[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-08-08

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Manu Sporny for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-08-08

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Manu Sporny
  Kimberly Linson, Mike Prorock, Sandy Aggarwal, Harrison Tang, 
  Erica Connell, Mike Xu, Andres Uribe, Stuart Freeman, BrentZ, 
  Dmitri Zagidulin, Phil L (P1), Ryan Grant, Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, 
  Manu Sporny, John Henderson, Sharon Leu, Phil Long, James 
  Chartrand, George Lund, Jeff O - HumanOS, Leo, Benjamin Young, 
  David I. Lehn, Kerri Lemoie, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Nis Jespersen , Ganesh Annan

<sandy_aggarwal> Hello everyone. Not sure if you were able to 
<harrison_tang> @kimberly Do you want to start the recording?
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kimberly Linson:  There we go all right now we can get started 
  okay you all heard me say we adhere strictly to the code of 
  ethics and professional conduct if you need a refresher on that 
  you can find it in the agenda or on the w3c dot-org page we want 
  everyone to join these calls and listen in and and invite you to 
  invite people to come to these calls if you plan though.
Kimberly Linson:   To participate.
Kimberly Linson:  Any substantive way to the work that's 
  happening then you need to do need to have a w3c account and you 
  need to have signed the the license agreement and both of the 
  links to that can be found in very helpful agenda we keep notes 
  for these meetings and audio recordings those can be found a link 
  to those can be found in the in this helpful agenda and we used 
  it C to the chat engine c2q up speakers so if you are interested.
Kimberly Linson:   Rested in being on the Q you can put Q Plus 
  and that.
Kimberly Linson:  Uq- will move remove you and I will be taking 
  the role today of kind of moderating and making sure that we keep 
  the conversation going and now comes one of my favorite parts and 
  that is introductions and reintroductions if you are new to the 
  call today new to this ECG and the last little bit or if you just 
  haven't been around or you've done something interesting that you 
  want to tell us about I would invite you to put yourself on Q 
Kimberly Linson:  Tell us about it.
Kimberly Linson:  All right how about announcements and reminders 
  do we have any interesting news that we want to share with the 
Kimberly Linson:  Manu I can always count on you.
Kimberly Linson:  I should have just called on you.
Manu Sporny:  So w3c 3-pack is coming up in September the 2nd 
  September and it features a variety of work that we have 
  incubated in the community group which is now in the verifiable 
  credential working group with.
Manu Sporny:   Thanks to Brenton.
Manu Sporny: https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/
Manu Sporny:  Christina for sharing in moving that work forward 
  so early 3ct packs happening trying to find the link here we go 
  September 11th through the 15th the the interesting thing about 
  tpack is it let's communicate Community groups participate in 
  fact you can get like room time there I don't think we have there 
  I don't think anyone goes just to join you know participate in 
  community groups but we do.
Manu Sporny:   Do have.
Manu Sporny:  Across community group collaboration that is 
  happening between the work this group is doing around verifiable 
  credentials in the web of things group they have a bunch of 
  questions around data integrity and verifiable credentials and I 
  think that's happening on the Monday afternoon just kind of cross 
  community collaboration there the other thing that may happen.
Manu Sporny:   In is talking with the.
Manu Sporny:  From the Privacy group where they want to talk 
  about verifiable credentials and specifically the new online age 
  laws that are going into account in the u.s. in some of them are 
  concerning because they're like hey we should siphon all this 
  data on an individual to make sure that they're above certain age 
  like take their entire driver's license rather than doing 
  something a bit more appropriate.
Manu Sporny:   For the.
<manu_sporny> VCWG discussed: 
Manu Sporny:  Ping's interested along with the number of other 
  privacy Folks at w3c or interested about having a discussion 
  around that maybe as a breakout session on Wednesday and I see 
  Erica's on the Q so that's the will skip the rebooting 
  announcement the other thing to mention is that just lasts our 
  B&B cwg discussed one of the test Suite proposals.
Manu Sporny:   That went out to the group.
Manu Sporny:  His preliminary agreement to pull some of those 
  test Suites in and start developing on those that decision 
  proposal whatever is not going to be you know there's some days 
  for someone who object to it but it was largely plus ones the 
  reason that's of interest to this group is that I know we have 
  implementers here that don't necessarily participate in 
  verifiable credential working group and so.
Manu Sporny:   So over.
Manu Sporny:  Couple of months we'll be asking for people to 
  start implementing like take their implementations and hook them 
  up with some of these test Suites so that we can see if the you 
  know how much of the specifications people are conforming to and 
  if we need to fix things either in the test Suites or the 
  specifications that's how we get feedback before we go to the 
  final stage of standardization.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thanks Erica.
<econnell> rwot12.eventbrite.com
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you.
Erica Connell:  Hi good morning everyone well working for me 
  happy happy today to all of you Manu of course you're welcome to 
  talk about rebooting anytime but I will make the announcement 
  that rebooting the web of trust 12 is happening in Cologne 
  Germany after the tpack conference is rebooting it's the 18th 
  through the 22nd I will put a link to tickets available on 
  Eventbrite in the chat and of course we would love to see you 
  there that's.
Kimberly Linson:  All right before I move to to Brent is there 
  anything that we need to discuss on work items.
Kimberly Linson:  You think man you.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah this this came up in the VC education call 
  yesterday but there was.
Manu Sporny:  I think a desire to maybe get some feedback from 
  the community on what we should focus on next so we have a number 
  of ccg work items like the verifiable issue and verifier lists 
  render method confidence method and a variety and some did 
  methods did key you know did web in I think there is kind of like 
  this desire to send out ranked Choice kind of vote on.
Manu Sporny:   On what the community.
Manu Sporny:  His priorities just to get some feedback like is 
  the next set of features we should focus on around rendering or 
  do people feel like the trust you know registry stuff is more 
  important or are we missing something and people you know want us 
  to work on that instead so just a heads up that you know maybe we 
  want to circulate a questionnaire to the community and just get 
  some broad feedback on what.
Manu Sporny:  On that's it.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay that's really helpful and I'll get with 
  Harrison and Mike and we can figure out the best way to do that 
  and that'll be really interesting I'm interested to see what the 
  community says.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay Brent the floor is all yours.
<manu_sporny> Brent looks happier than that 99.9% of the time :P
Manu Sporny is scribing.
Brent: This is a topic that's near and dear to my heart. I drew 
  inspiration for this work from Heather Flannagan. Some of these 
  slides are hers. This  is a broader talk on standards.
Brent: Standards don't come out fully formed, you have to be 
  engaged early and often... if you get involved too late, 
  difficult to change direction.
Brent: First part of this conversation, which I'd like 
  conversation, jump in if you'd like... as we go through 
  development phase, talk about how process evolves, and will speak 
  to how it works at W3C.
Brent: At very beginning of standards dev lifecycle, we are in 
  CGs at W3C... we are in BOF sessions at IETF... or you're 
  hangingout at IIW thinking about interesting sessions... that 
  then turns into hallway conversation... which then turns into 
  something you want to work on. Ideas happen, cluster, like set of 
  eggs layed by a butterfly, not every idea survives long term.
Brent: It's a free form world where ideas are the realm of 
  conversation... hard to quantify which ones become standards... 
  impossible to express value of incubation... but it's invaluable 
  if you want to have that sort of influence on what standards are 
  created and where things go.
Brent: After initial incubation... we get some legs... continues 
  in W3C CGs... what should we work on ... adoption of work item in 
  CG heralds something that's concrete enough.
Brent: Participation ends up with something more refined... but 
  at that stage, there is still a lot of conversation and lots of 
  effort spent incubating... since conversation is still happening, 
  influencing things at this stage is challenging... difficult to 
  see where your incentives best fit w/ converstaions that are 
Brent: After the legs of the work form, there is standards 
  development and implementation... ideas are more set... there is 
  refinement as implementations are created and noble ideas are 
  being implemented in real world... there is some back and forth, 
  but at this stage, difficult to see what the progress is. If you 
  start with a spec and rip out half of it, is that progress? 
  Sometimes yes, if quality of spec is improved.
Brent: WG has refined specification, implementations provide 
  feedback... back and forth can occur. Influencing spec at this 
  stage requires higher level of investment...you need resources to 
Brent: Participating as WG members can be expensive, but 
  regardless of whether or not it's at W3C or elsewhere, it takes a 
  lot of concentrated time. As the standard is adopted, as existing 
  implementations beocme real worl ddeployments... it can take 
  years... when WG has the thing done... it goes out into the 
  world, but can still take years for things to implementers to 
  engage w/ standard, compare it to other implementations, this is 
  where there is
Continued discussions -- what details need to be added, what 
  future work to pursue, interesting transition between final 
  proposal of standard and incubation of new standard.
Brent: When VC v1.0 went out, we recognized that there were 
  details that we handwaved around... we wanted the spec to be 
  broad and implementable and experiment with it... this 
  experimentation allowed us to come back in v2.0 to understand 
  what we need to nail down in v2.0 (like the proof section) and 
  any other extension points, if we are going to continue to 
  support them, those need to be nailed down as well. Refinement of 
  details of adopted standard led
Into development of successor.
Brent: at this stage of development, you can say "We are 
  implementing" or if there are issues w/ specs, see if 
  implementation sare interoprable.
Brent: At different standards organizations, these are roughly 
  the timelines... ISO, OIDF, W3C, IETF -- different stages, 
  preparation of document, each path is different, but all end up 
  in a similar place... you end up w/ a final specification, W3C 
  calls them Recommendations, IETF says Internet Standards... each 
  SDO has their paths to follow to get to the final thing.
Brent: Looking specifically at W3C -- W3C has a process document, 
  this is the official guide for developing recommendations at 
  W3C... recommendations started long before a WG is started... 
  most of stuff in VCWG began in CCG here (many years ago), 
  grateful for that incubation.
Brent: Not all publications are standards at W3C... You can have 
  a Recommendation (Web standard), or a Note (informal thing WG 
  wanted to publish)... at IETF (best practices documentation)... 
  outside of standards dev process, this can be confusing.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> New weird 
  Jitsi thing. Some seconds of display of each slide, then it goes 
  to just the pulsing speaker initial until the slide advances. So 
  most of speech is without a slide display. :-(
Brent: People somtimes point to proposal somewhere, not quite 
  done in process, not matured -- final CG draft, WG note.
Brent: Look at the W3C Process document, it's got fascinating 
  stuff in it. W3C strives for consensus, which is defined in 
  process document. Illuminating section is about "decisions" -- 
  depend on group that needs to make the decision... sometimes WG 
  has decided, sometimes Interest Group has decided, W3C Team can 
  decide things... W3C Decisions (Advisory Committee) is group 
  responsibel for making the decision... when we get to final 
  Recommendation, at each
Point it indicates which group is responsible for making 
Brent: Before we can go into this process... before we get there, 
  at W3C, there needs to be a charter... there are folks here that 
  know more about charter development than they ever wanted to 
Brent: If there is interest in forming a group, a charter is 
  drafted and presented by W3C Team, Team makes a decision to 
  present a charter to W3C Membership. How charter gets to team, 
  how it's been drafted, process for creating this document, none 
  of that is really explained in Process document... amorphous.
Brent: It is clear what needs to be in a charter, not clear who 
  is supposed to do all of that. My understanding is that the 
  fuzziness is deliberate. Once the team makes decision to present 
  Charter, then Advisory Committee is responsible for 
  approving/changing/rejecting charters.
Brent: This is important because only WGs are responsible for 
  creating Recommendations...
Brent: Other groups at W3C -- Advidsory Committee, Technical 
  Architecture group -- we are concerned w/ CG and WGs, becaue 
  that's where we are engaged. That's where most of the standards 
  work occurs.
Brent: Developing specifications inside of WGs... WGs are given 
  instructions on what to work... Technical Reports can be 
  Recommendations, Notes, registries, recommendations almost always 
  have been incubated elsewhere prior to WG being formed.
Brent: Inside of a WG, the WG decides that they want to adopt a 
  work item... publish a First Public Working Draft of a 
  recommendation. Decision to publish ... repository it goes in, 
  when it is published on W3C, what's the short name, once the 
  group has initial contnet, goes to team for approval.
Brent: Document can stay in Working Draft form for a long time... 
  that's where development occurs... for example, all VCWG work 
  items are in a Working Draft stage... been working on them for 
  more than a year now... this is where we are. In order to get 
  past this WD stage, in order to go into Candidate 
  Recommendation... the WG needs to make a decision to proceed to 
  the next stage.
Brent: There are CR Snapshots, there are CR Drafts, and the CR 
  snapshot is where the group believes the WD is done... all 
  normative elements are there, we are done... team approval... CR 
  Snapshot happens.
Brent: You can iterate CR Snapshots... you can make another 
  snapshot... taking a snapshot requires same WG decision, team 
  approval, starts off a number of timelines that need to be seen 
Brent: New snapshot is required if you need to make normative 
  changes -- from wide review, implementers that need feedback, you 
  go from CR snapshot to CR draft and draft is where you iterate on 
  non-normative changes.
Kimberly Linson:  It when I asked you to push your side forward 
  and push it back again because it we see it there you go and 
  maybe do that a couple times so we can see it I feel like this is 
  when it's been we've been able to see your slides at the 
  beginning and then kind of at the end and that's been working 
  fine but this one I felt like was so important I'm sorry to 
  interrupt but just wanted to make sure that folks could see it.
Kimberly Linson:   Thank you yeah.
Brent: Go from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation 
  Snapshot... asking for implementations, asking for review from 
  Horizontal Review (Privacy, Security, Technical Architecture, 
  Internationalization, Accessibility, etc.) -- all of those look 
  at spec from different points of view... note what they think.
Brent: It's feedback from Horizontal Review that lead to 
  Candidate Recommendation Draft -- you can publish as many Drafts 
  as you want, you can only change document Editorially.
Brent: If you move into a Snapshot, the WG has to decide and team 
  has to approve, because it kicks off another review... need to 
  ask for reviews for differences ... that process can take 6 
  weeks, but in most cases it takes 2-3 months per snapshot... 
  after CR phase, next phase is where WG is "done".
<transcriber> TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): 
  Sorry Brenda given what Kimberly just said I'm guessing that 
  maybe if you move your cursor around while you're speaking that's 
  going to keep the display going because like you were just 
  talking about a Green Arrow and we couldn't see an hour.
Brent: WG has completed spec to their satisfaction, CR is 
  implementers are satisfied and Horizontal review is satisfied...
<transcriber> TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): 
  No I blame gypsy.
<manu_sporny> It's Apple's fault -- they just rolled out breaking 
  changes to WebRTC (again) :P
Brent: PR says: "This is done, it's implemented" ... once in 
  Proposed Recommendation, the W3C Membership, through the Advisory 
  Committee, needs to agree -- PR to REC. Proposed recommendation 
  phase is generally where you experience things like "Formal 
<phil_t3> @Manu Interesting.  I'm viewing this through Safari, 
  and so far I've never seen the slide disappear or parts of it 
  fail to appear.
Brent: The dotted red lines, show going "back in process" -- AC 
  Review says what needs to happen... if there are enough 
  objections, you can go back in process...
<manu_sporny> yes, it works apple to apple ... broken apple -> 
  other platforms (but only sometimes)
Brent: Process allows things to move backwards... in proposed 
  recommendation, if either Advisory Committee comes to 
  consensus/approves it... whether consensus can be determined by 
  process... W3C decision is made to move it into Recommendation, 
  and it's done.
Brent: When we talk about WG decision... ideal model is everyone 
  in WG agrees that it's ready to make a step.
Brent: That's the ideal... W3C Process, for each group that needs 
  to make decision, there is the possibility of consensus to be 
  made by "executive decision" -- Chairs can decide, Team can 
  decide if consensus fails to be reached.
Brent: WG decisions that move process forward, even if a few 
  people object, Chairs can move forward anyway... Formal 
  Objections handled in a way that Advisory Board and TAG 
  deliberate on formal objection and determine if objection should 
  stand or be overridden.
Brent: In my experience, Formal Objections are noted and are 
  usually overridden...
Brent: I realize this slide looks complicated... lots of detail 
  isn't in text on slide... if you want to dive deeper, there is a 
  W3C Process document that defines all of these things.
Brent: Encourage you to jump into process document.
Brent: Time to get involved in standards is early as possible, 
  not everyone has capacity or support (time/money) to engage... 
  bieng invovled in CGs, showing up to IIW, these are the best ways 
  to influence things and ideas before they enter into incubation.
Brent: The true value add in later stages, is how well you 
  implement and interoperate... it usually doesn't help to do spec 
  and do other things that are amazing, but interoperability 
  provides most value for people.
Brent: If you are going to be an implementer of these standards, 
  and implement well, is to be engaged w/ the process.
Brent: Particularly in the W3C, in CR phase, "yes, implemented, 
  yes provided feedback, finally" thanks to Heather Flanagan for 
  constructing most of these slides. She's a fantastic individual, 
  very talented, wonderful to be around... she's at IIW.
Brent: Questions?
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you so much Brent it was an again we had 
  a little issue with your slides coming in and out but I really 
  forced me to like look at your side quickly and then listen and 
  that was actually really helpful for me to building the context 
  and so I have a couple questions before I turn it over to the 
  Keogh and I will be looking for Heather at IW so one of the 
  things that that sort of came to mind as you were talking and 
  going through this this sort of circular circular process of.
Kimberly Linson:   You know we bring this the standard forward 
  and then it's kind of got to go back around.
Kimberly Linson:  Around a few times and just thinking about how 
  Dynamic and how quickly evolving technology is it seems to me 
  that like for the most part working groups kind of continue on is 
  that is that correct like they kind of release their their 
  recommendation and then they've got to kind of revise that after 
  a little bit of time is that and then they sort of have to keep 
  doing that is that the case.
Brent: in genral, yes - WGs are strictly chartered, rare for WG 
  to exist for more than a couple of years... scope of WG is 
  strict... "these are the documents you can work on, here's what 
  you can do with them" After WG has created Rec, another WG of 
  same name will be chartered again, but WG will maintain the 
  document... as maintenance occured... VCWG v1.0  was done... then 
  v1.1 was released... then another WG formed to work on v2.0 
  (along with associated
Brent: At IETF it's a bit different...r echartering of WG and 
  work items are more fluid/flexible... every SDO does things a bit 
  differently, I hope that answers your question.
Kimberly Linson:  Yes thank you and I guess you know I'm just I'm 
  feeling like there's so much work and it's getting bigger and 
  bigger and bigger and you know if you're a new person you're 
  coming into this space and you're trying to sort of get your feet 
  on the ground and figure out which direction to even look to do 
  you feel like that process document is the place to start or is 
  there another place that you would give someone to start.
<mprorock> for ietf start here: 
Brent: Don't start with Process document... place to start is 
  here... if you are involved in Decentralized Identity, you should 
  be involved in Credentials CG -- other places is Internet 
  Identity Workshop, Decentrazlied Identity Foundation, I wouldn't 
  recommend W3C Process document as best way to get involved... 
  Talk to other people involved, come with ideas.
Brent: That pre-incubation phase, at CGs at IIW, is where 
  conversations happen... for folks wanting to be involved, listen 
  to conversations happening, find one that's fascinating, ask 
  other people how to participate.
Kimberly Linson:  That is a great suggestion and I'm gonna I'm 
  going to add that to our to our newcomer slide deck and then my 
  last question is just about you know as you were talking about 
  the work being in cubed incubated here in the community groups 
  you know do you have any recommendations or tips or us as a 
  community group sending the what's been incubated to make sure 
  that it's valuable.
Brent: The process has been working well, don't have many tips 
  there... sometimes, for newcomers, there is hesitency for 
  proposing things... but at CG stage, it's ok to propose 
  something, seek for other people that are interested, and for 
  idea ... not a failure for idea to be explored and recorded and 
  then not going standards track. There have been a number of 
  incubated specs, process of developing it was valuable, even 
  though spec "never went anywhere"
Because of impact it has on future incubation. Spawn greater 
  details, any incubation at any point, tried that... one aspect 
  that we tried -- earlierst conversations around Verifiable 
  Credentials that initiatited need for Decentralized Identifiers.
Brent: Incubation process has amazing interplay, encouragement is 
  -- if you have an idea, hae a though, talk to people about it. 
  See what it would take to become a formal work item here... you 
  might have stumbled onto something amazing.
Kimberly Linson:  That's great thank you so much that's really 
  really helpful all right Manu I think we're first on the queue.
Manu Sporny:  Yes thanks that was amazing brand that was 
  fantastic best presentation on standards that that I've seen so 
  with with that I think I want to go back to like how people can 
  participate right because we have a number of people at ccg and 
  not everyone's fully engaged in participating in that might not 
  might be because of lack of time money whatever but.
Manu Sporny:  Light that like.
Manu Sporny:  There are multiple ways to participate one of them 
  is you've got a great idea and you want to make it work and you 
  find your tribe to do it and you push it forward the other ways 
  to kind of get involved with as much I hate as he say the stuff 
  nobody wants to touch like the janitorial stuff the stuff that 
  really needs you know work put into it but you know no one's no 
  one's stepping up I'm wondering if you could speak to Brent like.
Manu Sporny:   Like you know in.
Manu Sporny:  I did experts and why they come into the group and 
  in maybe ways other kind of non-standard ways that people can 
Manu Sporny:  That makes sense.
Brent: Participating in standards process does not require being 
  W3C member, joining WG formally, the meetings are for 
  participants to have conversations, but every group has a github 
  repository and in that Github repository ANYONE can raise an 
  issue... comment, anyone can jump into any conversation... raise 
  issues they're concerned about.
Brent: How things could be fixed... you can do this w/o being WG 
  member... you can join mailing list, engaeg on mailing list, 
  engage on github, track/open issues.
Brent: options to raise PRs, mostly PRs are limited to WG 
  participants (just because of IP agreements), more to do w/ 
  making technologies open/free (committing to releasing all IP 
  when making contributions)....
<mprorock> unfortunately have to drop - thank you brent!
Brent: For independents and academics who actively want to write 
  PRs and edit specification and be busy in moving work forward, 
  there is an option to be an "invited expert" -- a bit odd, you 
  have to apply to be invited... but it's relatively 
  straightforward process... you go to WG page... click the button 
  to "join as Invited Expert" -- being accepted differs from group 
  to group, always a Chair decision... in VCWG, we do have an 
  expectation that IEs will
Either be fully engaged w/ WG (raise PRs, do Editing, directly 
  moving work forward) or they will have some sort of 
  "ambassadorial presence".
Brent: So, folks who may not be able to engage on PRs, but can 
  represent VCWG (and their own communities) for 
  cross-collaboration purposes.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> link to 
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you so much Brent this was really really 
  great I really appreciate it I'm looking forward to the recording 
  and being able to share that with some of the new folks in the 
  community thank you all so much one of the things I learned today 
  was that this is an apple ish so Safari to Safari and so we'll 
  make a note in the agenda that maybe Safari is your best bet for 
  using jet ski right now so thank you all so very much.
Kimberly Linson:   Much and we'll see you next week.
Kerri Lemoie: :Clap:
Kimberly Linson:  How to make sure to add that we get a link to 
  the slide deck I definitely want it to.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you so much.

Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 12:45:12 UTC