4jMfHYoB2MXwdwcJqvY8PONyOeWgf1FpjKuxEZcYnVbZjA$

Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 14:18:29 UTC