Thoughts about signatures, JOSE, and NIST curves (was: [PROPOSED WORK ITEM] ECDSA Secp384r1 Cryptosuite v2019)

I was looking at:
and I thought that P-256 paired with ES256, P-384 paired with ES-384, and
P-521 paired with ES-512 .
One can look at to see

ES256 ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 alg Recommended+ [IESG
<>] [RFC7518, Section
3.4 <>] n/a
ES384 ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384 alg Optional [IESG
<>] [RFC7518, Section
3.4 <>] n/a
ES512 ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512 alg Optional [IESG
<>] [RFC7518, Section
3.4 <>] n/a

There are some variations in the table that I do not quite understand, but
it seems like in order to add to a library like did-jwt one would need to
support SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashing to support curves like P-384 and P-512.

In the table, I see
ECDH-ES+A256KW for ES256, ES384, and ES512.

ECDH-ES+A256KW is mentioned in
ECDH-ES+A256KW ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and "A256KW" wrapping alg
Recommended [IESG
<>] [RFC7518,
Section 4.6 <>] n/awhich is further
described in

I've definitely seen some code for P-384 and P-521 over in the the
transmute repositories :

I am not sure what ECDH-ES+A256KW is yet.

I know Kim Duffy proposed a naming scheme in 2018:


In my own attempts to get P-256 support, I presently am not considering
stuff like Secp256r1VerificationKey2022 or P256Key2021 because this seems
to be coupled to application/did+ld+json . Instead, rather than deciding,
I'm going for JsonWebKey2020 which seems to be geared for
application/did+json .
I guess more about the application ... (media types) is here:

I am personally interested in P-256 support. I need a did-provider, and for
my purposes, the did-jwt library ( seemed to be the one I
needed to modify. Due to some attempts at refactoring a signer for P-384
and P-521 looks like it could be added with a clear break from the rest of
the code base. I must admit I wasn't there during the development of
did-jwt so I'm trying to figure out the code and its motivation as I go.

I thought about P-384 and P-521 from the resolver side. I helped with some
test-vectors for did:key, and threw it in a PR for a resolver. I probably
won't do much more with P-384 or P-521, at least for a month? I'm working
with a device called a cryptographic co-processor which sent me on the
P-256 journey.

-Brent Shambaugh

Received on Monday, 24 January 2022 16:45:03 UTC