[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2023-04-03

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2023-04-03

  1. Introductions & Reintroductions
  2. Announcements & Reminders
  3. Open Agenda
  4. DCC
  5. Ed Design Lab
  6. PESC
  7. T3 Innovation Network
  8. UCI
  Kerri Lemoie
  Our Robot Overlords
  Kerri Lemoie, Chris Webber, Jeff O - HumanOS, Andy Griebel, 
  Stuart Freeman, John Kuo, Simone Ravaoli, gary matkin, Eric 
  Sembrat, xander - ASU/Pocket, Nis Jespersen , Dmitri Zagidulin, 
  Jim Kelly, Ryan Grant, Jim Goodell, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design 
  Lab, Chandi Cumaranatunge, David Ward, Naomi, Kayode Ezike, Timg, 
  Brent Shambaugh, Taylor (LEF), Richard Win Putra, Kimberly 
  Linson, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), 
  Jonathan Bethune, Marty Reed, Brian, Kaliya Young

<kerri_lemoie> Hello all - we'll start in 2 mins
<kerri_lemoie> Please check that you are muted. Thanks!
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kerri Lemoie:  Alright everybody thank you very much for joining 
  us today this is Monday April 1st not April Fool's Day edition of 
  the verifiable credentials for Education task force.
Kerri Lemoie:  Name is Carrie a little boy and I'm your host for 
  today we're having an open Agenda I'm glad you're all here I hope 
  you have some topics that you would like to discuss some 
  questions or anything really hear anything you want to discuss 
  today open Agenda so let's see let's see what happens before we 
  get started though so IP notes and other things so anybody can 
  participate in these calls is an open community so.
Kerri Lemoie:   One can join its.
Kerri Lemoie:  Note that if you start doing any work on any of 
  the standards at the community credentials group you should sign 
  and IP our agreement and become a member if you've seen the 
  agenda email that goes out the links to do that or in there but 
  if you have any questions you can contact any of the the 
  co-chairs about it.
Kerri Lemoie:   I'm all of these calls.
Kerri Lemoie:  And I'm also we have a robot transcriber you can 
  see who is doing its best to translate what we say and put that 
  in the chat these minutes will get published later along with the 
  audio I've also been told that I we have video recording 
  happening now I'm just calls even though we often don't use it 
  I'm it is happening so soon there should be a YouTube channel 
  that will contain videos from previous meetings which is great 
  because sometimes.
Kerri Lemoie:   Sometimes people show their slides and we would 
  love to see them all at the same time.
Kerri Lemoie:  Okay next is at introductions and reintroductions 
  is there anyone who's new to our call today that would like to 
  introduce themselves.
Kerri Lemoie:  I left one important thing out I think most of the 
  folks here have been on this call before but we use the queuing 
  system to make sure that we aren't talking all over each other so 
  if you want to kill yourself or anything at all just type the 
  letter q and the chat or raise your hand and one of the the 
  control panel down below and itchy and then to remove yourself 
  from the key to take q-.
Kerri Lemoie:   So I should ask that question again.
Kerri Lemoie:  Is there anybody who would like to introduce 
  themselves or make any reintroductions or tell us you know what 
  you're working on lately.

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

Kerri Lemoie:  I don't see anybody there so how about 
  announcements anybody have any announcements or things that are 
  coming up that you like tell us about typically Eddie events 
  conferences there's quite a few things going on this month 
  anybody have anything that.
Kerri Lemoie:   Did they tell.

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Kerri Lemoie:  Will know that if you are interested in what's 
  going on at the ccg announcements are made here at this site.
Kerri Lemoie: CCG: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
Kerri Lemoie:  And you can always check in to see what's going on 
  there I believe that we have the internet identity Workshop in a 
  couple of weeks and that is something quite a few people attend 
  also a sugs v is coming up and I think many people in our 
  community attend that as well.
Simone Ravaoli: 
Kerri Lemoie:  Okay my name is on to our main topic so we are 
  doing opened in the today.

Topic: Open Agenda

Kerri Lemoie:  I'm typing this in the chat for us so if you have 
  something you'd like to talk about today or topic you'd like us 
  to discuss questions you have something you're stuck on the head 
  and put yourself in the queue and tell us what calling you and 
  then we can we can talk about that.
Kerri Lemoie:  Nikki one I could I could get this off today.

Topic: DCC

<jim_goodell> I’ll be at ASU/GSV. Glad to connect with people 
  from this group there.
<naomi> Both myself (Naomi) and Dror (co-founder of Velocity) 
  will be at ASU-GSV if you are interested in meeting in-person! :)
Kerri Lemoie:  Sometimes I get asked a lot of what we do at the 
  DCC that's where I work when actually I Dimitri s doing is also 
  on this call he works and oftentimes we have other folks like a 
  OT who are on this call that help us to work there too so why 
  don't I just spend a couple minutes maybe telling folks about 
  what it is we do at PCC because I think it might help you 
  understand how we could help you with what you're working on to 
  the D.
Kerri Lemoie:   PCC is a.
Kerri Lemoie:  It was founded in 2018 by 12 universities it's 
  being incubated at MIT but it's a Consortium of universities so 
  it has its own Leadership Council and then there we have a small 
  staff including me and some developers Phillips Schmidt and 
  Brandon Martin luxu who do sort of help to move things along.
Kerri Lemoie:   And what we are.
Kerri Lemoie:  Behind this year and ongoing is trying to onboard 
  institutions and issuing verifiable credentials so we have been 
  working on pilot deployments and software to support those 
  deployments we are always looking for vendors who would like to 
  work with universities and and you help us get institutions on 
  board so that's our primary focus occasionally we release 
  research papers like we just released the last mile which was.
Kerri Lemoie:   A report on what employers think about.
<bshambaugh> link? or where to look?
Kerri Lemoie:  The DCC was the group that actually founded VC edu 
  originally came Hamilton Duffy was working with Philips Schmidt 
  and they kicked all of this off so a lot of the the work that we 
  do here really started there too.
Kerri Lemoie:  Does anybody have any questions about the DCCC.
Kerri Lemoie:  Colin I see that you are in the queue.
Kerri Lemoie:  I'm going to give you the floor.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Hi there yeah I'm not a dummy 
  questions I had of myself to the curators you started kicking a 
  DCCC tugs of if you don't mind I'll change topic.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: If other people have questions 
  about DCCC please I can happy to share afterwards.
Simone Ravaoli: https://digitalcredentials.mit.edu/
Kerri Lemoie:  Let me see let me check the key and see if anybody 
  has any questions about this easy thank you for the links to many 
  appreciate that.
Kerri Lemoie:   All right.

Topic: Ed Design Lab

Simone Ravaoli: 
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Okay and the last Model the report 
  is really helpful in so many ways for the work that we do so if 
  others on the call have not yet read that or at least given given 
  the table of contents and overview the jump in at a specific 
  point it's 100% worth reviewing we found that exceptionally 
  valuable at the end Design Lab what I what I was going to throw 
  out to the group and curious to connect and okay.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  are you not trying to.
Kerri Lemoie: 
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Actually we should probably lock 
  down a time to talk about DC stuff too because what we're putting 
  together right now is sort of an implementation overview for some 
  of the partners were working with in higher ed specifically but 
  then also to signal for employers what this work is looking like 
  in terms of actual implementation and not just use cases and not 
  just you know like Road mapping stuff but actually actually 
  signaling to work happening on campuses.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  places like motlow steak.
<taylor_(lef)> LEF will be at ASU+GSV as well. Hope to see some 
  familiar faces at our sessions: 
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: In Texas are in Tennessee with the 
  meta versity work some stuff happening with some of the partners 
  that we work with the Pima Community College in Arizona and Alamo 
  Community College in Texas there are a bunch of examples like 
  this that we are pulling together at Design Lab to share with all 
  of these people and organizations who are sort of On The Fringe 
  on the sidelines looking for examples of implementation and we.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  no it is it's challenging and 
  complex work.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Minting L ER and verifiable 
  credential technology at at the organization level and to 
  integrate across their different Technical Systems but also to 
  align with their content in their skills and skills data and 
  Mastery you know structures or competency structures whatever 
  terminology you want to use so I guess my sort of call for this 
  would be for anyone on this call would that is interested in 
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  talking about implementation or 
<richard_win_putra> Is DCC a non-profit organization or providing 
  a paid service to the other (Universities)?
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Implementation level with 
  employers you know higher ed institutions or HR kind of like Tech 
  vendors anybody who is in that conversation or building 
  Integrations would love to chat with you and would love to hear 
  any thoughts or topics related to that if anyone on the call has 
  has some so that's what I wanted to offer in.
Kerri Lemoie:  That's great honey hey I have a question for you 
  and I and we jump the Queue at anybody else I should check their 
  okay it's still in p.m. tell me more tell us more about employer 
  implementation and what that looks like.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Yeah I think that's what we are 
  trying to build up in that last mile the higher sort of this 
  concept of Last Mile the higher is something that we edit Design 
  Lab or starving too I think invest a little more strategy into 
  and trying to pull some you know major employers but into this 
  conversation about what it is they see as obstacles and what it 
  is they need in order to start using some of you know some.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Hiring process in more meaningful 
  ways and I think that we see what higher ed institutions and 
  learning institutions are doing in terms of awarding badges you 
  know crudely put out their report credential engine put out the 
  report of all these badges that have been issued which is great 
  we are trying to help connect not necessarily the tech because 
  you know I design lab isn't a tech vendor per se but working with 
  tech partners and Tech groups who can.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  help to build those Integrations 
  and connect the pieces.
<gary_matkin> UCI, one of the charter founders of the DCC has 
  implemented a comprehensive campus wide infrastructure to support 
  the issuance of digital credentials
<kerri_lemoie> @Richard - We are opening up membership at DCC and 
  are offering consulting services to our members but I'm happy to 
  provide guidance to non-member universities if you'd like to 
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Of the puzzle to allow employers 
  to start viewing skills data inside of credentials for 
  individuals that they are hoping to hire so that that's really 
  what we were trying to build sort of a collective of employers 
  with with funding from a couple different groups to identify what 
  those obstacles are that they are experiencing on in their HR 
  systems or you know 80s.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  systems so that we can.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Solve for those issues to get the 
  credentials moving in the data moving.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  does that help.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah that's very helpful that sounds great huh.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: And so we'll be at Sherm's 
  conference in Las Vegas in June we're also looking at some other 
  conferences will course be a bad Summit but that's not really 
  like an HR like Tech vendor place and we have a couple others 
  that are on our radar for this year that we're looking at so if 
  anyone wants to chat on that side of things because we know that 
  the higher ed like learning institution we've got a lot of great 
  stuff happening so I think.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  that's why we're trying.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: The other side of the the 
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah I think that's great I think we need a lot of 
  focus there now I think we're ready to do that right we have the 
  standards in place we have a lot of issuers on board or at least 
  those who are ready to get on board and sometimes people don't 
  know what what types of credentials to issue because they don't 
  know what would be most helpful to the Learners and understanding 
  more about the employer side of things and also the you know the 
  learner side of things pretty critical.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Yeah yeah and if you give me a 
  great point about the the tech starting to get to that point 
  where you know as idea of self sovereignty in the I thought of 
  individuals actually having some sort of ownership over portable 
  credentials and understanding how to use those right like how 
  does an individual take what's been issued as a credibly badge 
  was a badger badger whatever and bring it with them to you know 
  the application process and that's.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  where we want to see those those.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: So what's happening with the 
  trusted learner network is it's very interesting to see how that 
  what kind of progress they've made or things are like the 
  velocity Network and how issuing and you know reviewing is 
  happening for individuals but I think you make a great point is 
  the implementation is starting to come around and the tech is 
  there the tln The Trusted learner network is having their their 
  unconference May 18th I believe in Phoenix so it's a single.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  Eagle Day event there may be some 
  stuff on the front and back-end of that that.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Is here may be involved.
<kerri_lemoie> @gary matkin - would you be interested n sharing?
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: If you're on this call and it's 
  not something you have on your radar yet I'll throw a link in the 
  chat I know Kate jeeva Nietzsche and her team would would love 
  that to have be there we'd love to see you there too if you want 
  to chat more in person.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah that's great I will I will be at the edge 
  feeling this year one of the the one I'm working on for a 
  workshop there I'm hoping to do is talking about language in 
  terms of explaining verify the credentials so that we can bring 
  these back into our communities I'm trying to sort of translate 
  the tech into into what will Empower people to actually 
  understand this better so they can start using it which I think 
  will be more helpful for employers as well so yeah please come 
Kerri Lemoie:   Taylor and look great on conference.
Kerri Lemoie:  Didn't Kelly I you see you in the queue hello 

Topic: PESC

Jim Kelly:  Hello can you hear me okay.
Jim Kelly:  I have been working with pasch the post-secondary 
  education standards Council on on creating a json-ld transcript 
  standard for it for the higher education transcript and we have 
  been talking about how do we make this either a verifiable 
  credential or contain verifiable credentials and would really we 
Jim Kelly:   We need some expert.
Jim Kelly:  Piece to to make sure that we're going the right 
  direction and I guess I'm looking I'm wondering how do I tap into 
  the knowledge that's available here or you know identify you know 
  folks that might be able to lend a hand for us to get some advice 
  on what direction to take to verify that we're going the right 
  direction that we're at the the.
Jim Kelly:   Others are creating are.
Jim Kelly:  Carrier others have any thoughts on that.
Kerri Lemoie:  I was just thinking about you about passed last 
  week because I was looking up the Jason the DSi do some work he 
  did that paper you all did on the task force on using Json 
  instead of XML and I was curious about where you're headed with 
Jim Kelly:  Yeah we're making progress and we're we're at a I 
  guess that an inflection point you know where you know the reason 
  and I was a strong proponent and pushing peskin this direction 
  the reason that we're you're using json-ld and go in the story 
  was really so that we could so this the pests that the transcript 
  the higher.
Jim Kelly:   Education day.
Jim Kelly:  Credentials coming from higher education can be can 
  be can play inside the wallet in a meaningful way and in a 
  standard way and you know would certainly like to take the next 
  step you know to make this a real possibility so I I see things 
  coming across the chat but but yeah so anybody has any any.
Jim Kelly:   Thoughts on you know.
Jim Kelly:  On how we should go forward with that or what's the 
  best way to approach it I would I would certainly welcome input.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah that is great there's a bunch of people in 
  the queue so I'm going to start calling up people they assume 
  some of that is in response to your question I also I'm just 
  raising my hand like that you can't see it but I'm ready to get 
  pretty high to say that I would love to help however possible so 
  that's just stay in touch and talk about it.
Kerri Lemoie:  You have the floor.
<richard_win_putra> I just curious, if in the future DCC will 
  release a new version of VC standard. Who will make sure that the 
  new version is compatible to the latest?
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> creynolds@eddesignlab.org if 
  anyone wants to chat about VC/LER implementation and/or employer 
  + HR Systems side of the "Last Mile"
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you Simone e.
Simone Ravaoli: 
Kerri Lemoie:  Dimitri you're in the queue you have the floor 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thanks yeah so I wanted to make a suggestion 
  to the Jim Kelly about.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  About what he was saying is that I was going 
  to ask Jim would you would you be interested in doing a 
  presentation here to this group just sharing the progress so far 
  or the sort of design intentions for the transcript that you 
  working on and maybe that we can give feedback as a community so 
  the my questions.
Jim Kelly:  Yeah do you want me to respond directly or wait in 
Kerri Lemoie:  Are you finished by now if you and Jim that's 
Jim Kelly:  Um yeah so Phil Barker who's also often on this call 
  but apparently not today has been doing a lot of the heavy 
  lifting he might be a better a better person to do a presentation 
  I would certainly be happy to be involved and I like that idea of 
  bringing ever up brevet bringing everyone up to speed and then 
  you know.
Jim Kelly:   Allowing everyone to see where.
Jim Kelly:  And you know start the process that way so I'll talk 
  to Phil we have a meeting later and I may be seeing him soon and 
  we can we can move that that idea forward thank you.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah it's great it's great idea Dimitri.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thanks Jim Gary I'm going to call in you in one 
  second this year in Cuba I'm going to call in Jim just because 
  he's he put in the cube from a previous topic but T3 and Last 
  Mile Jim hunt you too.

Topic: T3 Innovation Network

Jim Goodell:  Yeah I just wanted to mention that T3 Innovation 
  Network is working on a joint project between the data and 
  Technology standards Network and the job state it Network about 
  and it's directly related to The Last Mile report and in the 
  notion that employers don't see verifiability as enough of an 
  incentive to.
Jim Goodell:   Use Fair.
Jim Goodell:  Tools digital credentials and so this skills based 
  hiring and advancement Master use case which was started last 
  year is being extended to look more at the Education and Training 
  side and it's is essentially looking at what are all the other 
  factors beyond the technology itself that prevent optimal use of 
  the technology and.
Jim Goodell:  Are some of the points of friction that we might 
  consider as a community addressing particularly those 
  non-technology points of friction.
Kerri Lemoie:  That's awesome Jim you guys focused on any 
  particular industry for this or just pretty broadly I know.
Jim Goodell:  It's now it's pretty pretty broadly and we're 
  recognizing things like there's kind of a lack of transparency on 
  what credentials mean on one side and what and what the needs are 
  on the employer employment side so so how do we create situations 
  where there's greater transparency that.
Jim Goodell:   Tires are sending.
Jim Goodell:  Yes to Education and Training providers about what 
  skills they need and and the education training providers are 
  able to respond in ways that essentially that completing an 
  education or training program can be a predictor of or a an 
  individual or being certified in a competency within from a 
  program can be a productive.
Jim Goodell:   Addictive performance.
Kerri Lemoie: 
Kerri Lemoie:  I think that's incredible when that will you find 
  Further Along on it we'd like to hear more here to their minds me 
  of I asked about the industry specific because I was reminded of 
  this this link I'm putting in the chat Nix Nix I heard about of 
  when was it I guess like February came out the news about funding 
  a chips Manufacturing in the US and how they're looking.
Kerri Lemoie:   Being at high schools and technical schools.
Kerri Lemoie:  To learn these skills for these jobs and how 
  they're providing funding for these things and the end so that's 
  why I asked that question and was wondering about that.
Kerri Lemoie:  All right Gary I am asked if you could do yourself 
  up because I'm sure folks would be interested in hearing more 
  about the badging or that's imagine of the credentialing system 
  that I have been working on it or if you know about it you see I 
  just wondering if you could tell us more about that.
Gary_matkin: Is thank you can you hear me okay.

Topic: UCI

Gary_matkin: Thank you well I'm very mad kunai retired from UCI 
  last June but I've kept up by interest in digital credentialing 
  and of course you see I was one of the twelve founders of the 
  digital credential digital credential Consortium so we were in at 
  the beginning and we've did a campus-wide infrastructure to 
  support digital credentialing and I just want to tell you that 
  all of you who are looking at implementation.
Gary_matkin:  Tatian you're going to run into a big problem.
Gary_matkin: That big problem is what I call differentiation of 
  credentialing there's three types of credentials and that were 
  interested in the first is participate you can issue a digital 
  credential for participation so many many times for instance 
  Executive Education programs are really participation indicators 
  right they because Executive Education almost never has a 
Gary_matkin: Achievement okay that's what universities do we get 
  an A or a b or c and of course that's a level of learning 
  achievement but third and the newest one is competency competency 
  plus workplace relevance and I refer again to that last mile 
  paper as being key to this the new thing is the competency and 
  workplace relevance badge okay but the problem is that everybody 
  wants to do all three of those at once probably.
Gary_matkin: Red shading those three those three levels is really 
  tough because basically employers really want to see the compass 
  the badge comes the workplace relevance and different colors 
  different shapes of the badges that does not do anything for the 
  differentiation Okay so we've got we've got an inbuilt problem 
  whenever we're trying to implement a digital credentialing system 
  in an institution we've got a.
Gary_matkin:  we come up with that that problem.
Gary_matkin: What I call differentiation so there's various ways 
  around it but it's really something that everybody has to face.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you very that's really important we do 
  something we probably don't talk about enough and I think.
Kerri Lemoie:  You know it open badges 3.0 we have something 
  different where we have that we didn't have in previous versions 
  of badges which is a Cheeseman type but that's just inside of the 
  data and I don't think that it really it solves that problem it 
  just sort of is like one one step towards solving that problem 
  but not really enough and also for achievement type we are 
  leaning on the what was implemented was the same list that's at 
  credential engine and the CTE.
Kerri Lemoie:   The list which they say okay this is a you know a 
  diploma or a.
Kerri Lemoie:  Edge or my credential but they're also pretty 
  broad definitions and don't necessarily say what that means like 
  you know what the implications of that are like what the 
  experiences were was it participation was it assessed it's hard 
  to know they send us the achievement type.
Kerri Lemoie:  That is very interesting thank you.
Kerri Lemoie:  Jim you have the floor.
Jim Goodell:  So just a thought on that there there are those 
  three different categories but the the boundaries between those 
  categories might not be clear cut so.
Jim Goodell:  So there may be a learning experience that's graded 
  but the grading is not consistent from one instance of a class to 
  another so you have to kind of infer what that means in terms of 
  performance but there may be a richer version of that record that 
  says someone completed a course and got an A.
Jim Goodell:   And the.
Jim Goodell:  But here are the competencies that the course 
  taught in assessed and here's a breakdown of the how we assess 
  and and how and what how the person did on these specific kinds 
  of Assessments so adding that richness kind of moves it from one 
  category to the next and so I think there's it's more about 
  evaluating the.
Jim Goodell:   Richness of the.
Jim Goodell:  Competency data and whether there's metadata about 
  the assessments and of perform that could possibly used be used 
  to predict performance on a jet.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah I agree with this and then I'm going to just 
  throw start another idea about this to you or to anybody else to 
  is on the issuing side we can really think through this is this 
  is how to describe that experience the competencies and how it 
  was assessed even like the evidence I think part of the concern 
  is how do we get scale make it so that machines and flat.
Kerri Lemoie:   Forms can really understand.
Kerri Lemoie:  Know what to do at that historically with the past 
  like 10 years or so when we've had these open badges be put up on 
  a website they send them to a person and a person can read it and 
  can't actually make that decision but how do we move this forward 
  at scale so that we can use these on platforms and I'm sure like 
  a I you know there are you know there are definitely some 
  companies working on this in terms of am using Ai and I'm 
  wondering if like that's being taken to consideration in terms of 
  you know.
Kerri Lemoie:   Know that thinking.
Kerri Lemoie:  If you want to just riffing out here.
Jim Goodell:  I don't know if you want me to respond might yeah I 
  guess my I guess my thought is that there has to be a willingness 
  to be more transparent and if we can assume that a I can help us 
  discover some things about how an assertion of the confidence he 
  was assessed yeah.
Jim Goodell:   And our.
Jim Goodell:  And training programs willing to be transparent 
  about how things were assessed could those kind of the cultural 
  inertia that and that that it's confidence by proxy rather than 
  getting into the details of how we came up with that assertion.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: I think you were going to call on 
Kerri Lemoie:  Colin I used to hear your take on I'm going to I'm 
  going to call on you if you don't mind if I do if your hand was 
  raised or if I was just going to call on you but I'm wondering 
  chroma I think I'm just gonna call any Palin love to hear your 
  thoughts to make some good points.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Yeah I think the I think the weeds 
  of the competency standards and and the details of the skills 
  that are being acquired through the learning process are the 
  that's the work of higher education right this is what I think 
  k12 and higher ed systems have been really good at for the last 
  decade plus our building developmental maps that are well 
  researched and outlined to you know learning outcomes.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  at our age specific and.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Mint specific and that's what 
  they're really good at what we are are trying to help sort of 
  expedite unfortunately I say unfortunately because Expediting you 
  know decades worth of human human development research and then 
  applying That Into You know well-designed you know curriculums 
  and learning experiences and then shoving That Into You know a 
  week-long boot camp that an employer sinks.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  is a priority in order to 
  understand how to.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: The employer system or whatever or 
  similar it's that's really challenging work and I think that's 
  the reality that we're in is that we're trying to bridge a gap 
  between those two worlds with technology that helps to capture 
  all of that really well and I think some of what we're seeing 
  with the experience you projects or the T3 Network and our 
  collaboration with the US chamber Foundation is that there are 
  some tools out there like a i that are helping.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  going to do some of that 
  difficult Crossroad walking work.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: You've got it.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: An individual who may have done an 
  internship with you know some big bank I'll just stick in the 
  finance world for the example that internship they acquired all 
  kinds of skills you know they were probably a college kid learned 
  a lot it had an impact on them and now they want to go work for 
  some big banking partner well how does that banking partner 
  verify that what they learned in that internship is valid and has 
  some level of.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  is he behind it.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: I can help to scan some of the 
  existing skills Registries help to scan some of the existing 
  examples out there and package those in a way that can be issued 
  as a credential to go along with that individual I think that 
  this idea of trust and this idea of like Rich skill descriptors 
  or meaningful skill statements those two are where we see some 
  hang up right where we question the Fidelity of it but.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  but employers don't question the 
  Fidelity of the existing system they just said we don't have.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: So I think we're trying to we're 
  trying to do all of those things at the same time which is really 
  really difficult and when you focus on one of just one of them 
  let's say for example you just focus on competency statements and 
  skill statements and Padgett packaging those into verifiable 
  credentials well we've done that but that's not attractive to 
  employers for whatever reason right it might be that the their 
  system isn't built to ingest that kind of those kind of data 
  packets and then make sense.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  of them in meaningful ways so 
  when we start to talk about like a.
<jim_goodell> Experience You could be a game changer tipping 
  point for digital credentials
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Mm a standard or some sort of you 
  know Ellie are like verifiable presentation standard something 
  that is can visually represent in a you know a concise viewable 
  dock that also has meaning that's built on all this kind of stuff 
  like I think that's when we start to get to something that is 
  more easily consumable by the human and also by the system so I 
  know that was kind of a wandering.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  sort of explanation but it's 
  multifaceted right the.
<gary_matkin> Colin  Can I get your email address?  Gary
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Are real and depending on who you 
  talk to in the system and on the employer side like what when 
  employer wants versus another employer might be completely 
  different when it's hard to it's hard to do both sides of that 
  last mile problem because the way that they have approached you 
  know learning and competencies to this point are very different 
  and how have a long history behind them.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> creynolds@eddesignlab.org
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah absolutely calling right absolutely I mean 
  for the for the for the most part you know University degrees or 
  some sort or uses proxies but they don't really they aren't 
  really necessarily the proof of the skills or the competencies 
  for the job that you're being hired for right and that's 
  something else.
<gary_matkin> Request for email for Colin gmatkin@uci.edu
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Yeah that that's it yeah that and 
  and we've been working with a crow for experience you to get a 
  sample set of anonymised resume our transcripts for the project 
  teams to use to inform their tooling and their systems that 
  they're building with AI so that hopefully we can take you know 
  that that econ 101 course and add some skill descriptions to at 
  that based on what.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  they would have most likely 
  learned and now reflect that back.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Will reflect that back to the 
  university to say hey this is what it looks like these 
  individuals learn through this course can you verify that so we 
  can package it and allow it to go with the individual and I know 
  that the metal Varsity project and some of the Integrations that 
  text are on learning economy are doing on campus there are doing 
  exactly that right there crosswalking some of the competency 
  statements and Frameworks for specific courses on campus into 
  skill statements that can packaged and delivered to individuals.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  Al's wallets in this case learn 
  card so that they can then take it and we've seen this.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: You know where we've seen.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: A lot of promising a lot of 
  Promise is in Regional ecosystems and Regional economic markets 
  right so if you hyper focus on the state of Tennessee what 
  they've created with vertical alignment from pre-k to employment 
  is really interesting because you've got this Collective that are 
  all sort of working together because they want the individuals in 
  that region to get good jobs and they want those jobs to be based 
  on the skills that are being acquired through that process.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: I think you bring up.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Great example there's with the 
  transcript how can we make that transcript have more meaning and 
  more value for all of the all of the players and stakeholders in 
  that in that economic Marketplace.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: No it's great.
Kerri Lemoie:  That's a great example that you brought up about 
  what's going on with Marlo and Tennessee and over the years that 
  seems to happen that local local approach seems to work really 
  well and time and time again the research projects that I've been 
  part of that's also come make some been through hell and I have 
  one other question for you sorry to keep putting you on the spot 
  here but have you been speaking to any of the employers or do you 
  know of any.
Kerri Lemoie:   Have conversations with employers that them 
  issuing credentials to their employees.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Yeah that's I think we would like 
  to we would like to get more involved directly with employers who 
  are doing that I know there are there are there are three that 
  come to mind right now and I would love to I think groups here 
  are working directly with those employers but we're not we're not 
  at Liberty to share them broadly but what we're seeing is what 
  they want to do in terms of issuing credentials or are all very 
  sort of employer.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  stretches like they.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: People they want to upskill them 
  through their Learning Systems whatever they are two to advance 
  them into you know some mid-level manager or Beyond so they're 
  more focused on their internal systems and creating alignment 
  with their skill statements and their curriculum and their 
  learning routes or learning Pathways but just for their 
  organization and IBM's a great example of an organization that 
  does wonderful upskilling has incredible learning courses for 
  their individuals but those.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  rules in those the credentials 
  that they're being issued.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: And it's translate or transport 
  out of that employer ecosystem very neatly and if that's shifted 
  I would love to hear how that's changed and how people are doing 
  that organizations are thinking about that and that's where we're 
  really trying to push and towards interoperability right is like 
  if you issue your credentials in a verifiable credential format 
  or something that is data compliant with that then that ended 
  when you issue it to their their wallet that they can take with 
  them or allow them to transport it out.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  of your ecosystem into there.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Take with them now we've got 
  opportunity that is more focused on the individual Less on the 
  employer side but I think the employers at least we've been 
  talking to and then others here I think are in conversation with 
  are really focused on building for their employees for their 
  organization specifically which is which is a great step right we 
  do this with higher ed groups as we build those learning Pathways 
  we add micro-credentials along the that pathway so that.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab:  they become stackable to create a 
  fuller you know learning how come.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Package if you will that they can 
  then take with them and we'd love to do that same thing with 
  employers so that once those individuals leave whatever that 
  ecosystem is they can move into the broader like Marketplace.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yep that's great hon thank you very much for 
  sharing all of that and jib to for sharing the work that's going 
  on at E3 I hope both of you come back to keep us keeping us in on 
  this work as it keeps going because I think we are about to run 
  start of something really good here and I know it's not just the 
  start but I think it's making a lot of progress right now Cheryl 
  you have the floor.
Ryan Grant:  Can you hear me okay I just I guess I moved back and 
  forth between these different groups are having these 
  conversations and I have sort of sorted in my mind that sometimes 
  the conversation becomes a payload conversation which I think we 
  kind of just had about what goes into the envelope and then 
  sometimes it's about the envelope and one of the things that has 
  been really grabbing my attention on the envelope side.
Ryan Grant:   Is even in the 2.00 be.
Ryan Grant:  Base to be certified by one attack you don't have to 
  have any metadata really you don't have to have fields that are 
  filled in with very rich data so I feel concerned about that 
  that's just that like a parking lot for that idea and I feel like 
  since that kind of went screwy from what we thought was going to 
  happen that this opportunity now with verifiable credentials.
Ryan Grant:   As we.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> +100 Sheryl
Ryan Grant:  Language and what it means and how to speak to our 
  different constituent groups is going to become so incredibly 
  important and I feel like we have to learn from that what 
  happened with 2.0 so that we don't have people buying these 
  credential issuing platforms and then not really understanding 
  what it means to own your own mode metadata or do value-added 
  actions on your metadata or fill in those fields so I feel like 
  there's the language piece when you talked about how you're going 
Ryan Grant:   Be doing that I can remember but it's tln or bad 
Ryan Grant:  Important and that this next phase if we could as a 
  group really figure that out and look at what exactly is not 
  happening what exists now in implementation and and figure out 
  what we can do so that it is less likely to happen with open 
  badges 3.0 or verifiable credentials.
<jim_goodell> Need to drop. Have a good day everyone.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you Cheryl I think so too I think we all 
  talk about verify the credentials and many of us in this group 
  have been having this conversation for a long time and we know 
  the language because you know we've been using it I know that 
  when I first started learning about verifiable credentials it 
  took me a while to really understand what it would really mean 
  and that's a big leap for a lot of people to have to make when 
  they're just trying to like do what's right for their communities 
  not really having to.
Kerri Lemoie:  Can see is there so thank you yeah I think I think 
  we can do that better too.
Kerri Lemoie:  All right everybody we are at about ten minutes to 
  the hour so I just want to give anybody else an opportunity to 
  put themselves in the queue if they have anything they would like 
  to talk about or anything they want to talk about next time we 
  try to hold these open agendas once a month but also if you are 
  interested in presenting on a call let us know we'd love to have 
  you you could have a whole call to talk about your topic and Cleo 
  I see you are in the queue to want you to take the floor.
Kerri Lemoie:   For us.
Kaliya Young:  Hi folks I sent a note out last night I don't know 
  if it actually went through because it's sort of sent me a like a 
  scolding email back forwarded it to you carry but I was sharing 
  about the event that were working on with Partners in Zurich the 
  digital identity unconference Europe happening in June and I'm 
  hoping that folks.
Kaliya Young:   Those who are on.
Kaliya Young:  The who are either based in Europe or know folks 
  who are you're in Europe that would benefit from attending can 
  spread the word and share about the event coming up so really 
  were taking the format that we use that iiw and bringing it to to 
Kaliya Young:  Well did it down.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah that was awesome that's awesome I wish I 
  could attend not gonna be able to make it but I wish I could it 
  sounds amazing clear I did get your message by the way so check 
  your inbox and I hope you figure that out well by your 
  announcement didn't make it.
Kaliya Young:  Or did it just send me a scolding email that's 
  what I don't understand.
Kerri Lemoie:  I don't think it made this made it to this list at 
Kaliya Young:  Hey I'll try I'll resend it to this list and.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah I tried again yeah I'm even a typos I don't 
Kerri Lemoie:  Anyway I didn't see it in the archive so it didn't 
  or into the queue for me to approve which I shouldn't have to do 
  anyway I love you Shield to send stuff on the mailing list do you 
  have a look and then I get back to me we'll figure it out.
Kerri Lemoie:   All right everybody.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> Exciting!
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> Thanks all
Kerri Lemoie:  Next week we have ASU TLN the project not the 
  unconference but the initiative presenting and telling us like 
  saying you know what they've been working on in the progress 
  they've made in the past year so please join us for that because 
  I think you're going to find that to be a very interesting 
  approach to to verifiable credentials.
Kerri Lemoie:  Okay but that I am going to close the call I hope 
  you all have a wonderful week and talk to you all soon thank you.

Received on Friday, 7 April 2023 13:37:42 UTC