Re: FW: Selective Disclosure for W3C Data Integrity

On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 3:25 PM Markus Sabadello <> wrote:
> Maybe Manu or Dave can clarify, but my understanding is that DB's "Selective Disclosure Data Integrity Cryptosuite" has bindings between all the claims and the credential, and would therefore NOT allow the re-composition of claims from different credentials as described in Luca's car mileage example.

Yes, that's right, Markus. Also of relevance is that claims in the VC
data model are "subject property value" statements (or "triples") that
therefore bind properties and values to particular subjects. The
selective disclosure scheme we described signs these statements
directly (i.e., it does not break these statements up into their
constituent parts), so you cannot erroneously recombine
property-values with different subjects.


Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Saturday, 10 June 2023 17:51:43 UTC