[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-08-22

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-08-22

  1. Announcements and Reminders
  2. Open Agenda
  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Paul Dietrich GS1, Dmitri Zagidulin, Jeff O - 
  HumanOS, pauld gs1, Greg Natran, Manu Sporny, Sharon Leu, 
  Geun-Hyung, Brian Richter, Kaliya Young, Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, 
  Leo, Erica Connell, Wendy Seltzer, Kimberly Linson, Benjamin 
  Young, Mike Prorock, Orie Steele, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau 
  (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Marty Reed, Phil Long, Chandi 
  Cumaranatunge, BrentZ, Andres Uribe, Julien Fraichot, Bob Wyman, 
  David I. Lehn, Henry Story

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: So welcome to this week's at w3c ccg meeting today 
  we actually have an open Agenda and quarterly review for the Q3 
  of 2023 but before we get to that I just want to quickly do some 
  code of ethics and professional conduct reminder.
Harrison_Tang: Let's continue to remain cordial and respectful to 
  each other and if you have any questions in regards to w3c's code 
  of ethics and conduct just let any of the cultures no quick IP 
  know anyone can participate in these calls however all 
  substantive contributions to any ccg work items must be member of 
  the ccg with full IP our agreement signed make sure you have a 
  w3c account and if you have.
Harrison_Tang:  encounter any problems again just let any of the.
Harrison_Tang: Kimberly Mike and I know.
Harrison_Tang: All right all the meetings minutes and audio 
  recordings you know these meetings are being recorded right now 
  and automatically transcribe we try to publish these meeting 
  minutes and recordings with think a few days so I think we have 
  been relatively good at doing that in the past few months but if 
  you have encounter any problems again just ping ping any of us we 
Harrison_Tang:  GG chat chat to Q speakers do.
Harrison_Tang: As well as to take minutes you can type Q Plus to 
  add yourself to a queue or q- to remove remove it at any time you 
  can just type in Q question mark to see who is in the cube all 
  right any introductions were reintroductions if you're new to the 
  community or you want to kind of re introduce yourself and 
  re-engage with the community please feel free to unmute.
Harrison_Tang: Right since we have an open agenda today if you 
  are feeling shy right now and you feel last child later I feel 
  free to unmute and introduce yourself at any time.
Harrison_Tang: Announcements and reminders any announcements or 

Topic: Announcements and Reminders

Harrison_Tang: I'm talking about the iwi on you please.
Manu Sporny:  Eric is in the queue in front of me I think.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry long go first.
Erica Connell:  You there thank you happy Tuesday just a friendly 
  reminder that rebooting the web of trust is coming up September 
  18th through the 22nd in in Cologne Germany I will put a link to 
  the event break in the chat and you can find out all the details 
  and information there and including info about support and 
  scholarships and so on thanks a bunch that's it.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you my money.
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead kaliya sorry I put myself at the end.
Erica Connell: https://rwot12.eventbrite.com/
Manu Sporny:  Your audio super distant Kalia different Mike I 
Manu Sporny:  Nope still very.
Mike Prorock:  He helped will get a clear back in and just a 
  second whenever light comes up.
<manu_sporny> OID4VCI support added to CHAPI Playground: 
Manu Sporny:  I'll go until Clea fixes that like just so I've got 
  for updates the first one is that oid for VCI support has been 
  added to the chappie playgrounds since this is an open jenda 
  today I can do a short demo for those of you that are wondering 
  what it looks like but that addition was made last week.
<manu_sporny> Maintenance on CCG infrastructure: 
<manu_sporny> New versions of Multibase and Multihash published: 
<manu_sporny> PING WG review: 
<harrison_tang> Sorry.  I had a weird power outage.  Just got 
  back on
<kaliya_identitywoman> just a sec
<kaliya_identitywoman> i'll try again
<orie> sounds like you are in a micro sub
<kaliya_identitywoman> ok i can try again.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Mike Prorock:  Things for usage particularly dilithium I suspect 
  in the case of verifiable credentials so kaliya you want to give 
  it a go again.
Mike Prorock:  You're in a slightly bigger micro sub since to 
  quote Ori from the chat but it's barely Audible.
<kaliya_identitywoman> IIW is coming up!
<kaliya_identitywoman> Oct 10-12
<kaliya_identitywoman> Pre meetings - OpenID, Open Wallet, 
  Plugfest etc.
<dmitri_zagidulin> and JFF Wallet Interop Plugfest #3 is the day 
  before, also in Mountain View, Oct 9!
Mike Prorock:  Iiw is coming up October 10th 12th check it out be 
  there if you like Kalia and all the other people that show up 
  there who are all awesome so hopefully that's a good 
  advertisement for Kalia because she knows come on the not a 
  rah-rah kind of person but I actually highly approve of her 
  activities their open ID open Wallet plugfest etcetera one note 
  is the chairs here are coordinating.
Kaliya Young: https://internetidentityworkshop.com/
Mike Prorock:  Kalia to go ahead and get a joint ccg intro 
  session at iaw Etc so we'll figure out something there so that if 
  you're at iiw we won't be necessarily missing all the normal 
  festivities stuff like that so those details will be posted to 
  the list well in advance but just be aware of that and is Dimitri 
  noted in the chat for those of us that are participants in this 
  jmf wallet interop plugfest will be the day before that will be 
  October night so.
Mike Prorock:   Cool hopefully I hit all.

Topic: Open Agenda

Mike Prorock:  It's there Harrison I see you're back anything 
  else you want to note I know we've got open agenda today I'm not 
  seeing anyone else except myself for the Post Quantum know that I 
  already made in Hue so I think we're ready to move on into the 
  main block of the meeting here today we had planned on doing just 
  a quarter to let you know once a quarter as ccg we plan on 
  running basically an open Agenda.
Mike Prorock:   And little.
Mike Prorock:  You couple of notes from the chairs on things that 
  are going on it's usually gets summarized up by the agenda 
  anyways but it's really a forum that can run as long as we need 
  to for the rest of the 40 minutes we have available or as short 
  as desired but really to go through and identify what's next are 
  we missing work items are we.
Mike Prorock:  Basically what's going on right now and how can we 
  as chairs and how can we as a group serve each other better and 
  continue to expand obviously we've seen some Focus change over 
  the last couple of years here at CCD right where it's now brought 
  down a bit there's a lot of activity going on in the space 
  there's a lot of activity going on in other software development 
  organizations right there was a great thread Post in this 
Mike Prorock:   I'm mentioning Fair.
Mike Prorock:  Rolls over in the new identity discuss list over 
  and ITF right so we're seeing a lot of interesting conversation 
  in the space and it's stuff that incubated here emerged out of 
  here emerged really I think a lot of times from iiw and then you 
  know some concrete work here and then along so that to me is 
  really fascinating and exciting but it also means like what's 
  next right what's new and what's coming down the pike so with 
  that I'm going to shut up and just monitor q and.
Mike Prorock:   Hit turn it over to the community.
Mike Prorock:  NATO since I'm on mute.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah yeah thanks Mike I wanted to kind of talk a 
  bit about interop and plugfest and stuff like that so like you 
  know jobs for the future plugfest number three is happening right 
  now which is great in we recently for those of you that haven't 
  seen the kind of one of the one of the interop you know platforms 
  that's being used for the plugfest this is the the chappie 
  playground and the.
Manu Sporny:   The latest thing that we just.
Manu Sporny:  Is this new feature for oid for so if you go up to 
  this little gear icon up here you can now switch between 
  different protocols so this is all all three protocols that we 
  know of right now we could add did come in the future if 
  someone's willing to put in that that work but we've got browser 
  to browser which includes all these different issuer platforms 
  that we can use for that using VC API we've got VC API.
Manu Sporny:  If you have a native wallet and then we also have 
  oid for supported as well so this is an example of the oid 
  issuance flow with the authentication so this is the that was the 
  chappie Wallace selector popping up with oid for this is doing a 
  did authentication overall ID for and this is receiving a 
  permanent resident card into the digital wallet over oid for.
Manu Sporny:   For now the only thing that oid for doesn't have.
Manu Sporny:  We need to notify the website that you know in in 
  band that you've gotten your credential but if I go over to my 
  wallet this was it before I got that permanent resident card and 
  this is it me with the permanent resident card in the wallet so 
  all that to say we've got this you know infrastructure that we 
  are investing in as a community through jmf plugfest three.
Manu Sporny:   We hope to continue.
Manu Sporny:  Staying in that infrastructure or we will we will 
  be through the use of multiple different protocols and I guess 
  the general question you know the group is like what can we add 
  you know they're their plans to add more types of verifiable 
  credentials there are plans to support more protocols for 
  verification we are currently integrating you know issuer 
  platforms and.
Manu Sporny:   Looking at integrating more verifier.
Manu Sporny:  Using the C API so general question to the 
  community is like you know is this a useful thing for the 
  community to look at and work on and if so what what should we 
  think about adding to it to demonstrate the sorts of interrupt 
  that we have today that's it.
Mike Prorock:  If I could successfully click the mute button I 
  think Cory is up next.
Orie Steele:  Thanks Maya could you talk a bit about like why 
  open ID connect for verifiable credential issuance was added to 
  the chappie playground you know what are the use cases for it who 
  like you know how much support does it have what different kinds 
  of companies are kind of clamoring to use that particular 
  delivery mechanism just like some more of like a business.
Orie Steele:  Around what a lie that protocol was added because 
  because we've had people been people have been talking about did 
  come in this context for so long why was open ID connect for 
  verifiable credential issuance added before did Cam you know 
  what's the sort of expected users why is it why is it you know 
  important gym or at a business level and you know from the 
  perspective of you know in the three party model.
Orie Steele:   Which issuers are really excited about it open I 
<mprorock> OIDC4VP...
Orie Steele:  Whole credential issuance which verifiers are 
  really excited about it I guess that sentence doesn't really make 
  sense because that protocols only from the issue or to the holder 
  so I can get and then maybe the next question would be when will 
  support for open ID connect for verifiable presentations be added 
  what are what are folks who are interested in open ID connect for 
  verifiable credential issuance.
Orie Steele:   Like thinking about.
Orie Steele:  When I die.
Orie Steele:  Act for verifiable presentations sorry that's a lot 
  really just business prospects around who's going to use it 
  that's it.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah Phil do you mind if I let man who respond to 
  or he's questions there or do you want to tag on first.
<phil_t3> Go right ahead
Manu Sporny:  Got he single right here okay.
<orie> I love the transcriber... it constantly misquotes me
Mike Prorock:  All right maybe we lost Oco don't get wet and cool 
  awesome yeah it definitely made it I would love some comments on 
  my way to see for VP that would certainly actually for my 
  standpoint as an implementer and get me interested about the 
  champion playground so.
<bblfish> I just realised I have been looking at VC mapping to N3 
  and that there is a group of experts here.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah so let's see why did we put it in there for a 
  while now I mean since 2015 so eight going on eight years now 
  chappie has always been protocol agnostic it just so happens that 
  the first thing the easiest thing to implement was the browser 
  browser thing because you didn't need you didn't need a bunch of 
  back-end servers and heavy protocols and things like that.
Manu Sporny:   That to.
Manu Sporny:  People there's a group of companies that are 
  excited about oid for VCI in so and to be clear one of our 
  customers really wants it and so that was the driving force 
  between us you know implementing it right it's just there was a a 
  customer that wanted to see it happen and so we had to roll up 
  our sleeves and implement it having.
Manu Sporny:   Done that.
Manu Sporny:  We are not fans of oid for VCI however it is going 
  to probably be one of the protocols that exists in the ecosystem 
  along with a bunch of other protocols So This Is Us trying to 
  keep Pace with what various different stove pipes in the 
  verifiable credential ecosystem is doing by just supporting 
  everything right in by supporting.
<dmitri_zagidulin> I /hope/ to be a fan of OIDC4VP -- once it 
  stabilizes & decides on whether it's supporting Presentation 
  Exchange or what
Manu Sporny:  Clearly it makes the ecosystem way more complex 
  than any one of us would want in each one of those stovepipes but 
  that's kind of where we are so chubby playground is just 
  reflecting reality there we have been contacted for example by a 
  number of companies that are like hey I have this super 
  proprietary protocol and I want you to build it into the chappy 
  playgrounds and our response to that is chappy is protocol 
  agnostic so while we do not.
Manu Sporny:   Agree with your super proprietary protocol.
Manu Sporny:  Because Chappy's protocol agnostic you can list 
  your protocol in the protocol selector and if a wallet says that 
  they support your proprietary protocol chappie will support that 
  too so this is just what I'm trying to highlight here or he's 
  just like you know chappies agnostic and that's what's being 
  built out in we're building building the features out based on 
  what we're seeing some customers requests and.
Manu Sporny:   In some of the ecosystem suggest.
<orie> sounds like you added support for something, so you could 
  show it was not a good idea.... and only 1 organization wants to 
  use it?
<brentz> wait, I wasn't paying close attention. Is OIDC4VC 
  somehow proprietary?
Manu Sporny:  It's also you know just to be you know clear we're 
  also trying to like Tamp down the temperature in the room a bit 
  by saying you know the the the fight doesn't need to be over 
  chappie and what it does the fight could be about protocols but 
  what one of the things that we have found with implementing all 
  three that I showed so you know I showed the the selector here 
  being able to.
Manu Sporny:   Like between.
Manu Sporny:  Hauser to wallet V Capi exchanges and oid for VC I 
  is that you can mix and match protocols both on the issuing side 
  and the presentation side so today you can go into the chappie 
  playground and you can issue using an ID for VCI and then you can 
  present using the browser to browser VPR stuff or VC API in a 
  couple of weeks so it's kind of its kind of.
Manu Sporny:   And neat like it kind of shows like hey we got 
Manu Sporny:  Because you can use different protocols to move the 
  same data model over it and you can even mix and match pick up 
  versus delivery and that's demonstrably that's demonstrate both 
  today through chappie playground with respect to all ID for VP we 
  didn't Implement that yet we will but it is it's moving it's 
  moving too much we couldn't we couldn't get to a profile that the 
  at least the people that were talking.
Manu Sporny:   Within the jff.
<orie> have you seen this profile? 
Manu Sporny:  I'd like agree to in the end because you know open 
  IDs like this grab bag of different things you can do you have to 
  profile it before you can use it and there is no profile that we 
  have seen agreed upon yet to do make that work once that appears 
  in some fashion that's more than just like one or two companies 
  you know and interrupting on a profile will put that into the 
  chappie playground and it'll have you know protocols supported.
Manu Sporny:   Out there as well as for the issuers.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Brentz - 4VC is not proprietary, there have 
  been other srsly proprietary protocols for VCs that have been 
  asked about
Mike Prorock: +1 To this: 
Manu Sporny:  Other people can speak to this frankly the issuer 
  the customers that we have that are issuers don't really care 
  they're just like get my credential out there in a format that's 
  useful and because there's all this confusion in the marketplace 
  about which formats going to be useful just make it so that I can 
  issue everything under the sun and verify everything under the 
  sun and so that's where you know because of a failure.
Manu Sporny:  Of all of these communities to Define you know a 
  small set of ways of doing this you know customers are now asking 
  for every conceivable iteration because they don't know which one 
  is going to win in the end so that's it hopefully that answered 
  some of your questions or e.
Phil Long:  Yeah I'm going to ask.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I'm going to have some follow-up questions on 
  that I see Brent I think had some follow-up questions in the chat 
  so we'll get to that too but Phil you want to go.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @mprorock @Orie - I've seen that profile, but 
  there's current conversation with OIDF, who were considering 
  dropping support for DIF PresEx
Phil Long:  Like to but filled you Leo yeah can you hear me okay 
  yep great this is actually follow up man oh to your question 
  about the functionality where uses of the chappie playground and 
  I guess one of my questions was if this is intended to be a place 
  for people to take their credentials at their Jerry they're 
  creating and add it to the playground to test it in issuing and 
  Etc functionality that you have there.
Phil Long:   Is there something.
Phil Long:  Would be useful to the both you and the people 
  managing the playground as well as everybody else to do to 
  document whose credentials they are and how to contact the 
  individuals who are using or have added that credential in a nice 
  straight easy way or maybe it's already there I'm not seeing it 
Mike Prorock:  Meaning you want to respond.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah although I'm concerned about eating up too 
  much time on this one topic real quick to answer I'll try to get 
  very brief with the responses so there is a DC examples repo in 
  the credential Handler project on GitHub in all of the things 
  that you see showing up here.
<phil_t3> @manu got it.
<phil_t3> NASCAR!
Manu Sporny:  We're pull requests on to the credentials in here 
  so people can go in raised PR's you know we'll make sure it's in 
  the right shape and then if it is we'll go ahead and add the 
  credential to this list we do have planes to add many many more 
  credentials which means this interface is going to become on 
  unusable at some point when they're too many and then we'll 
  probably break it down into different categories.
Manu Sporny:   Tagore he's it's all dependent on.
Manu Sporny:  You know people contributing examples so all that 
  to say yes there's an examples repo yes you can put in you can 
  add whatever you want to there chappie playground will take care 
  of you know serving the contexts and all that kind of stuff for 
  the demo credential in then there's even a custom credential URL 
  here that you can just take whatever VCU have and dump it in 
Manu Sporny:   Are in the playground.
Manu Sporny:  Will issue that credential if you use like one of 
  the issuer back end so your best bet is to just use the issuer 
  back in that's built into the JavaScript code but you if you add 
  your own issue or back-end here you can use those issue or back 
  ends to issue the VC so again like you know not every combination 
Manu Sporny:   Or will work but this definitely.
<phil_t3> Thanks
Manu Sporny:  To figure out like if I create a credential you 
  know will at least these sets of issuers be able to issue that 
  credential into a format that my wallet whichever wallet I pick 
  to pick up the credential will understand I'll stop there.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Sure just to brief answer to Horry about 
  business use case so part of the reason that.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The digital bizarre have been kind enough to 
  add the open ID for Star support for Pratap you playground has to 
  do with the jobs for the future foundations plug fests so the 
  third plugfest is dealing with.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  With with wallets and verification and there's 
  a handful of companies that are using open ID for VCI for 
  issuance and they wanted a convenient way to provision wallet.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So that you know that they can display and 
  verify the credentials and so on.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Far as a DC for VP supports those same 
  companies would love to see Odyssey for VP support HIV playground 
  the the current the current stumbling block the current drama is 
  that open ID Foundation has proposed removing support for 
  presentation exchange from oid for VP and so there's there's been 
  a lot of and specifically removing support for the.
<orie> seems smart to remove Presentation Exchange, thats a sorta 
  questionable DIF spec, with a lot of overhead.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Multiple credentials in in a already see for 
  VP request which which kind of threw a lot of open energy using 
  plugfest participants in disarray now since then the diff 
  presentation exchange group I know IDF has have talked there is a 
  already see for VP version 2.1 in progress with like reduced 
  capabilities to address some of the IDF feedback but.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Like I suspect myself and many others.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Our open ID fans are are hoping that'll get 
  sorted out so that happy playground can support o ID for VP 
  that's it.
<manu_sporny> Yes, we can't build on jello
<manu_sporny> I mean, we can build on jello... it just wouldn't 
  work out well :)
Mike Prorock:  Cool the yeah it's sort of like always that XKCD 
  comic about you know five standards and then they're being 6 Etc 
  but yet mainly I guess I think most of my questions have been 
  answered but I guess I did want to clarify that's all linked data 
  you know 1.1 VCS right.
<orie> we should plan to make this picture better in vcdm v2'
Mike Prorock:  Okay yeah definitely.
Manu Sporny:  Yes correct because that's what most of the 
  plugfest folks are using but again chappie playground is protocol 
  agnostic if people wanted to do other formats once the handoff 
  happens from chappie to the app it's up to the app to use 
  whatever format they want I mean you know we could do em doc 
  right using the using the hand doc hand off if we wanted.
<orie> format agnostic != protocol agnostic.... it sounds like 
  chapi playground is both format and protocol agnostic
Dmitri Zagidulin: +1 Manu - the /examples/ are 1.1 VCs, but the 
  CHAPI protocols themselves can use whatever data model
<orie> which is much stronger
Mike Prorock:  Yeah that would definitely be interesting for sure 
  definitely pull measure IO from that list because we're kind of 
  deprecating all of our 1.1 stuff in advance of moving into 2.0 
  etcetera and certainly are moving away from linked data proofs 
  for a variety of reasons or at least any publicly exposed ones we 
  had to shut them off because of some concerns there so please do 
  post when you get a chance the let's see Ori.
Orie Steele:  I really think many thanks for the answer I do feel 
  like the business framing still even with Demetrius comments I 
  don't and you not understand not wanting to name names you know 
  here but yeah I still feel like the business framing around the 
  value of open ID connect for VC issuance is weak and it should be 
  stronger and I get the in some sense the value of the chubby 
Orie Steele:   Ground with having all of this configuration and.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Orie - OIDC issuance /in general/, or using a 
  CHAPI wallet selector specifically?
Orie Steele:  A testing perspective but like you said man who 
  it's sort of like one of the challenges the industry is facing is 
  there's so many options and the inner existing interface is sort 
  of perpetuating that by forwarded them directly to the consumers 
  so we know when we add open ID connect for VP to that list of 
  protocols and continue to be both format agnostic and protocol 
  agnostic in a world you know after verifiable credentials version 
Orie Steele:   To where the format potential formats are.
Orie Steele:  Based on media type registrations it seems like 
  we're kind of heading deeper into the woods there on way too many 
  formats way too many protocols and the community seems to be kind 
  of doubling down on not making recommendations and instead of 
  forwarding all a cart kind of configuration opportunity to 
  ecosystem so I wonder you know for verifiable credentials version 
  2 if it's not too late to.
Orie Steele:   Turn that boat around and say there she'll be.
<manu_sporny> I don't disagree with Orie :)
Orie Steele:  Format and you know it she'll be data Integrity 
  proofs and everything is going to be simpler because of that and 
  yes you know the tent isn't bigger but at least you can 
  understand what's in their tent now just floating that idea for 
  consideration since it's an open call I think it's it's.
Orie Steele:  In the right.
Orie Steele:  Doesn't make everyone happy but it's still the 
  right thing to do and I feel like avoiding conflict can often 
  lead to longer term conflict than tackling conflict directly and 
  just being right or wrong so I hope that sort of makes sense but 
  I am sort of concerned that we are acknowledging that these 
  problems exist in the community and instead of saying you know 
  all right well we're going to make some enemies and we're going 
  to make some concrete recommendations and we're not going to 
  support you know.
Orie Steele:   Any animal Under the Sun we seem to be sort of.
Orie Steele:  Sensitive approach and furthering that pain 
  indefinitely so yeah that's my comment but I appreciate the 
  answer and you know really great work on the chappie playground I 
  think it's a really valuable part of our ecosystem community and 
  to the extent that it does show all the different configuration 
  options it's also a frightening reflection of our current image 
  that's it.
Mike Prorock:  Awesome thanks Horry Manu.
Manu Sporny:  Yes so I do not disagree with you or I think that 
  the yeah I just agree with the a lot of what you said make people 
  feel a little bit better about the selection you know issues here 
  one of the things that if you look closely at what chappie 
  playground is doing it allows you to multi-select protocols.
Manu Sporny:   It's so it allows you.
Manu Sporny:  To invoke digital wallets where you say as an 
  issuer I support protocols XY and z and if that wallet supports 
  any of those protocols it'll show up in the chappie selector in 
  the benefits to this so I'm trying to already speak to your like 
  we don't want to put all this optionality in front of the user 
  totally agree we do not want to do that they don't care the 
  issuer's don't care the verifiers don't care they just.
Manu Sporny:   Wanted like a really nice you know.
Manu Sporny:  Um but at the same time I'm we are very has we 
  meaning dishes are very hesitant to try and pour gasoline onto a 
  fire that's already burning right so you know splitting 
  communities and half or making the hard decisions as you say 
  would be could lead us somewhere good but it could also very 
  easily lead us somewhere really bad right so what we're trying to 
  do here.
Manu Sporny:   At least with the chappie.
Manu Sporny:  Messages the message that the wallet gets is like 
  the issuer will speak any of these protocols if you if you want 
  in if we do something like that then all of a sudden the number 
  of wallets that will support receiving a credential from that 
  issuer go way up right so it's not an A versus B it's a yes and 
  approach it's a you can do a and you can do B and you can do see 
  wallet pick one and you will get your credential and.
Manu Sporny:   We expect the same to happen.
Manu Sporny:  Presentation part of this now there are some limits 
  to that but that's what we're trying to do we're trying to kind 
  of you know pull everyone into a much larger boats and not kind 
  of throw anyone overboard and so that's why we've taken the 
  approach that we have so we think that you can still have a 
  decent experience in support multiple protocols at the same.
Manu Sporny:   Time and.
Manu Sporny:  At least that's what we're seeing our customers ask 
  us for because they are being lobbied by all kinds of different 
  people saying that X is going to win and why is going to win and 
  what that does is it pushes them into a position where they're 
  like I don't know who's telling the truth and who's lying and so 
  the only way I can mitigate against that risk those risks is to 
  just support everything that's it.
<orie> just assume everyone is lieing... problem solved.
Mike Prorock:  Thanks so much I definitely what I would say 
  recommendation wise is just post to the list I'm sure someone 
  will paste it in the chat if I don't get to it before them but 
  definitely you know posted a list saying here's what I'm thinking 
  about that's usually the best way to go ahead and get a 
  conversation started around specifics and then getting directed 
  and narrowed in so hopefully that's helpful we're seeing a lot of 
  wallet activity as you can imagine especially between.
Mike Prorock:   Tween us VIP.
Mike Prorock:  Going out and a lot of European stuff going on 
  etcetera so it's going to be a really that side is going to be 
  really exciting as is honestly like your system to system 
  non-human and loop cases are blowing up right now right so it's 
  going to be very very interesting to see where this all goes.
Mike Prorock:  Man who happily switch topics.
Mike Prorock:  Might be muted man.
Manu Sporny:  I'm sorry I was totally on me yes moving on to 
  something else pulling the community full on the work items that 
  were currently working on just to see like where do people want 
  us to focus on getting that same poll out to everyone else you 
  know dif ITF you know ccg whatever it's just an open pole what 
  technologies are missing like you know is the work we're doing 
<dmitri_zagidulin> heh heh how does CCG feel about hosting a 
  did:web 2.0 DID Method work item?
Manu Sporny:  Hours in verifiers should we focus on that should 
  we focus on render method like getting kind of a ranking priority 
  ordering from people I think would be helpful based on the number 
  of work items that we're on is that something the chairs are like 
  considering what you like do we want to do that.
Mike Prorock:  Certainly considering we're definitely having 
  background conversations on that honestly some of it and I know 
  there's a number of folks who are on some of these lists and 
  we're at 117 but like with the identity discuss side and I think 
  there's some of the let's wait and see for a week or two what's 
  going on at ietf on this topic because as that group solidifies a 
  little bit that's going to really help us understand what needs 
  incubation what needs kind of pretest before stuff goes over to 
  you know.
Mike Prorock:  Or you know let me know possibly moves up and w3c 
  to a specific working group etcetera so I think that's kind of 
  where we're at on that side because stuff is I definitely I think 
  definitely a little bit in flux right where is all of this going 
  to land I don't know if that makes sense man in but that's kind 
  of my my sense of being you know from you know being engaged 
  across ITF and to a degree in difference.
Mike Prorock:   And others and certainly here at w3c is just.
Mike Prorock:  You know what the future is feels very very 
  nebulous and some of that is because is because there is a lot of 
  confusion right in the space.
Mike Prorock:  Now as far as infrastructure definitely I'm Manu I 
  am happy to float I know you've had some thoughts on the YouTube 
  site I don't know if you want to discuss that and maybe we could 
  take a poll on that before we close the meeting on today.
Mike Prorock:  Totally yep float.
Manu Sporny:  Sure I was waiting on the chairs to to be at be 
  okay with having that conversation um so you're good Mike 
  Harrison Kimberly on okay alright so over the past couple of 
  months Nick who's new to the community volunteered to take all of 
  our meetings since 2014 and.
Manu Sporny:   Put them out on YouTube.
Manu Sporny:  Put a bow.
Manu Sporny:  On a you know on a Channel with summaries Auto 
  transcription all that kind of stuff in to effectively take our 
  infrastructure and automated more so now we finally got to the 
  point where we didn't need to pick scribes for every single 
  meeting and granted the transcriptions or of questionable quality 
  but based on the new stuff coming out with like Chad GPT and and 
  barred and things like that.
Manu Sporny:   You can get some pretty.
Manu Sporny:  Good meeting summaries in simplifications of the 
  transcription so we've been playing around with that for the past 
  couple of months Nick specifically has taken all of the 
  recordings that we have for the past two years and he has written 
  a bunch of infrastructure that will auto upload them to YouTube 
  channel so specifically what happens is it will take the raw 
  video that's being recorded.
Manu Sporny:  Run it through whisper which is a local 
  transcription tool so that's not being uploaded to Google or 
  anyone else and then it will use something like chat GPT to read 
  through the transcript and summarize it in a paragraph in that 
  auto summarization goes in the summary that's posted to YouTube 
  so that's working today but we didn't want the flip the switch 
  for that on because it raises a whole bunch of.
Manu Sporny:   Questions around.
Manu Sporny:  People are okay with video being uploaded to 
  YouTube so you know YouTube's proprietary we've had a number of 
  people say don't use a proprietary system to do that whisper is 
  local only so you know we're not uploading the video to be you 
  know used in training models for you know these organizations but 
  of course the second the transcription goes out to chat GPT 
  Chachi pts learning off of it in the second.
Manu Sporny:   We upload the video to.
Manu Sporny:  Google is using it to train barred right so that's 
  the world we live in today just to be clear we have been in that 
  world for a while we publish our transcripts to the web we 
  publish our video and audio to the web it is on a server that the 
  community controls but chat GPT is you know crawling the web as 
  is barred and everything else crawls the web and learns from 
  anything that it can get.
Manu Sporny:   Access to.
Manu Sporny:  So the question was do we want to make it easier 
  for people to find our content and watch our videos and you know 
  how comfortable are we with auto summarization and things of that 
  nature we will clearly not take any action until we have like.
Manu Sporny:  You know some kind of consent from the community so 
  that that's that's kind of where we are now I don't know if 
  anyone has any thoughts they'd like to share on on that on 
  enabling that feature.
Mike Prorock:  Are watching the queue for any comments here.
Mike Prorock:  And if we.
<wendy_seltzer> Do you ever get people requesting off-the-record 
  status in these meetings?
<harrison_tang> I definitely support it
Mike Prorock:  See no comments man if I would say definitely 
  let's get a draft proposal and maybe get it out to the list or 
  something like that around that my inclination is a chair and I 
  can let I think both Kimberly and Harrison are all and is that 
  this would be highly desirable and in as when he is noting right 
  in the rare event that does it does happen we do occasionally get 
  folks that request off the Record right we've had that from the 
  particularly from.
Mike Prorock:   The Advisory board w3c and some others because 
  sometimes just can't.
<phil_t3> A survey to the CCG membership (pointer to a form 
  listing the projects and ranking) would be great.  Could always 
  use Google Forms for that  ;-)
<orie> pretty consistently its requested by representatives from 
  large companies
Mike Prorock:  We just need to make sure that there's a provision 
  to prevent that from going up and because I think that's a very 
  fair and respectful item to ensure we have covered many.
Manu Sporny:  Yes that's an excellent question so Wendy we do 
  have people request off the Record in when that has happened here 
  it happens very rarely we just turn recording off and once we 
  turn recording off it shuts everything else that I talked about 
  off right so it is possible for us to have meetings that are off 
  the Record what we can't do easily is.
Manu Sporny:   Is stop the video recording and.
Manu Sporny:  Description just for a short period of time we just 
  don't support that right now unfortunately and the tooling just 
  doesn't support it like nothing that we're talking about is set 
  up to do that so.
Manu Sporny:   It is.
Manu Sporny:  Possible for us.
<wendy_seltzer> Thanks
Manu Sporny:  Also not record the meeting but turn transcription 
  on and then turn transcription off when people don't want what 
  they you know what they're going to say said but again like it 
  happens so rarely in these in these meetings that I don't think 
  it's been a heavy demand from the community so yes we can do you 
  know off the Record meetings entire meetings you just stop 
  recording and you turn the transcription off.
Manu Sporny:  Says it shut off at that point but it kind of goes 
  counter to our desire to be as open and transparent as possible 
  about the things that go on in all of the meetings and task 
  forces that we have in ccg I hope that helped.
Mike Prorock:  I think so take a look at some seen a thanks from 
  Wendy there I saw Harrison say he's definitely a thumbs up on 
  this Kimberly it may have flown by in the chat.
Kimberly Linson:  No I didn't say it in the chat but I am 
  definitely on board as well.
Mike Prorock:  Okay awesome so yes I think me and who I think 
  your answer to that is yeah cheers definitely in favor I think 
  the reality of the world we live in is if we're posting public 
  meetings especially the GitHub I mean that's being sucked into 
  many many things right so but it's so as long as we have that 
  ability to redact things and prevent things from going out in the 
  event that something is not recorded I think that's the question 
Kaliya Young:  Okay ignore me.
<orie> as long as the AI gets the copyright to the summarized 
  content : )
<harrison_tang> ;(
Kaliya Young: 
Kaliya Young:  Advanced work and I took which toxins okay I put 
  that out on this little while ago and met and it announcements 
  but maybe have a little bit of a discussion which is a memorial 
  for IW W the community around it w to this group of a part of the 
  only part someone kind of came in and ordered a rear suspension 
  order of look looked up and said I'll order.
Kaliya Young:   Well I'm just.
Kaliya Young:  Anybody here on this list and who I'm looking 
  volunteers to take on if you have have it in read it one of the 
  people on the list I paragraph for our a like I don't want to 
  attempt a New York Times right up above the DIY are you know 
  something to kind of condense it into a paragraph or two so 
  that's what I'm putting out back in Port and getting this 
  together a community.
Kaliya Young:   So on.
Manu Sporny: +1 To the concept and the idea -- how can we help?
Mike Prorock:  Seeing definitely plus ones and I see man asking 
  like how we can help I think the main thing is is go take a look 
  see if you know folks in the community that have passed Etc 
  please do make sure that you know you get the that over to Cole 
  are into the dock so that we can add them in and then I think 
  clear you were looking explicitly for is their thoughts on how we 
  can digitally display this in a good usable way that's actually 
  meaningful and respectful folks not sure.
Mike Prorock:  Oh cool okay.
Kaliya Young:  So we're going to actually get out hey John II but 
  you some sites going to be like I'm more have that Messiah but 
  what I would support in so I ought the only more right if people 
  that are razor and then going oh I'll read about bomb again hit 
  her forearm Rampage basement I put link if you look at documents 
  you there's links to various Memorial of people sort of like not 
  you know like a little.
Kaliya Young:   You know taken our you did.
Mike Prorock: +1
Kaliya Young:  Person right or graph I guess we eat is that cpgs 
  days anyways the clear.
<harrison_tang> + 1 on ChatGPT
Mike Prorock:  That is definitely clear at least to me so no 
  definitely appreciate the ask and you know not always a pleasant 
  topic but I think it's something especially given the last couple 
  of years of interesting Global pandemics and things like that 
  it's a really great thing to do and we've been losing a lot of 
  great folks lately unfortunately in the tech world so all right 
  well we're rolling up towards the end top of the hour here I'm 
  going to watch the key for another 30.
Mike Prorock:   Seconds just in case there's any you know last 
  postings out.
<harrison_tang> for Spokeo scholarship, we used ChatGPT to help 
  screen applicants.  It works pretty well
<kaliya_identitywoman> ok Harrison you can take one person on and 
  leverage chatgpt to help you :)
Mike Prorock:  We will say Happy Tuesday to everyone and say this 
  was a wonderful meeting appreciate all the engagement man you 
  look forward to more interesting things to come and as always and 
  definitely from the rest of the community as well because I think 
  there's a lot of it being very very interesting stuff going on I 
  will note if you're not only identity discuss list over at ITF 
  definitely hop on there if you.
Mike Prorock:   I've got a technical background.
<brian_richter> link?
<harrison_tang> haha, sure, ping me via email.  i'll find someone 
  to help
Mike Prorock:  Even if you have a non-technical background just a 
  business background but bear in mind that ietf is a little 
  different that w3c so so definitely read towel by Kiev if you're 
  new to ipf let me pull up that Brian I'll pull up the link to 
  Identity discussed and posted them.
Mike Prorock:  And that list is hiding somewhere.
Mike Prorock: https://www.ietf.org/how/lists/
<brian_richter> thanks
Mike Prorock:  I'll have to dig it you can go find it on the 
  lists like though so if you're not familiar with ATF you can go 
  there so with that Harrison probably good to stop recording stop 
  transcribers Etc and thanks all and we'll see you all next week.
<bblfish> bye

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 18:33:15 UTC