The Web Conf -call for papers - VCs and DIDs named

We invite contributions to the Web developer and W3C Track to be held at *The
Web Conference 2023* (formerly known as WWW). The conference will take
place in Austin TX, USA, from April 30 to May 4, 2023.

The Web Developer and W3C track aims at gathering developers and
researchers to exchange experience and insight about how software
development contributes to the evolving web platform. We welcome
presentations about:

   - the practical deployment of emerging web standards or research results;
   - software systems, products, tools and their effective use in
   delivering web platform experiences to users;
   - open problems that you believe require the joint attention of
   developer and researcher communities.

Presentation time: 20 minutes
Format: Technical Key Note / Screen Share Session & Live Code / Other
Prompts / Examples:

   - How does enable web developers to make their content
   - *How does the DIF Universal Resolver work with decentralized
   - *How do platforms implement Verifiable Credentials?*
   - Using CSS container queries
   - Processing video streams with WebRTC
   - Using jq to process JSON in the command line
   - Using Cypher to Query RDF in Neo4J
   - *Creating JSON-LD from annotated JSON Schemas*
   - Content Addressing and context caching with JSON-LD

Submissions guidelines

Submissions can take several form and authors can choose one or multiple
submission entry among the following choices:

   - Papers: papers are limited to 6 pages, including references.
   Submissions are NOT anonymous. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure
   that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. In
   particular, the format cannot be modified with the objective of squeezing
   in more material. Papers will be published in the ACM The Web Conference
   Companion Proceedings archived by the ACM Digital Library, as open access,
   if the authors wish so.
   - Presentation abstract (limited to 1 page)
   - Links to code repositories on GitHub (with sufficient description and
   - Links to recorded demos (as a complement to the above, ideally
   following established best practices as proposed by the W3C)
   - Any other resource reachable on the Web

Submissions will be handled via Easychair, at selecting the
Web Developer and W3C track.
Formatting paper submissions

Paper submissions must adhere to the ACM template and format
<>. Please remember to
add Concepts and Keywords. Please use the template in traditional
double-column format to prepare your submissions. For example, word users
may use Word Interim Template, and LaTeX users may use the “sample-sigconf”
template. Overleaf users may want to use the ACM proceedings template
available in Overleaf
They must be submitted in PDF format.

All submissions must be self-contained and written in English. Submissions
that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, will
be rejected without review.
Ethical use of data and informed consent

Authors are encouraged to include a section on the ethical use of data
and/or informed consent of research subjects in their paper, when
appropriate. You and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications
Policies <>, including
ACM’s Publications
Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects
in 2021). Please ensure all authors are familiar with these policies.
Publication policy

Accepted papers will require a further revision in order to meet the
requirements and page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM.
Instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers
will be provided after acceptance.

Important Dates

   - Submission: 16 Feb, 2023
   - Notification to authors: March 10, 2022
   - Camera ready for paper submissions: March 20, 2022

All submission deadlines are end-of-day in the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time

The Web Conference 2023 Developer and W3C Track is part of The Web
Conference 2023 in Austin TX, USA. Participation in the track will require
registration of at least one author for the conference.

Received on Monday, 13 February 2023 03:10:59 UTC