Re: California - Verifiable Credentials

I heard rumors they're going to solve async issuance by emailing PDFs of
creds, and that you can build decentralized apps with the by storing app
data in mDocs. Super bullish, this approach is very highly regarded.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 10:25 PM Orie Steele <> wrote:

> mDoc does not use JWTs, CWTs or OIDC either right?
> But they do use COSE and x509?
> How can they survive without an IANA registry... Must be some fancy magic.
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 10:18 PM ANTHONY NADALIN <> wrote:
>> I have only commented on the ISO specifications and what they currently
>> use, I made no assessment of the technology. The ISO specifications don't
>> currently the use W3C DID specification or the W3C VC specification.
>> Get Outlook for Android <>
>> ------------------------------
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 9, 2022 2:14:19 PM
>> *To:* Orie Steele <>; Kaliya Identity Woman <
>> *Cc:* Credentials Community Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: California - Verifiable Credentials
>> mdoc is just the format of the document/credential which is currently
>> encoded in cbor structures.
>> Get Outlook for Android <>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Orie Steele <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 9, 2022 2:04:05 PM
>> *To:* Kaliya Identity Woman <>
>> *Cc:* ANTHONY NADALIN <>; Credentials Community Group
>> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: California - Verifiable Credentials
>> mDoc is called Apple ID now right?
>> Wonder why they didn't go with Bitcoin and JSON Web Tokens.
>> Probably because of how unsustainable base64url encoding is.
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 9:26 PM Kaliya Identity Woman <
>>> wrote:
>> They do mention DIDs right Tony?
>> and then right after that "Verifiable digital identity credentialing"
>> "An additional standard, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 is
>> emerging as an alternative for verifiable digital identity credentialing.
>> The proposed solution should adhere to these defined standards"
>> So it doesn't sound to me like it is ONLY about mDLs and mDocs
>> And sure enough...when I got the link
>> <> from Steve
>> and checked....voila - the VC data model is in the references :)
>> Qualification System
>> ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 Personal identification — ISO-compliant driving
>> license — Part 5: Mobile driving license (mDL) application
>> Cards and security devices for personal identification — Building blocks
>> for identity management via mobile devices — Part 1: Generic system
>> architectures of mobile eID systems
>> Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 Core architecture, data model, and
>> representations.
>> Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1.
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 7:13 PM ANTHONY NADALIN <>
>> wrote:
>> The ISO specs that are mentioned by Steve in how post  are not W3C VC
>> based they are mdoc these are with the digital driver's license is based
>> upon.
>> Get Outlook for Android <>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Kaliya Identity Woman <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 9, 2022 12:55:38 PM
>> *Cc:* Credentials Community Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: California - Verifiable Credentials
>> I'm saying that what Steve was sharing mentioned DIDs and implied VCs.
>>  You seem very sure they were not referring to our specifications but I
>> think they are.
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 6:46 PM ANTHONY NADALIN <>
>> wrote:
>> I made made no assumptions, I did not say anything about what governments
>> are looking at, I'm stating  what the ISO specs are built up on and what
>> the digital drivers licenses pilots are currently using.
>> Get Outlook for Android <>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Kaliya Identity Woman <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 9, 2022 12:38:19 PM
>> *Cc:* Credentials Community Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: California - Verifiable Credentials
>> They mention DIDs.
>> So lets see if our friend Steve can ask them what they mean in that SBIR.
>> You are making a lot of assumptions that Governments are not looking at
>> and interested in using VCs or having alignment between the two
>> standards that have very different starting points. Neither of which is a
>> complete end-to-end solution as Lucy and I discerned in our latest work.
>> VC <> mDL Project Stakeholder Interviews
>> <>
>> Where can the W3C VCs meet the ISO 18013–5 mDL?
>> <>An
>> open letter to the two standards communities as well as all interested
>> parties
>> The EU put lots of government funding into VC projects via ESSIF Lab and
>> EBSI and I was just in Brussels for the wrap up of ESSIF-Lab.
>> - Kaliya
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 6:19 PM ANTHONY NADALIN <>
>> wrote:
>> I participate in defining and implementing the ISO 22320 series and
>> 18013-5, these are mdoc based not W3C VC based at this time. The mdoc
>> credential is also called a "verifiable credential".
>> Get Outlook for Android <>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Kaliya Identity Woman <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 9, 2022 12:12:18 PM
>> *To:* <>
>> *Cc:* Credentials Community Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: California - Verifiable Credentials
>> Sigh.
>>  Really - and how do you know what it does or doesn't refer to.
>>  Given that USCIS will be issuing Verifiable Credentials for Green Cards
>> in the coming months.
>>  I think a wallet that aligns with these standards would be a good idea.
>> I am guessing that this dual holding and use of both standards in a
>> wallet is what it is referring to.
>> - Kaliya
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 5:32 PM <> wrote:
>> I don’t think that the term “verifiable credentials” relative to drivers
>> licenses has any reference to the W3C VC as this term is overloaded.
>> *From:* Kaliya Identity Woman <>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 8, 2022 4:11 PM
>> *To:* Credentials Community Group <>
>> *Subject:* California - Verifiable Credentials
>> HI CCG,
>>  I wanted to share more good news for California related to Verifiable
>> Credentials in a report from the Governor called Towards Responsible
>> Innovation
>> <>
>> .
>>  Page 1
>>  • Government Services and Verifiable Credentials
>> Page 23
>> DMV Verifiable Credentials
>> The DMV is also exploring improvements to state-issued credentials.
>> Potential use cases include taking existing forms, placards, licenses, or
>> other physical products issued by the DMV, and enhancing and/or reinventing
>> them by adding blockchain-based forms of fraud prevention. Digital
>> signatures and other verification procedures could be used to ensure that
>> issuing and tracking these types of products is safer and more efficient.
>> In late 2022 and early 2023, the DMV anticipates proving the utility of
>> these use cases by piloting new disabled placards, new credentials for
>> tracking driver safety courses, and driver’s licenses.
>> page 27
>> Explore and develop more government use cases.
>> The public sector may be able to utilize blockchain technology to
>> increase efficiencies, improve access to services, and reduce costs. •
>> GovOps will continue working with state agencies and other levels of
>> government to identify and promote blockchain pilot programs, similar to
>> those now underway at the DMV.
>> *State of California Releases Interagency Web3, Crypto Asset and
>> Blockchain Progress Report *
>> In May 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-9-22
>> <> to
>> ensure California engages early and proactively with this nascent industry
>> with the goal of ensuring continued consumer protections, innovation, job
>> growth, advancing equity and regulatory clarity, among other strategic
>> outcomes.
>> This interagency blockchain progress report
>> <> -
>> authored by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, the
>> Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency, the Department of Financial
>> Protection and Innovation and the Government Operations Agency - reflects
>> the administration's work to implement the executive order over the last
>> seven months, beginning with stakeholder meetings that took place over the
>> summer.
>> Additional administration activities included the advancement of public
>> use cases, and progress towards regulatory clarity. This foundation of work
>> has positioned California to accomplish the goals set forth in the
>> Executive Order and to realize the opportunities blockchain technologies
>> provide to our residents.

Received on Friday, 9 December 2022 04:33:02 UTC