Open source projects - List? VC legislation in California


 I am writing to see if there *is currently any known & comprehensive
listing of known open source projects in our space. *

 Obviously there is the Hyperledger - Aries/Ursa/Indy work.
 So I'm not asking about that - but any other code bases. Maybe folks who
know about code-bases / or better yet are working on developing them can
share the links and descriptions in this thread.

I'm trying to find good open source projects in relation to the below item
a major privacy group asked me this question "*if you know any good tools
and libraries that help build verified credentials. I'd like to know about

Among my many hats is the Chair of the Verifiable Credentials Policy
Committee in California and we are working on getting SB-1190
passed this year.  (On Tuesday last week it passed out of the Senate
Government Operations Committee unanimously). There was a press release
about it from Senator Hertzberg in early March.

We are heading to the California *Senate Education Committee* April 20th
with letters of support due April 15th.

If you are based in California and would like to help/support please reach
directly out to me.

If you work for a company anywhere in the world who has a budget for
engaging with public policy around VCs and would like to financially
support this effort please reach out me - we need $$ for this process to
pay our lobbyist and cover expenses associated with the process.

If this passes in California it could be really good for things in the US
and in the world.

- Kalyia

Received on Monday, 4 April 2022 01:03:37 UTC