- From: Morgan Lemmer-Webber <mlemweb@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 14:13:48 -0400
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
All, We’re excited to announce that the CHAPI Playground now supports OID4VCI[1]! This provides another mechanism that wallets can use for credential pickup. We intend for this tooling to be used as an additional resource for testing interoperability. You can try this new feature out on the new CHAPI Issuer Playground: https://playground.chapi.io/issuer Make sure you have a digital wallet that supports CHAPI+OID4VCI, like Veres Wallet, registered in CHAPI. Once you've done that, here’s how you can use this feature: 1. Click on the gear icon to open the issuer settings. 2. Click on the option for “OID4VCI to any wallet.” -- Optional: You can select both “VC-API to any Wallet” and “OID4VCI to any wallet” at the same time! Any of the individual's wallets that support either protocol (or both) will then be shown in the wallet selector during issuance. 3. Click on one of the thumbnail images to select a credential to issue. 4. Click on the blue button near the bottom labeled “Issue Verifiable Credential.” 5. Choose whether you want to “Issue with DID Authentication” or “Issue without DID Authentication” and click the appropriate button. 6. Click the “Next” button to Store Credentials from the CHAPI Playground. 7. Choose which wallet you would like to store the credential in. 8. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to authenticate and accept the credential into the wallet. For example, if you selected "Issue with DID Authentication" and are in Veres Wallet: -- Click the blue button labeled “Authenticate.” -- Then review the credential you are storing and click the button labeled “Store.” 9. Your credential pick up with CHAPI + OID4VCI is complete! Your selected credential will now be available in the wallet you selected. We expect that there will be some interoperability bumps as more implementers come on board, so please bear with us as we get those sorted out. We are currently hard at work writing documentation and a developer guide for both native and web wallets on how to use OID4VCI with the playground. We hope to release these shortly. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me, Morgan Lemmer-Webber (at mlemweb@digitalbazaar.com or on the JFF #plugfest3-dev slack), with any questions. Cheers, Morgan [1]https://openid.net/specs/openid-4-verifiable-credential-issuance-1_0.html
Received on Saturday, 19 August 2023 15:24:27 UTC