- From: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>
- Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:17:45 +0000
Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week! The transcript for the call is now available here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2022-04-12-vcapi/ Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio of the meeting is available at the following location: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2022-04-12-vcapi/audio.ogg ---------------------------------------------------------------- VC API Task Force Transcript for 2022-04-12 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0079.html Topics: 1. Introductions, Relevant Community Updates 2. Use cases update 3. Heads up on conversation on authz and /exchanges 4. Verifiers MUST cryptographically sign their challenges 5. Broken paths for test reports caused by changes to this repo 6. BbsBls sig test fixtures 7. Establish and document permanent URLs for specification and resources by version Organizer: Manu Sporny, Orie Steele, Markus Sabadello, Mike Varley, Mahmoud Alkhraishi Scribe: Our Robot Overlords Present: Manu Sporny, Mike Varley, Justin Richer, PL, Eric Schuh, Dave Longley, Kayode Ezike, Andy Miller, Joe Andrieu, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Matthias Gottlieb, Brian Richter, Shawn Butterfield, Kaliya Young Our Robot Overlords are scribing. Manu Sporny: All right hey everyone welcome to the April 12th 2022 VC API call the agenda was placed into the channel a bit ago here it is again on the agenda today is basically issue processing we're just going to keep going through issues with a minor kind of call out. Manu Sporny: Issues that anyone feels or timely or worth discussing let's talk about those first before going through kind of the the rest of the issues let's go ahead and start out with any kind of introductions relevant Community updates anything like that. Topic: Introductions, Relevant Community Updates Manu Sporny: Woudl anyone like to introduce yourself to the group, any introductions? Manu Sporny: All right I think most of us have been on the call before so we'll get ahead go ahead and get into Community News any Community News any updates. Manu Sporny: From the general community. Manu Sporny: All right the only I think only update think we have some folks weren't here last week we have new test Suites for the basic issue or in basic verifier API so those are on the minutes from last week the goal of those test Suites are basically two just at a very minimal you just do a very minimal test do you. Manu Sporny: Support the. Manu Sporny: Epi the end point do you support verification that sort of thing the goal of those kind of micro test Suites is to put them all together so we hope to have we hope that those base apis end up driving a whole bunch of other feature apis like the crypto sweet apis like credential refresh. Manu Sporny: And things of that nature the goal here is to have a bunch of small test Suites that you can kind of point to your infrastructure so your VC API endpoints just what you support and then that will end up the test Suite will run against that infrastructure for very targeted and points like credential issuing or presentation verification or things of that nature we will we're. Manu Sporny: Still working on kind of the. Manu Sporny: Output format for each test Suite they'll all the test Suites are intending we are intending for them to have a common output format in with that common output format the goal here is to have like a multi ecosystem like a multi industry vertical site that basically puts all of those tests we results together so education sector retail sector financial sector. Manu Sporny: Did he say. Manu Sporny: They're all that kind of traceability all those sectors would be able to pull those data files in in kind of show what cross-industry interop looks like show which platform support certain verifiable credentials and so on and so forth so the the first kind of round of that stuff kind of went out last week so that's in last week's minutes for anyone that wants to catch up on that let me pause there any. Manu Sporny: Any questions concerns about any of. Manu Sporny: Okay if not we'll go ahead and. Manu Sporny: Let me go ahead and bring the issues up here. Manu Sporny: Go ahead Eric you had a question. Topic: Use cases update Eric Schuh: We're just wanted to give a quick update on the use cases since I've been traveling for the better part of the last month so I think last time we had left off we had kind of shown some images of sequence diagrams that I had put together just wanted to let tall Ted in the whole group know that Joe has created a script that will convert our output into. Eric Schuh: So that should allow for easier commenting on specific line items in the sequence diagrams and I'm looking to get that update pushed here in the next week before hopefully this call next week and then also at the same time Joe and I are going to be going through the diagrams because right now they're just my first pass so just taking a second pass with a second set of eyes so if anyone else would like to join in on that either send Joe or myself an email. Eric Schuh: And I guess just for you Manu may be looking at two to three weeks from now having kind of update on this call may be spending 20 minutes or however long we think is needed to kind of take a look at those diagrams. Manu Sporny: Awesome that's a great update thank you Eric yeah plus 12 that happy to put you on the agenda whenever whenever you feel it's ready do you do you think you're going to like email mailing list with kind of an update before just like what's the trigger for that are you just going to email me email mailing list let's. Eric Schuh: I could do either I'll say I'll email the mailing list and possibly you as well just to make sure it gets through. Manu Sporny: Okay sounds great thank you for that. Manu Sporny: We're how much more work do you feel I mean you know use cases are like this constant you know iterative thing until basically the working groups done with version 10 with that said do you feel like you know the first and this is really the second iteration is more or less done or what do you what kind of work do you foresee after that first iteration. Eric Schuh: The main thing that will hopefully come out of that work I think is to help identify the gaps in endpoints that are currently missing in the actual spec itself and possibly if people start to see actual kind of formal sequence diagrams in the use cases in the document maybe it will trigger some people to go back and. Eric Schuh: Use cases to have it that haven't made it into that document yet that needed a little bit more work in some way shape or form so those would kind of be the two paths I think coming out of it Joe I would prompt you here if you have anything to add. Joe Andrieu: Should we we've got a good set of Base use cases. <eric_schuh> For reference if people want to see what mermaid flow diagrams will look like: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/ Joe Andrieu: I think all sort of are on the order of focal use cases and I think we just need to clean that up and decide if we want so we have some choices about scope that we need to make about the document itself but I think when we get back from this this working through the the sequence diagrams we should have the foundation of a document that would be will have a clear map from here to the end of the word. Manu Sporny: All right sounds good is this next iteration is it a translation into Respec or is this just still in Google Docs with mermaid diagram. Joe Andrieu: So we are in Respect In fact when I spoke about it last time I misread the readme.md for the the actual document that has everything that Eric has pulled over so there are in fact diagrams in the current DC API use cases. Eric Schuh: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-use-cases/ Eric Schuh: I just said. Joe Andrieu: So I would say we're already in the Respec World it may not be up to date or complete in terms of the total scope of the content but there's at least a draft that's in Respec and I'll drop that URL into our chat here good. Joe Andrieu: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-use-cases/index.html Manu Sporny: Awesome that's great so further further along than we thought we were last week let me go ahead and share my screen and get that on screen. Manu Sporny: So this is the current document as at the current nice case is document as it stands right now. Manu Sporny: Okay cool very cool and then. Joe Andrieu: And Eric I believe you had said that there's this have all the diagrams from the Google Doc or there's some still in the pr. Eric Schuh: It has the set of diagrams from the use cases we had accepted when Juan was still leading the use cases Endeavor which was the six of them that you see listed there there are probably another 10 or so use cases that didn't make our cut at that point so if people are feeling like something's missing. Eric Schuh: I would ask that. Eric Schuh: Go to the Google Doc which I'll link here and. Eric Schuh: Take another pass or iteration or send me an email with. Eric Schuh: Any updates that you would like to see and we can work through that together. Manu Sporny: All right cool yeah looks great it's coming along just a heads up Eric let's see my expectation is you're going to have the source for the mermaid diagrams and somewhere. Manu Sporny: Is that. Eric Schuh: Yes they will be in the in some way shape or form. <eric_schuh> Use Cases Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-u0_Ub6feiX6DH3jXFJFjt6n3CwKGpkmC3VISqDkWL4/edit#heading=h.cctvrmgl94xc <eric_schuh> My email: eric@legreq.com Manu Sporny: Okay okay great the reason I mentioned that is you know a I'm again have no idea when I'll get around to it but I'm going to try and add a mermaid render to Respec and once we do that then we will be able to directly embed that Source in the respect file and it will render into the respect document we won't have to convert to SVG anymore for example. Manu Sporny: Okay good. Manu Sporny: Anything else on use cases. Manu Sporny: Updates questions concerns. Manu Sporny: Okay thank you very much for that update Eric in Joe next up our issues I do want to point out very active conversation that's happening right now that folks might not have seen so let me pull this up active conversation on w z and end points. Topic: Heads up on conversation on authz and /exchanges Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/279 Manu Sporny: Issue 279 has 67 comments in like 14 days for those of you that have not been following along this is one of the places that ccg discussion around open ID went so there's been a big question and trying to kind of deconstruct does the exchanges and point that we have right now to find does it always need artsy or. Manu Sporny: Or is Asia. Manu Sporny: Optional in that conversation is gone in the bunch of different places and healthy you know in healthy places with diagrams on you know what the flows are and you know what what how chappie you know connects to the VC AP and BP are and what some of those kind of flows and security models look like I think there was also a commentary on. Manu Sporny: Yeah there's I think Mike you proposed you know some stuff here about how do you get the identity of the wallet anyway it's a it's a really good thread and it's incredibly long I don't expect everyone has the time to catch up on that thread but there's a lot of kind of new thinking and Analysis that's going on there so just making sure everyone knows that that discussion at least part of that discussion is happening there. Manu Sporny: And we're making some. Manu Sporny: Head way around Otzi in open ID and chappy and the different protocols did come in that kind of thing in wallet identity incline identity and things of that nature okay any questions on that before we jump into Mike would you want to or Dave do you want to add anything into that. Manu Sporny: Since both. Manu Sporny: Active in that thread. Mike Varley: This is Mike nothing from me although maybe it might be worthwhile having a summary on this call of sort of where the conversation has got to I think it's still very active so I don't know that that's appropriate you know next week but in order to so people don't have to read 67 plus messages we could just kind of do a readout of where we are and then kind of almost reset the conversation to help people. Manu Sporny: Plus one doing that Dave any thoughts. Dave Longley: I know I kind of agree with Mike but if you do like reading check out the issue. Manu Sporny: I think Mike at the end here you do a loop like a really good job of of a summary of some kind right and so what we're trying to do is break all of these different Technologies into different categories so that we're doing apples-to-apples comparisons against them one of the I think mistakes that we all made in the discussion on the ccg mailing list is confusing chappie with like open IDC. Manu Sporny: I like the protocol. Manu Sporny: So they were very different things like things called mediators or locators hear things like chappy things like a invoking a protocol Handler on a mobile device the things that initiate a wallet are very different than the protocols that you actually use to move credentials back and forth like VC API and there was quite a bit of conflation of everything together and one of the things. Manu Sporny: It has come out of this 67 mess. Manu Sporny: Conversation here is we have better categories to lump these Technologies into like chappie is a locator / mediator right and then we have these things that are Discovery protocols where you do things like okay so as a client what can you support how can I talk to you how can we you know can we actually communicate as as might put it then there's session binding like do I know if the person. Manu Sporny: Certain that you know is associated. Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/279#issuecomment-1095081012 Manu Sporny: I know that the person that's engaged with me on this website is the same person that's engaged with the digital wallet somewhere out there on the internet how can I how can I know that right so that's what this subject while at the session binding thing is about and then finally there's credential delivery how do I get a credential to you how do you get a credential to me that kind of stuff in there some examples here as well at the very bottom here I'll put the pointer to that in chat as. Manu Sporny: As well. Manu Sporny: But yeah I think Mikey did an excellent job here kind of summarizing at least where we got to in the conversation so it's bearing fruit but you know it'll be a little little bit longer until we're able to really get down into the details anything else on that before moving into issue processing. Manu Sporny: Okay then let's go ahead and get into the first item. <> Verifier flows over https Manu Sporny: Which is a proposal that Ori put forward that basically says the spec will recommend against doing direct issuer to verifier flows over HTTP the thing that there is a cat a bit of a caveat to this which is checking the status doing like a privacy-preserving status check what we're trying. Manu Sporny: Trying to. Manu Sporny: He clearly is that you know the direct issue to verify our flow is kind of a more traditional IDP to verify or flow it doesn't go through any intermediary like a holder it's just kind of a it's a phone home the concern is around phone home so there's been some discussion here but fundamentally think the proposal was that the spec. Manu Sporny: Should argue. Manu Sporny: Direct issuer to verifier flows. Manu Sporny: One else want to speak to this any other thoughts. Joe Andrieu: This sounds correct to me with that carve out that you mentioned so the refresh status check or not the refresh sorry the status check two very different points of extensibility there I think we should describe that and make it clear that that is an acceptable mechanism but make sure it's clear why it's accessible acceptable so that we have that mechanism documented as. Joe Andrieu: As a private. Joe Andrieu: He preserving best practice through the use cases that we've looked at so far we didn't have any instances where there was a good reason for issuer to verifier communication other than that one check. Manu Sporny: Okay so the use case is other than status check do not show that correct make sure to verifier communication is necessary. Manu Sporny: Operation of the system and I my expectation so we're basically waiting for a PR on this it's that is that right we just need someone to write a PR that says you know don't do direct issuer to verify our communication with with the caveat that privacy protecting status checks are okay. Manu Sporny: Go ahead and like on the queue. Mike Varley: So I'm just wondering how the spec intends to prevent that or dis encourage besides you're saying there's a reason why you shouldn't be doing this you know to preserve the model the model of self Sovereign you know identity it's the purposes the holders representing the data and we don't have these call homes but how are we going to. Manu Sporny: And that's an excellent question we can prevent it right but I think the most that we can do is I mean the commentary that we've put in other specifications like the VC Speck in the did Speck have been taken pretty seriously like when you point to a security or privacy consideration and that's really probably wear this text should go right it should go in the privacy considerations section we should have a sec. Manu Sporny: Ian called you know phone home or. Manu Sporny: Direct issuer verifier communication and warned that against we've thought about this deeply in general it's a really bad idea don't do it and just have some explanatory text around that that the group did discuss it we did agree that it was a bad idea and so don't do it because people will come at you wagging their finger about what a terrible ecosystem participant you're being right. Mike Varley: Right okay and it's also related to the exchanges and point you shouldn't be designing necessarily exchanges that require the verifier to. Mike Varley: Suddenly called the issue. Manu Sporny: Yes I always very good clarifying set of comments Mike so this should be placed in the privacy considerations considerations section should talk about exchanges chalk about this warning applying to exchanges as well. Manu Sporny: Don't phone home um can we start the group considered this and in and in general feels like it's a bad idea okay any other input on this issue before we move on. Manu Sporny: Okay I'll mark it as ready for PR and that is that item. Manu Sporny: Here's the next topic. Topic: Verifiers MUST cryptographically sign their challenges Manu Sporny: Are fires must cryptographically sign their challenges so this was raised by Ori as well can we remove the optionality for the challenge and domain part of requesting presentation and make it a requirement I suggest we do whatever Lackey presentation exchange does and use a jot like Barack says options could actually be optional or defined as a required parameter if call is required. Manu Sporny: Jim Sinclair Sethi. Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/188 Manu Sporny: Likes this issue of trusting the verifiers come up in several conversations so there's some miscommunication happening here as well the miscommunication I think is Jim thinks that this is the verifier digitally signing their request just to identify themselves this goes kind of Daniel hardman's point that he made last week which was this really should be peer-to-peer and both sides of the connection should be identifying themselves. Manu Sporny: I believe what orry is saying. Manu Sporny: That challenge and domain should never be optional during a presentation and you should always have them. Manu Sporny: Trying to parse what Mike saying here. Manu Sporny: So I think Mike is saying options should be optional or defined as required for the call the immediate thing that comes up if we do this so let's take a worries suggestion you must sign over challenge in domain destroys all Bearer token use cases so my suggestion is we can't do this because if you have to sign over. Manu Sporny: And you are no longer supporting Bearer token use cases Longley you're up. Dave Longley: Yeah I would think Bearer token use cases would not be sending the presentation for verification you'd be sending the credentials in the presentation for verification so you'd use the credentials that credential verifying point of the presentation verifying point so I think the request here is if you're going to be verifying presentation in that presentation should have a challenge and domain on it that is signed over and we'll I don't know. Dave Longley: If there would be other discussion about. Dave Longley: Signature there needs to be or if this will work for all possible signature types that anyone might put on a presentation not sure. Justin Richer: Yeah I just wanted to point out that the use of a bearer token with a signed and a separated signed payload does make sense I mean that's if the bearer token is controlling access to the ability to call the endpoint and perform the action. Justin Richer: What the bearer token represents this is separate from any signatures in the challenge itself which might prove you know who the holder is who was issued to and other controls and things like that so the separation of authorization of the action being taken and the and the. Justin Richer: The veracity of the payload itself is an important design principle. Manu Sporny: Thank you Justin Dave. Dave Longley: Yeah so those points make sense we do need to decide I think at some point whether verifiers should be verifying only proofs that were created for the purpose of authentication when verifying a presentation which would be different from proofs that were created for the purpose of invoking a capability for example which is what I would think would fall under what Justin's talking about someone's trying to use a bearer token to. Dave Longley: Take some kind of action. Dave Longley: As opposed to their signing over a presentation to to prove that they control some cryptographic material or something like that. Manu Sporny: The right queue is empty unless Justin you put yourself back on. Justin Richer: I didn't but then I did but I was still left over anyway yeah I was just going to 2 plus 1 that comment and say that this does of course extend to proof of possession style token presentation like you have in systems like map where you actually may end up with different signatures for different purposes one covering the token and therefore the actions being taken on the API. Justin Richer: By itself and. Justin Richer: Covering the data for for higher level functions you know the these these things existed different layers and that's to me that's always been one of the most important things about the authorization discussion is not conflating the not conflating the authorization question which is what am I allowed to do here with with. Justin Richer: All of the. Justin Richer: VC is are meant to answer which is like who does this represent what you know who has testified to this data and all of those other kinds of things they're functioning at different layers and that needs to be clear in the structure. Manu Sporny: Yep +12 that okay so this issue specifically is. Manu Sporny: Should Challenge and domain be optional on a presentation or is it a must you must include them. Dave Longley: Do we have any use case where they would not be included because I think we just talked about if you did not have a signature on your presentation then you then we're not talking about any of the cases regardless of the layering details or anything we're not talking about any of those cases and I don't know that we have a case where anyone would be submitting an unsigned presentation to a verifier endpoint because we tried to rule that out in the previous calls because there were potential security problems with. Dave Longley: Telling people to do that and it if it is the case. Dave Longley: Always going to be signed we could also potentially say they're always going to have challenges and domains as well and then if we have no use case where that's not true then we can make this requirement. Joe Andrieu: In our in our current language around the requests are we we questing distinctly VCS versus V piece. Manu Sporny: Could you repeat that question please. Joe Andrieu: For a VP that includes a signature so I think there's a distinction here and I don't know if in our request we make that distinction but it seems to me that if there's no challenge then we are necessarily just asking for the VC that seems aligned if there is a challenge then it only makes sense if there's a VP that's going to be signed and returned. Manu Sporny: So we do this for the verification stuff don't we. Manu Sporny: VP are the the the age verification VPR or the BPR is we have a presentation that is unsigned that contains a credential. Dave Longley: Yeah I was going to say that that I think that the new on Sir the difference here tweak to what Joe said is where we whenever we ask for anything in in these protocols at least so far the request is always for a presentation whether or not that presentation needs to be digitally signed is triggered off of whether or not a challenge is included in their request. Dave Longley: And you know we could make that more explicit in a note in other ways we wanted to but the idea here is the response is always a presentation if the presentation is not signed and that's acceptable for business you know for the business logic or purposes whatever then the the system receiving that presentation would send the just the credentials for verification not the presentation and so the decision there would be a switch off of. Dave Longley: The business law. Dave Longley: Before hitting the verifier as opposed to always just sending whatever is received whether it's VC or vp2 to a verifier that makes sense. Manu Sporny: Okay so what you're saying is that we do have a use case where you can put a credential in a presentation where the presentation doesn't have a domain a challenge or a signature and it sent over as a part of the exchanges API and then when you win the verifier gets that because for that exchange they know that they never asked for a domain or a challenge internally. Manu Sporny: If they would just send them. Manu Sporny: The credential from the VP and send the credential to the credential verifier endpoint and get a get a verification there so they would be okay with their not being a signature on it is that what you're. Dave Longley: That's right yeah so so the presentation is always envelopes whatever VC is our Center whatever information is sent is always put into a presentation but that presentation may or may not be signed and whether or not that's acceptable as a is a business logic decision. Manu Sporny: So you are arguing for Challenge and domain are option. Dave Longley: I am not arguing so there's this is orthogonal I'm saying that the verifier endpoint for the part of this has to do with our language is still confusing because we're saying that the presentation is handed to the verifier and as a role but the service that that has the API for verifying this presentation is now going to the is why we we had a diagram with that has like verifier. Dave Longley: Applications and other. Dave Longley: Other multiple that like that maybe draw from that but. <joe_andrieu> apps and services Joe Andrieu: Absent servers or services. Dave Longley: Yeah it's like an app receives the presentation and then the app decides to hit the service and the end point that it hits is if it's okay with an unsigned presentation it hits the credential verify surface and point if it needs that presentation if it requires the presentation we signed it hits the end point for verifying presentation and now even in that model the the endpoint for verifying presentation can require a challenge in domain because. Dave Longley: You would not hit that endpoint if you did not require. Dave Longley: Presentation to be signed. Manu Sporny: So here's the diagram you're saying the verifier app receives a presentation without a signature on it and a credential that does have a signature on it in it then makes a decision on what back-end call to hit the in on the verifier service it either hits credential verify if it was not expecting the presentation to be signed or it hits presentation verify if it was expecting there to be. Manu Sporny: Challenge to Maine all that kind of stuff. Manu Sporny: That makes sense to me I is anyone else concerned okay with the discussion so far questions concerns. Manu Sporny: Thumbs up from Joe. Manu Sporny: I know why I was expecting your name to be floating along with that thumbs up so distracting but it's great at the same time okay let's reset this okay so what are we doing here. Dave Longley: I don't think we have a use case where the verify presentation endpoint. Dave Longley: Doesn't require challenge or domain so we should require it and so we find that we there is a use case where it's not needed. Joe Andrieu: The endpoint at the service. Manu Sporny: I'm confused primarily because I just read the title here and it doesn't match up with what already was I'm having a hard time connecting these two statements together verifiers must cryptographically signed their challenges that to me says that there needs to be a digital signature on the VPR does anyone else read that in any other way. Joe Andrieu: I do I think he's saying that the challenge is should exist and they should be signed jwt's just the challenge. Manu Sporny: Does anyone else have that interpretation. Dave Longley: I don't but I now see that at that could have been what he was trying to say. Dave Longley: I'm not sure what else he would be saying since he says we should at the end of his comments he says and use a JWT so to me that implies at some level he's talking about making the challenge be a jot. Manu Sporny: Alright we probably need to worry here to get his intent but we did cover some good ground here. <kayode_ezike> Can we post a message on that issue to clarify? Manu Sporny: Yeah I'm seeing what you're saying now Joe and Dave. Manu Sporny: Are we ready to do are we ready to write any kind of PR here. Manu Sporny: I know I'm confused. Dave Longley: No I don't think we're ready for a PR might need of clarification from Horry and I don't know that I would support making the challenge a jot I don't know that it's necessary to do that and I don't know that it would. Dave Longley: Some of the. Dave Longley: I mean I haven't thought through the how one would Implement if you used a job making sure in a distributed decentralized system that you did not have replay. Dave Longley: You know it might be possible to do that for some systems and maybe not others so easily. Dave Longley: In other words if so we have talked about and other issues that we should expose an endpoint on the verifier to create challenges that can be put in the vpr's and then must be presented when must be sent at to the presentation and point of the verifier and that challenge needs to not be reused to prevent replay attack and that. Dave Longley: For at least some amount of time and if we're going to add if it seems to me like maybe using a job was supposed to try and make a limit. Dave Longley: Make it easier for people to implement that so maybe they didn't need a backing database but that it seems like there's some there's some we need we need more feedback and information for Maury around why we would force this to be a jot. Manu Sporny: Okay Joe Europe. Joe Andrieu: Shit I lost my thread it seems to me that the challenge is a validation question not a verification question and it seems to me it's the app not the service who should be checking that because I believe the Threat Vector is not between the app in the service but between the app and the holder I think that's where the we are worried about the person in the middle attack. Joe Andrieu: So if feels like checking if the issuer is on your white list right your allow list it seems like it's validation not verification but I'm curious what your thought is Dave because you didn't hesitate at treating it as verification. Dave Longley: I think there's two components to it one is. Dave Longley: I don't think you should even bother checking a signature of a challenge is not valid to begin with that challenge should exist on the verification system it should have been a challenge that was created by that system and the when you hit the verification service and say you know verify the signature it needs to make sure that it was signed over on a challenge that was previously created by that system and then the verified verifier can report back how many times it's. Dave Longley: It's already seen that challenge before and. Dave Longley: What the verifier app does with the number of times it seemed the challenges of validation question. Manu Sporny: Right so we need more information from. Manu Sporny: Me to proceed on this item. Manu Sporny: Present it's basically a no op we don't have enough information to write a PR. Manu Sporny: Okay moving on. Manu Sporny: Broken passer test reports caused by changes to this repo. Manu Sporny: This should probably be closed. Topic: Broken paths for test reports caused by changes to this repo Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/193 Manu Sporny: See Sween split test results. Manu Sporny: Let's see so this has to do with test reports this repo doesn't do test reports anymore that's up to the testing stuff so based on that the suggestion is to close this issue because the VC API doesn't include test reports anymore thoughts concerns questions. Manu Sporny: Would there be any objections to closing this issue on that basis we don't do test reports from the VC API spec repo anymore. TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'm not looking at the readme at the moment and she says the docks in the readme or not broken so the readme needs editing and in any case. Manu Sporny: It does you are right. Manu Sporny: Well this thing isn't about the readme I'm pretty sure I read me is really messed up at this point and we need to rewrite Ted we might want to open a new issue on that that the readme needs a significant update. TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Oh yeah that seems reasonable. Manu Sporny: Okay would you mind. Manu Sporny: Opening that issue tab. TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I don't have the facility to take that now right now. Manu Sporny: Okay can someone do that while I close this issue. <kayode_ezike> Working on it… Manu Sporny: That's that one closed did anyone do the raise for the read me. TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I will try to remember later but I'm no guarantees. Manu Sporny: I can do it right now here we go the readme. Dave Longley: It's it is being done in the chat. Dave Longley: Cody said he's working on it. Manu Sporny: Great thank you. Manu Sporny: All right going back. Manu Sporny: Thank you Kayla day. Manu Sporny: Let's see where our where wine and why sort pie. Manu Sporny: Just recently updated. <kayode_ezike> Yep, I’ll circle back really soon Topic: BbsBls sig test fixtures Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/194 Manu Sporny: All right next one up is the BBS plus test text test fixtures. Manu Sporny: Right so if this is true it's wrong I think we updated it the linked data proof stuff too. Manu Sporny: Support more than jws but we might not have. Manu Sporny: I think we just need to look at this. Manu Sporny: Does anyone want to take an action to look at what proof format supports currently what we need to do is make sure that we support the new data Integrity stuff as well as the older jws stuff. Manu Sporny: Okay don't have any takers we're just gonna. Manu Sporny: Comment doesn't move on any other questions concerns comments on this item. Manu Sporny: Alrighty well that needs to be looked into. Manu Sporny: And it's clearly wrong if that is what we do. Topic: Establish and document permanent URLs for specification and resources by version Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/196 Manu Sporny: K next topic is to establish permanent URLs for specification and Resources by virgin. Manu Sporny: So we have not been doing this. Manu Sporny: Are in kind of an experimental spec right now there was a desire to version at some point. Manu Sporny: And we did. Manu Sporny: Thoughts about versioning the spec at this point in time. Manu Sporny: Suggestions to do it suggestions against doing it. Justin Richer: +1 Mike Varley: It strikes me as though it's a bit early to version the spec at this time I agree versioning is very important but usually you would build that version when there's no clear testability in the new version so I just don't know the were there happy too happy for others to say otherwise but I don't think we're ready at 4:00. Dave Longley: +1 Not ready yet Manu Sporny: Thank you Mike you got A plus one from Justin in chat I think I'm a +1 to what you said as well it feels premature to version something that's a bit of a moving Target another plus one from Dave lonely Okay so. Manu Sporny: Discussed this song. Manu Sporny: Fun and there were at least four people that suggested that the specification isn't ready to be version time would anyone object to us not versioning the specification at this point in time. Manu Sporny: I'm going to close this the next time someone wants to version the specification they should raise an issue and say that they want to version snapshot of it. Manu Sporny: Alright that closing. Manu Sporny: See we have one minute left not enough time to talk about interoperability profile for the test Suites Mike your Europe for the next batch of issues if you don't mind scanning through them really quickly at some point in the next week and just closing ones where you feel like. Manu Sporny: We don't. Manu Sporny: Address this anymore there's some issues in here that are like two years old in are clearly you know talk about the test Suite where it's this is clearly not the place to do that anymore anyway just too. <kayode_ezike> Issue 283 was created as a follow-up to issue 193 Manu Sporny: Okay that's it for the call today thank you everyone for joining I really appreciate it feel free to take a look at issues raised PRS there are a couple of issues that are ready for PR so if you're looking for you know to contribute to the specification look at the ready for PR markers and see if you're willing to write up some text for that stuff thanks everyone have a great day bye.
Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 21:17:45 UTC