Re: Multi-signature Verifiable Credentials

On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 12:35 PM John, Anil <> wrote:
> The ability to simultaneously have 3 separate proofs associated with the same JSON-LD based verifiable credential
> A proof that is using FIPS Compliant Cryptographic Primitives
> A proof that is using Post-Quantum Cryptographic Primitives
> A proof that is using BBS Cryptographic Primitives for Selective Disclosure

As mentioned in the previous email, this is supported by VC Data Integrity:

We'll find out how many implement the feature, which is not difficult
to implement if you support a single Data Integrity proof, when we get
to the Candidate Recommendation phase.

> A mechanism for the Digital Wallet to signal to an Issuer that it is capable of supporting the above

This would probably be a privacy violation if done on a per-individual
basis (it could broadcast which types of DIDs the individual has). For
example, if you are using a type of cryptography that is used by a
particular nation state, it would out you as potentially having ties
with that nation state.

If this is done at the wallet level, it's probably not useful
information. Just because a digital wallet supports 20 DID Methods
doesn't mean that the individual using the wallet actually has all 20
of those DID Methods at their disposal.

A design with a better privacy position would be for the Verifier to
assert that it supports verifying certain types of digital signatures.
This is the approach that the VC API has taken with Verifiable
Presentation Requests and is shown in the DIDAuthentication flows here
(note the "acceptedMethods" and "acceptedCryptosuites" fields.):

> A mechanism for the Digital Wallet to signal to a Verifier about the proof formats it has available on a particular credential

Same as the comment above. The Digital Wallet signalling specifics
about what it holds on a per-individual basis can lead to privacy
violations. The Digital Wallet signalling its feature set, in general,
might not be useful in this particular scenario (but might be useful
in others, like asserting that it passes certain industry

> A mechanism for the Verifier to signal to the Holder/Wallet about the proof formats it supports

What's the use case here? Is it: "Verifier Gamma would like to offer a
Verifiable Credential in a format that the Holder will be able to
process."? Why isn't this driven off of something like the
"acceptedCryptosuites" field in DID Authentication -- given that, you
know what sort of cryptography the Holder software prefers and you can
issue using the same cryptography. OR, an Issuer might not care...
they might only issue using EdDSA and BBS, and when you get a VC, you
get it with both (because you had to prove possession for both in many


-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2022 14:59:56 UTC