I'll highlight this in an upcoming email about an exciting new convergence w/ the AnonCreds v2.0 folks and Data Integrity -- where Data Integrity was leveraged to allow us to put to rest a many-year-long conflict between the two approaches.
That’s very interesting. And fairly immediately relevant. We are just about to kick off this project https://uncefact.unece.org/display/uncefactpublic/Critical+Minerals+Traceability+and+Sustainability. It has participation by folks from anoncreds, this community, and the Singapore OA group. We will very likely face pilot scenarios where a single supply chain includes all three types and so we’ll be forced to play nicely together. It’s a business project t with some tech participation.
If anyone from this community wants to participate - the kick off call registration links are in this post https://www.linkedin.com/posts/uncefact_uncefact-criticalminerals-traceability-activity-7070323778567692288-d-e7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
There are 4 kick off calls. All the same. Just pick the one that suits your Timezone and availability
Steven Capell
Mob: 0410 437854
> On 4 Jun 2023, at 10:59 pm, Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com> wrote:
> I'll
> highlight this in an upcoming email about an exciting new convergence
> w/ the AnonCreds v2.0 folks and Data Integrity -- where Data Integrity
> was leveraged to allow us to put to rest a many-year-long conflict
> between the two approaches.