[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2023-01-23

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2023-01-23

  1. Announcements & Reminders
  2. JWT VC interoperability profile with Jen Schreiber from 
    Workday Credentials
  Simone Ravaoli
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Simone Ravaoli, Chris Webber, Andy Griebel, Jen Schreiber, Kerri 
  Lemoie, David Ward, Tim Bouma, Xander, Eric Shepherd, Stuart 
  Freeman, John Kuo, Dmitri Zagidulin, Andy Miller, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Phil Barker, Deb Everhart, 
  Hob Spillane, Chris Kelly, Marty Reed, James Chartrand, Keith 
  Kowal, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Chandi Cumaranatunge, 
  Kayode Ezike, Sharon Leu, Ryan Grant, Jim Kelly, Naomi, xander - 
  ASU/Pocket, Phil L (P1), Kimberly Linson, Xander / ASU Pocket, 
  Brian, PL, Xander - ASU Pocket, Jim Goodell, David Baumgartner 
  @smartEduWallet TM, Glenn Rempe, Jeff O - HumanOS

<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> hello all. Let's give it a few mins...
<kerri_lemoie> Hello All!
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kerri Lemoie:  This is Carrie and scriber and it started and then 
  it stopped.
Kerri Lemoie:  Oh now I see it again so I don't know I missed you 
  I'll keep an eye on it.
Kerri Lemoie: :+1:
<kerri_lemoie> Strange that you're not getting transcribed 
Kerri Lemoie:  Sure hey everyone snoring by the way I'm still not 
  seeing now the transcribing has stopped again I'm not sure what 
  is up.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

<kerri_lemoie> plugfest 2 web page: 
Kerri Lemoie:  Anyway I just want to let folks know that we 
  publish the videos for the plugfest to demos you can get it a 
  link to it on the plugfest to web page and then put that in the 
  chat for you right now.
Kerri Lemoie:  Right at the top you'll see participant list with 
  videos and then this is actually the list.
<kerri_lemoie> page with videos: 
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> The 
  transcriber has intermittent and unpredictable deafness problems 
  just like the rest of us. Restarting it *may* fix. Users not 
  being heard by it may also need to drop and rejoin.
Kerri Lemoie:  These are sorry it took so long but we had a lot 
  of to go through this was a much more complex like class because 
  we had issuers issuing to two wallets to all its or well it's 
  issuing 22 issuers and then we also had multiple more than that 
  more than more than two per some of the entries and then some 
  folks you know combine their videos so it took us a while to sort 
  it all out but you should be able to get a link to all of the 
  organizations participated on this page.
Kerri Lemoie:   See what they submitted at and the wallets and 
  issuers interacted with and then.
Kerri Lemoie:  The demo video.
Kerri Lemoie:  And that's it thank you.
<kerri_lemoie> Video of demo day coming soon
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> is there also a list of all 
  the participants?
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'm just a 
  quick thing the transcriber goes deaf just like the rest of us 
  sometimes it's intermittent and unpredictable sometimes 
  restarting the transcriber will fix it sometimes the users that 
  it's not hearing also need to drop and rejoin.
<kerri_lemoie> @deb - this list is all of the participantrs: 
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks @Ted
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> thank you, an impressive 

Topic: JWT VC interoperability profile with Jen Schreiber from Workday Credentials

Jen_Schreiber: Awesome thanks for that intro okay let me just 
  start sharing my screen.
Kerri Lemoie: Re: transcriber - so we don't interrupt the call, 
  we can take the audio and get it transcribed after the call.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay you got the slides.
<kerri_lemoie> ... to fill in any gaps
Jen_Schreiber: And I on.
Jen_Schreiber: Not exactly her dish how sure how to do that but 
  there are questions throughout I don't know Simone if you want to 
  chime in or we can save them to the end.
Jen_Schreiber: Perfect so as I got introduced I'm John Schreiber 
  a software engineer at work day primarily working on VC interop 
  and I met Simone a hat IW and have been kind of attending this 
  task force on and off since then so I'm excited to be able to 
  present here and share with you all some of the work that we've 
  been doing.
<kerri_lemoie> IIW == https://internetidentityworkshop.com/
Jen_Schreiber: Bye little bit of an intro on what is 
  interoperability I'm sure this part will be preaching to the 
  choir with you all as very Pro interop Group next I'll get into 
  the jot VC interoperability profile itself share with you all 
  about the technology kind of some of the reasoning behind that 
  its impact on open Badges and then I'll end with a nice demo okay 
  let's get started.
Jen_Schreiber:  so what is it.
Jen_Schreiber: Especially related to verifiable credentials and I 
  know you all are familiar with the this cuz all of the plugfest 
  initiatives this last year but interoperability is the ability of 
  different systems to talk to each other and in my mind 
  interoperability is really the marker of amateur and successful 
  verifiable credential ecosystem without interop without being 
  able to share an issue credentials across multiple wallets and 
Jen_Schreiber:  and issuer provider.
<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> love this streetwise def of Interop 
Jen_Schreiber: Like you can't really embrace the true power of 
  VC's and its use cases and it's.
Jen_Schreiber: How are really gets stifled so why should you care 
  about interoperability interoperability empowers the end-user it 
  really empowers the holder of the credential in the context of 
  this task force that's often the student to be active in their 
  learning or education Journey they can take their credentials 
  with them across institutions as they change universities they 
  can get new credentials along the way but we really need 
  interoperability to enable this.
Jen_Schreiber: Vents a closed ecosystem.
Jen_Schreiber: To have we want to avoid the situation where 
  there's kind of like one wallet to rule them all or one issue or 
  one verifier by opening the ecosystem and having interoperability 
  we can really solve for a wide range of use cases and make our 
  holders like quite successful in that education journey and 
  lastly interoperability promotes VC up take this one's kind of 
  self-explanatory but the.
Jen_Schreiber:  or issuers.
Jen_Schreiber: Verifiers and wallets we have the more popular 
  verifiable credentials come will come and I think that's kind of 
  the end goal that we all want we're VCS become really ubiquitous 
  within technology.
Jen_Schreiber: So currently there's lots of great specifications 
  that you all know whether they're published by ietf or open id'd 
  if w3c lots of specs for issuing and verifying VCS between 
  wallets issuers and verifiers but because of all these specs the 
  wallets and the verifiers the issuer's they all have to decide 
  which specifications they want to operate under and support and 
  hope that anybody that they.
Jen_Schreiber:  on to communicate with any of these.
Jen_Schreiber: Also support the same specs and specs by Nature 
  are very broad flexible and often pretty on a pinion ated and all 
  of this optionality within the specifications make it quite 
  complex and really expensive to deliver code maintain a solution 
  and issue and verifies VCS and specs alone cannot as you all have 
  seen I'm sure they can't ensure interoperability and so.
Jen_Schreiber:  I really need a spell.
Jen_Schreiber: Vacation profile specification profiles outline 
  the way in which multiple parties agree to implement a given set 
  of specifications and they try to strip all but required 
  optionality from uh specification so let's say in the use case of 
  a jot if you see right so without a specification profile a 
  implementer might have to support let's say like.
Jen_Schreiber:  like 40 different.
Jen_Schreiber: Designing algorithms because they don't know which 
  type which dad algorithm you know whoever they want to 
  communicate also supports but if we were to use a specification 
  profile let's say that requires maybe only to signing algorithms 
  that's overall like a 20x reduction in complexity with just that 
  one constraint of signatures so you can visualize that if we were 
  to go through this step for all the different specifications in a 
Jen_Schreiber: It would really reduce that cost and complexity 
  for implementers.
Jen_Schreiber: So in comes the giant VC interoperability profile 
  that I've been working on within the diff or decentralized 
  identity foundations and we're working on this within the claims 
  and credentials working group in the Jap VC interoperability 
  profile work item.
Jen_Schreiber: And there's been lots of great contributors to the 
  profile thus far including me and my team at work day Microsoft 
  ping matter IBM Spruce gen digital and then also other companies 
  who are starting to implement the profile.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay so now I want it to break down a little bit 
  of the oh I heard a ping oh there's someone in the queue and 
  they're out now okay okay yeah no problem so this slide just kind 
  of goes over our stages of the interop profile we've divided the 
  profile into three stages presentation issuance and portability 
  or display VCS.
Jen_Schreiber: Asian stage involves the whole enables the holder 
  a to be able to present a compliant vc2 verifier be issuer 
  issuance stage represents enabling an issue or be to be able to 
  issue a credential to holder a and then portability and display 
  involves consistent you is and the movement of VCS between 
  different wallets.
Jen_Schreiber: Right now State the first stage presentation of 
  VCS that segment of the profile has been published within deaf 
  and you can find that online issuance is being actively worked on 
  us editors are planning on publishing the first draft of that in 
  the next couple weeks so you can see that live then we haven't 
  really started looking at portability and display yet.
Jen_Schreiber:  but if you were to compare this to.
Jen_Schreiber: We got within this work item that jmf flux is it 
  kind of went a little bit in the opposite direction Flex S1 I 
  think started with display and Pub plugfest to with issuance and 
  then I think that the last plugfest will be presentation so same 
  content but a little bit of a different order.
Jen_Schreiber: Let's talk about the technology and the profile 
  itself so the Jap VC interrupt profiles are based on open ID for 
  verifiable credentials open ID for VP and open ID for VCI with 
  some unused optionality to removed remember like kind of the goal 
  of the specification profile is to make it as simple for 
  implementers to write the code and my aunt Amy's.
Jen_Schreiber: In the solutions and promote kind of like easy 
  quick interop so we're using jot VCS with did methods of did ion 
  or did web we're soon to be adding did J B WK the two key types 
  that are supported our ed2 5519 and SEC P 256 K 1 keys.
Jen_Schreiber: Using well-known did configuration which is a diff 
  spec for link domain verification that is enables some basically 
  trust for the domain and for the identities of the implementers 
  for revocation status list 20 21 and then issuance right now is 
  just supporting just-in-time issuance no deferred issuance and 
  only an authorization code no pre-authorization code.
Jen_Schreiber:  with this.
Jen_Schreiber: I think we've had this Mantra throughout the whole 
  experience of developing these interrupt profiles and that has 
  been really that we're seeking progress and not Perfection with 
  the recognition that really no specification profile is going to 
  be universally accepted after its first iterate iteration and it 
  kind of needs to adapt and grow naturally as implementers needs 
  change but this is like that first kind of.
Jen_Schreiber: First progress towards that and over time I think 
  successful profiles there will probably be a couple competing 
  profiles and hopefully they'll likely converge and we got this 
  kind of universal standard for the ecosystem and that will make 
  interrupt very easy and convenient for everybody so chat GPT I 
  think put it really nicely that path to success lies in constant 
  Improvement not the pursuit of an unattainable perfection.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay let's talk use cases because this task worse 
  loves the use cases so the Jap VC interoperability profiles were 
  developed with the workplace credential use case in mind this is 
  a credential type that's issued to a user by its workplace 
  organization and we're calling this a verified employee.
Jen_Schreiber:  and the users of.
Jen_Schreiber: Type of credential would be employees students 
  staff contractors or vendors of a workplace and workplace 
  credential could support users in their Journey when they on 
  board to a new company access to different workplace applications 
  maybe even alumni scenario so there's lots of use cases that are 
  workplace credential could support.
Jen_Schreiber: And open badges really fit nicely into the 
  interoperability profile especially the open badges V3 data model 
  which are just verifiable credentials and they can be encoded 
  just like any VC into a jot and once the badges are encoded in 
  Jets we can use the interoperability profile to issue and verify 
  them like we would any other.
Jen_Schreiber: And that can again like ensure interoperability 
  interoperable issuance and presentation of these ob3 job VCS and 
  really enhance that student Journey so the new ob3 is just really 
  exciting when you are able to use it with a profile like this.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay and then the last portion of my presentation 
  is a demo so I thought that you all would probably want to see 
  the interoperability profile in action and so for the demo I'm 
  going to be using a little scenario of a student and in this case 
  my name as a student It's Pat Smith and let's just say I'm a 
  university student getting my BS in.
Jen_Schreiber: And so on the right of the screen you can see this 
  is my wallet this is a command line wallet I'll get into that 
  when I show you the actual demo but i'ii credentials in my wallet 
  one is a research assistant I work in an organic chemistry lab 
  and they're certain safety requirements so I had to go through 
  training and that gave me this are a verified employee credential 
  I'm also a student so I have a student credential maybe that 
  gives me a discount to the movies or.
Jen_Schreiber: I was me.
Jen_Schreiber: This into a building and then the last credential 
  in the wallet is teaching assistant credentials so I taught chem 
  101 last semester and I needed to have access to a grading 
  website to be able to add grades for students exams.
Jen_Schreiber:  and this.
<elizabeth_miller> did
Jen_Schreiber: Has been revoked because let's say I did that last 
  semester and now I shouldn't have access to the system so that 
  sets the stage a little bit for the demo and I think I need to 
  stop sharing and then re share again so I can show you the demo 
  let's do that real quick.
Jen_Schreiber: So this demo is.
Jen_Schreiber: Pre-recorded because I'm not bold enough to do a 
  live demo but I will talk through it so.
Jen_Schreiber: So you should see I think that's that looks good 
  from what I can tell.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay great so this is a screenshot of my command 
  line so I'm going to be demoing this flow with a command line 
  wallet that my team at work day developed just for internal 
  purposes that way we could easily iterate on interop and I just 
  makes it really quick and.
Jen_Schreiber: To show you all.
Jen_Schreiber: Okay so the demo wallet has some convenient 
  commands in it to issue and verify VCS you can scan QR codes and 
  list different credentials that I have in my wallet so we use 
  this demo wallet VC LS command so that you can see all the VCS in 
  my wallet these are the three species that I showed you on the 
  previous slide I have my student my aura and then my revoke t a 
Jen_Schreiber: Okay so I'm going to first show you we're going to 
  probably go through like 5 I think verifiers in this flow don't 
  worry some of them will be at like 1.5 x speed so it's only like 
  a three minute demo but I think by showing all the verifiers you 
  can see the power of interoperability profile so let's play so on 
  the right side I have a Microsoft verifier.
Jen_Schreiber: And I use this demo while it's can command to scan 
  the QR code with my demo wallet I just screenshot the qr-code 
  much like I'd use a camera on a mobile app to scan a QR code so 
  after I scan it then I'd M Allah will run through all these 
  checks that are required in the profile so I will resolve the 
  verifiers did and on eye on network and.
Jen_Schreiber:  get its public key material I'll check the.
Jen_Schreiber: Of the URL to make sure that I can trust this 
  verifier that's the text in green and then my wallet will Loop 
  through the credentials and check which credentials match the.
Jen_Schreiber: Match the presentation definition defined by the 
  verifier so this profiles using presentation exchange so after 
  that I'm going to choose my credential in this case I'm going to 
  share a student credential and my response has been accepted and 
  then you can see that the presentation has been verified on the 
  verifier okay so next I'm going to go through on a 1.5 x speed 
  lots of other verifiers starting with a ping verifier it'll do 
  all the same.
Jen_Schreiber:  um checks just.
Jen_Schreiber: I am and I'm going to share the student 
Jen_Schreiber: Next I'm going to go through a jet this one 
  verifier was made by Jen digital again scanning the QR code so 
  you can see really buy all of these examples the power of the Jap 
  VC interoperability profile it makes it very easy and the wallet 
  has all the confidence that if the verifier follows the all of 
  the specifications and directions within the profile then.
Jen_Schreiber:  will be.
Jen_Schreiber: So this is a spruce verifier you can see I think 
  this time I shared research assistant Prudential.
Jen_Schreiber: And here there's the credential subject and then 
  lastly I'm going to pause it real quick this last verifier this 
  is a verifier developed by auth0 lab and the most exciting about 
  thing about this verifier is I just learned about this verifier 
  on Wednesday in our last diff meeting and I tested it out for the 
  first time on Friday as I was recording these videos and because 
  they follow the.
Jen_Schreiber:  Jap VC.
Jen_Schreiber: Patient profile to a tee I was actually able to 
  present my credentials to this verifier and have success on the 
  first try so I think that's pretty amazing and shows you really 
  how much following a specification profile really reduces all of 
  the friction so I'm going to run through this one really quick as 
  well run through my skin command anybody who's tried inner off.
Jen_Schreiber:  and Sherry and credentials between wallets.
Jen_Schreiber: Who participated in the plugfest you know that 
  like in reality interop is very hard and there's so many little 
  details that you have to work through and by following a profile 
  like it just reduces all that so there you go success on the 
  first try and then last demo I'm going to have this verifier 
  check revocation status of the credential so it wants to make 
Jen_Schreiber:  sure that a credential it receives.
Jen_Schreiber: Vocht we're using replication status or status 
  list 2021 for revocation so I'm going to try to be a little 
  sneaky and shared a revoked credential this will be my ta chem 
Jen_Schreiber:  and you.
Jen_Schreiber: See that the verifier was not happy about the 
  credential status and that's exactly the outcome that we wanted 
  so I hope that through all of these demos and seeing you know 
  quickly each verifier run through that you might be able to a 
  little bit appreciate what a interoperability what this job you 
  see interoperability profile enables and how through it we can 
  have a successful in Europe.
Jen_Schreiber:  that is pretty much.
Jen_Schreiber: The bulk of what I wanted to share.
Jen_Schreiber: I'm happy to take any questions I'll stop sharing 
  or talk about any of our experiences.
Jen_Schreiber: The job BC interoperability profile that whole 
  will give some time for questions they come in the chat.
<chris_kelly_(dif)> Thanks Jen! Great, punchy demo :)
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah definitely I was thinking that as well 
  because one of the whole tracks of the plugfest is based on open 
  ID for VC so it fits in very nicely and I love to see that 
<sharon_leu> @Jen - Will definitely reach out to chat. Excited to 
  build on areas of alignment.
Jen_Schreiber: Yes so I believe Microsoft I'm Tricia an that 
  product area is based on the interoperability profile so they 
  were kind of developing without use case in mind from work days 
  perspective this is all.
Jen_Schreiber: Not productized on our end but really our team is 
  focused on building out the specifications and the profiles so 
  that one day we might be able to move in that direction.
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah I think it's oh I heard another comment.
Jen_Schreiber: I think it yeah it just enables some really 
  exciting possibilities and I'm not sure which of those will 
  become a reality really you could use the interop profile for any 
  use case right you could use it for sharing skills with open 
  badges you could use it for workplace credential you could use it 
  for an access credential so there's lots of different use cases 
  and by folk by focusing on the.
Jen_Schreiber:  specifications in the protocols to create 
Jen_Schreiber: Enabling that future where like any application 
  could work so in my mind it's more about we're like kind of 
  setting the stage for whichever use case or application of these 
  becomes more ubiquitous it ubiquitous or kind of do a reality.
Jen_Schreiber: It's a future that we all hope for right like why 
  we're doing all this.
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah so right now we're in strictly like.
Jen_Schreiber: Kind of like a proof of concept stage so work name 
  is very early in the adoption of these you know there has been 
  people out where day working on VC's I don't know for the last 
  trying to think of my timeline is 2023 maybe like five years 
  right so being very early in the ecosystem a lot of the standards 
  just weren't where they needed to be to productize credentials 
  and with outstanding.
Jen_Schreiber:  and erds and even without interop.
Jen_Schreiber: It's hard to have that future of you sees that we 
  all want so workday now is pulling back and in the phase where 
  we're putting our energy more into working on the standard side 
  and working on the profile and not committing to a product at 
  this point.
Jen_Schreiber: It's hard to be an early adopter right.
Jen_Schreiber: Yes yeah and and you know like it should take some 
  iterations to get this right and it's not easy work that we're 
  all doing and you know teaching the general public about 
  credentials about decentralized identity like all of that takes 
  time and also getting the standards where they need to be to have 
  the credential world that we all want.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yes hey Jen thank you for this and petitioner we 
  appreciate it I have a question for you we've been working on the 
  open Badge of stuff for a while now and here we are we're getting 
  to this this time where we're making a lot of progress on I'm 
  going to call it the envelope aspect of verifiability right and 
  and do the interrupt stuff in terms of exchanging.
Kerri Lemoie:   When they nasari to come more and more.
Kerri Lemoie:  Reaching out to me is vocabulary and payload and 
  like semantic interoperability and there are standards for that 
  an open Badges and has a whole whole lot of metadata that could 
  be used and there's other other standards coming you know and 
  taxonomy is available and I was just sort of wondering about your 
  perspective on that in terms of like the understandability of its 
  kind of tells me start setting them around.
Jen_Schreiber: So understandability from like a technical 
  perspective for the implementers or more for the holders.
Kerri Lemoie:  I'm work for the the verifiers in the relying 
  parties like the other payload data read the description of these 
  credentials which I find is one of the most challenging parts of 
  the work we're doing in this task force because there are so many 
  different types of credentials that were trying to communicate.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> e.g. linked open data in CTDL 
Jen_Schreiber: Oh I see like credential types is more what you're 
  talking about.
Kerri Lemoie:  So we have a yeah so for instance right now we 
  must have badges but we can say that credential is it could be a 
  diploma could be a certification but then in the credential 
  subject and the actual achievement we may have like fields in 
  there that sort of give more information right and that kind of 
  mad at this yeah yeah so you're really talking about important 
  schema all right and linked data where I'll be talking about it 
  more as like metadata properties yeah yeah.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yes we have time you know.
Jen_Schreiber: I see ya what a complex topic schemas we always 
  you know because I would say that because this profile is like 
  really use case agnostic where we try not to get too into like 
  what what schema you would use right like we have the workplace 
  credential in the verified employee that follows a certain 
  metadata but besides that we're not really like making an opinion 
Jen_Schreiber:  you have to use the profile with this because.
Jen_Schreiber: It's just so complex and there is really no it's 
  not set in stone I would say kind of what you were alluding to 
  carry so I don't really have a good answer to that I hope that as 
  different use cases develop or as different verifiers would 
  decide you know like I'm accepting a badge only badges or I'm 
  accepting this like we would get to some sort of standard way to 
  express that but.
Jen_Schreiber:  I'm not really sure what that.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> +q
Kerri Lemoie:  You know someday I think it'd be great to revisit 
  this with you and work day because I think you are working more 
  unemployment credentials and a lot of times we talk about you 
  education achievements but this this work this task force is both 
  and even though we aren't specifically saying so our sort of 
  implying that experiences is in works with their education too so 
  I'm curious yeah to see in some point like if employers and HR 
  assistant start using different.
Kerri Lemoie:   Sort of schemas that.
Kerri Lemoie:  And the education ones and how we can sort of 
  figure that out right I don't know thinking out loud a little 
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah yeah because if right like there's one thing 
  about this you know speaking the same language of implementation 
  and then also you have to understand the credential itself and 
  yeah or else like where's the values so I think that's really 
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): Hey John thanks this is really 
  helpful sorry I meant to leave my camera on and and great to see 
  how this work is progressing especially across major players who 
  are going to be super influential in this space so thank you for 
  bringing up the the payload and I put a link in the chat to the 
  handbook for the credential transparency description language I 
  have a question to this.
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine):  group in general.
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): So CDL covers all different 
  types of Education and Training credentials you know diplomas 
  badges degrees certificates Etc as well as courses and skills and 
  it covers the it covers the basics of jobs and work roles but it 
  doesn't really it does not I just say it explicitly it does not 
  cover actual employment records.
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): My broader question to this 
  group is what would be useful in terms of how we bring schemas 
  together is their employment records schema that is broadly used 
  or could be adapted and what could we do that's useful to connect 
  that to see TDL for example we've offered to connect see gdl to 
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine):  but I know that's only part of 
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): So what would be helpful.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Just wanted to add a quick response.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The one thing I think would be really helpful 
  from a developer standpoint is if maybe as a standalone video or 
  maybe as a presentation here on one of these calls.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The tutorial of if you're a developer and 
  you're you're creating for a pilot or deployment let's say of 
  course credential here's how you would add data enrichment using 
  CTL so I think.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah I think the the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Teaching credential developers about the 
  low-hanging fruit data enrichment might be really helpful which 
  would knock it doesn't.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That's not solely to the question you asked of 
  employment credential specifically but I think in general it 
  would be.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Oh that's great.
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): Yeah we'd be happy to do that 
  I'll also put a link in the chat to the badge publisher guide 
  that we've that we've written collaboratively with an advisor but 
  that is specifically about badges but it's really in general 
  about how you use an alignment to link data that's outside the 
  credential that's issued so it's generally available generally 
Deb_Everhart_(Credential_Engine): But anyway my question was like 
  where where are the where the schema boundaries do those need to 
  be boundaries how can we link things together because I thought 
  the examples that you showed Jen we're interesting in part 
  because they overlap employment and Education and Training 
  credentials so just putting it out there that we want to be 
  collaborative on this front and let us know what would be useful.
<sharon_leu> q
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah thanks I totally agree the lines are a little 
  bit blurry on how we Define kind of the metadata or the even the 
  scheme of a credential and it's a little bit subjective so yeah.
Jen_Schreiber: It's a great thing to work towards.
Sharon Leu:  I'm hitting the plus got added so that was a mistake 
  I guess I wanted to rewind to earlier in the conversation where 
  you were talking about the employer issued Workforce credential 
  and I'm curious in using open badge which is designed not for 
  that uses his we're like did you encounter any sort of limits to 
  that particular specification or like did you have 
  recommendations for other people who are also using them for non 
  sort of traditional education.
Sharon Leu:   Location badging purposes.
Jen_Schreiber: From the display perspective or kind of broadly.
Jen_Schreiber: Gasps so workday had we had implemented earlier 
  with badges 2.0 and at that point we kind of bespoke Lee stuck 
  the badge in a VC and kind of display the badge I.
Jen_Schreiber:  I think we.
Jen_Schreiber: Had to kind of played around using them for 
  employment scenarios but I can't quite remember like any 
  roadblocks we came to we have not tested putting badges 3.0 at 
  like the newer badges as credentials so I can't directly answer 
  to that.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> Credential Engine convened and 
  open advisory group to produce this guide for including CTDL in 
  badges-- feedback welcome, and this is intended to be useful for 
  VCs in general 
Jen_Schreiber: But we had kind of put them I think we were mainly 
  using them into for like a picture type display that could be 
  displayed on some sort of social media so that was the 
  perspective we were coming from but I don't have much more to 
  elaborate that didn't really answer your question I think like 
  the emphasis I would put is that.
Jen_Schreiber: Should treat badges just as we would treat any 
  other VC and not kind of in my mind give it like super special 
  treatment but you know it is essentially just a data model that 
  we can use VC's to kind of wrap around it so the more we 
  incorporate like that badge into the whole VC ecosystem that we 
  have existing I think the more successful that badges will be.
Jen_Schreiber: That would be my comment on that.
<kerri_lemoie> Achievement Type in OBv3 is aligned with the CTDL 
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah and I think Kerry mentioned that you know we 
  have been contributors to the open badges 3.0 specs so you know 
  I'm trying to play an active role in that group to help make sure 
  that the badges the future of Badges and the future VC is 
  converging a really easy-to-use nice way so.
Jen_Schreiber: Why don't you see if I can publish it I got a 
  double check on that.
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah I think there are a lot of possibilities and 
  a lot of potential and as we get the technology and the standards 
  to where they need to be I think it's a very exciting future.
<kerri_lemoie> Great presentation, Jen. Thank you!
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> Thanks for joining and sharing 
Jen_Schreiber: Yeah thank you all for being a great audience and 
  engaged really appreciate it.
<sharon_leu> Thank you, Jen, this is exciting!
<chris_kelly_(dif)> Thanks all!
<kerri_lemoie> Have a great week!
Eric_Shepherd: Now that's right I wanted to say thank you and 
  clap and I hit the wrong button so I didn't actually intend to 
  speak but I was great presentation that was really really helpful 
  for me thank you so much.
Eric_Shepherd: Thanks for clapping for me.

Received on Friday, 7 April 2023 13:32:16 UTC