Re: Saying yes to making @context optional

On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 10:16 PM Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> CBOR + Deterministic serialization!
> This is the s**t, finally get rid of Base64 (JOSE) or putting everything
> crypto-ish in "bstr" (COSE).
> Trivial to do, works like charm, and makes ASN.1 DER look like rocket
> science.

Thanks. I’m pleased with it.  Part of the reason I didn’t take a strong
position on the JWT vs JSON-LD choice in recent years was a lack of
elegance in either, but didn’t have an alternative. Now I do.

We also have a reference cli app (in Swift) with a bunch of video tutorials
that really help you understand it. We are working with the community on a
ports to Kotlin & Typescript so we can cover mobile, and hope to soon have
start on Rust & Python.

— Christopher Allen [via iPhone]


Received on Monday, 28 November 2022 06:31:11 UTC