Good chances to win a 53k€ eSSIF-Lab grant for SSI. Deadline 15 January; Q&A session tomorrow (5 January)

Dear W3C DID friends,

Could you forward and share this message with European SSI innovators, please?

eSSIF-Lab is looking for grant applications for SSI solutions and SSI framework extensions.

🚀@eSSIF-Lab’s final Open Call is close to its deadline!

Calling SMEs, not-for-profit entities or research organizations developing SSI working solutions or open-source components

Apply if you are:

✅Developing a new SSI solution for the real-world

✅Developing business-oriented extensions to the eSSIF-Lab basic infrastructure

Good chances of winning: 80% of the above-quality-threshold proposals were selected at the previous open call. Only for applicants that are not already eSSIF-Lab subgrantee.

There's €53K available for each proposal selected!💰

👉APPLY here

Deadline: 15 January, 17:00 CET

Q&A session: 5 January, 16:00 CET,

If you missed the Q&A session and have questions, please contact me directly.

Happy new year!


Dr. ir. M.O. (Oskar) van Deventer
Senior Scientist Self-Sovereign Identity
Dept. Networks

T +31 (0)88 866 70 78
M +31 (0)65 191 49 18



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Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2022 07:27:08 UTC