Re: DeCanonicalization: (was JSONWebSignature2020 vs JcsEd25519Signature2022)

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:20 PM Manu Sporny <>


Meanwhile, other canonicalization schemes, like the one used in HTTP
> Signatures, tend to sail through large groups like the HTTP WG where
> these "All Canonicalization is bad" folks haven't been able to block
> the work.

The original "cavage" scheme, which you co-authored, was first published
nearly 10 years ago. That was hardly the first scheme created; and I
imagine that work built on learnings before it.

After several revisions, it was adopted by the HTTPbis group nearly 3 years
ago, and has been revised 15 times since. The HTTPbis working group is (in
my personal opinion) the only group I could imagine knowledgeable enough to
result in a robust and safe specification in that space.

The challenges in retrofitting a canonicalization and signature system over
HTTP are significant, and (again, in my opinion) saying http signatures are
"sailing through" does a disservice to others involved in that work.


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