Re: Research study on misinformation, etc

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From: Girish Narang <>
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:43:54 PM
To: Mike Prorock <>; W3C Credentials CG <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: Research study on misinformation, etc

Hello Mike,

Thank you for sharing my research questionnaire<> to the group. I’d very much appreciate all your input to my research. And please feel free to share with your other network circle.  I have only one third of the required number of respondents (52/150).

A bit of background about myself: I’m based in Montreal- Canada and I work as a Cloud Solution Architect at SG, working in tech since 2003 I started as a software dev in .NET and doing architecture/design since 2012.  I have a keen interest in AI/Blockchain and during the pandemic, I wanted to develop – the management/people-side skill, hence opted to do an MBA with AI/Blockchain modules.

In my dissertation phase now.

The title of my research is: Tackling The Spread Of False Information On Social Media Platforms In The United States: With AI And Blockchain Technologies

Based on the following main research questions:

  *   What are the impacts of false information on individuals, organizations, or society in the United States?
  *   Why do we need to regulate false information like fake news and be held accountable in sharing them?
  *   How can technologies like Artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain help tackle this issue?

Here is my LinkedIn profile, if you’d like to connect to my professional network:<>

I am also adding:<> to the email thread – he is as well doing his research on a similar topic.

Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss on any similar topics. I am interested and keen to learn and share with like-minded individuals.

Have a great Friday and a great week end ahead.

Thank you and looking forward to connecting with you in the future.


Girish Narang

From: Mike Prorock <>
Sent: 05 January 2023 20:50
To: W3C Credentials CG <>
Subject: Research study on misinformation, etc

Interesting research study from a grad student came across my path and I thought I would share with the community if there is interest in the topic here:

Copying Girish who is running the study on this thread.

Mike Prorock<>

Received on Friday, 6 January 2023 15:09:21 UTC