Re: Request for Presenters: In-Person Presentation of Credentials

On 4/5/22 9:13 AM, James Chartrand wrote:
> The libraries were great - super easy to use, and the documentation was 
> very clear.  One small change I made was to substitute a different QR 
> library (into a fork of vpqr) so that I could get a PNG image. The PDF 
> library I used wouldn’t take the image type that vpqr normally produces (I 
> can’t remember what that image type was).  The vpqr code is really well 
> structured, so it was pretty easy to make the change.

I raised an issue on the VPQR library to track your comment:

> Here’s an example of a VP we encode (this won’t validate because I redacted
> the student name and ID - if you want an example that does validate just
> let me know):

Yes, interested in a sample that does validate because I'd like to include it
in the CBOR-LD examples:

Some commentary on the credential you provided: and vc.credentialSubject.description really should
be one level up... they're attributes of the credential itself, not
necessarily the credential subject. I would've expected something closer to
the following:

  "name": "Enrollment Status",
  "description": "[Student Name goes here] (Student ID: [goes here]) is
registered at McMaster University as a Full-Time Undergraduate student for the
2022 Winter term from Jan 1st 2022 to Apr 30th 2022."
  "credentialSubject": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "studentId": "23-48382",
    "studentStatus": "Full-Time Undergraduate",
    "affiliation": "McMaster University",
    "description": "Student for the 2022 Winter term from Jan 1st 2022 to Apr
30th 2022."

IOW, in a VC, you can describe the credential, and then you can describe the
credential subject... and you should be careful to not use one mechanism for
the other.

One of the things I wish we had gotten to in VC v1.0 was defining the use of
"name", "image", and "description" on the credential itself so that wallet
display code could always count on that information being there for display
purposes. I expect we'll discuss this at length, and put those attributes in
the core data model, in the VC2WG.

Does that make sense?

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2022 15:38:40 UTC