[MINUTES] Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2021-09-21

Thanks to steve_gance and Ted Thibodeau for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2021-09-21

  1. Introductions & Reintroductions?
  2. Announcements & Reminders
  3. VC JWT Interop Test Artifact Repo
  4. Drawing the line on DID Methods in/out of CCG Scope
  5. did.pkh
  6. did.tz
  7. BBS+ signature scheme for LDP using JSON pointer
  8. VC Guide
  9. Breakout use cases for VC HTTP API
  10. Merkle Disclosure Proof 2021
  11. Revisit scope for DID methods & did.pkh & did.tz
  Wayne Chang and Heather Vescent and Mike Prorock
  steve_gance and Ted Thibodeau
  Heather Vescent, Steve Gance, jakobp, Jakob Povsic, Markus
  Sabadello, Jeff Orgel, Wayne Chang, Charles E. Lehner, Erica
  Connell, Kerri Lemoie, Orie Steele, Tomislav Markovski, Ted
  Thibodeau, Dmitri Zagidulin, Geun-Hyung, Mike Prorock, Adrian
  Gropper, Kristina Yasuda, Geun-Hyung , Sharon Leu, Ryan Grant,
  Taylor Kendall, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Andrew Jones, Phil Long,
  selfissued, Juan Caballero, David I. Lehn, Brian Richter

<geun-hyung_> =
<cel> /me 2021
<tallted> 2021! :-)
<heather_vescent> Join the CCG:
<heather_vescent> Minutes archive:
<kim> I am here but I've paid my dues maintaining the scribing
  infrastructure for years
steve_gance is scribing.
steve_gance is scribing.

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions?

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Mike Prorock:
Mike Prorock:  Comment period for min standards for driver
  licenses for federal agencies (DHS) extended to Oct. 18, relevant
  to DIDS, etc. getting VCs out in broader usage.
Oct. 12-14 is IIW, pay attention, anyone plan to speak?
<heather_vescent> TPAC Breakouts:
<heather_vescent> Details a TPAC breakout session:
Announcement: tpac is coming up, Oct. 26 presentation, tpac put
  an announcement for breakouts, details at link, Oct. 18-22 is
  breakout week
<markus_sabadello> Explain abbreviations for non-regular
  participants? E.g. DHS = Department of Homeland Security, IIW =
  Internet Identity Workshop, TPAC = Technical Plenary Advisory
CCG chairs have discussed one-on-one Q&A sessions. Others
  interested in developing breakouts? comment on CG thread
Mike Prorock: +1 Markus, thanks
CCG have added item for consensus process....
<heather_vescent> Consensus in community reports:
In community reports (see link)
Once deliverable report is in final stage, want people to review
  and have community response, both objections and support.
Chairs believe this will help reports follow consensus process,
  but also allow more diverse viewpoints.
Also allows more transparency and broader participation
Mike Prorock: Nb: good final point to add sections that state
  "some members of the community...."

Topic: VC JWT Interop Test Artifact Repo

Six work items
Discussion about VC data model, its compatibility with other data
  models. Talk of setting up repo but that's on hold for now as we
  discuss related aspects.
Heather Vescent:  Should we note this as a proposed work item?
Orio: Recommend leaving as proposed work item. Don't create a
  repo now if it will be empty, do it latter.
Diff item is like a sprint, needs to be done in 3 months. New
  items will probably arise. Not on hold indefinitely, but 3 months
Do we need to check in December or Jan? Yes

Topic: Drawing the line on DID Methods in/out of CCG Scope

Chairs have had discussion on in/out of scope: don't include
  every DID method in scope. What is criteria to include a DID
A DID method that supports community goals, across community, or
  multiple people within community working on them, then these
  would be included in scope. But we still need more guidance on
  what is or is not in scope.
Last time primary objection was whether it relied on blockchain.
  Two methods do not rely on blockchain. Suggest focusing attention
  on this aspect. These criteria should be applied equally:
  regardless of whether these rely on blockchain, these should be
There is at least one method, maybe more, that rely on a
  particular blockchain, versus something that is agnostic to
  particular blockchains. For consistency sake, might want to
  clarify this.
Markus Sabadello:  Agree with orie
Orie Steele: +1 Ryan :)
Ryan Grant:  Picking what is in the community or out for the
  technology is not the right approach. It should be out of the
  community to say why something should or should not be included.
Orie Steele: +1 Blockchain / KERI / IPFS / etc... we should not
  discriminate against technologies in this community :)
<markus_sabadello> +1, excluding specific technologies makes no
<orie> ^ especially if such discrimination is part of blocking
  "standards track".... DIDs and VCs started as community work
<mprorock> @markus exactly - we absolutely do NOT want to exclude
  ANY specific technologies
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: for DID methods to be
  developed in the CCG, they need to support community goals, and
  have multiple people who want to work on it
Mike Prorock: +1 Orie - that is the key thing, we want to make
  sure that we are promoting items that can become standards track
  if possible
<cel> ... If multiple people want to work in the community on a
  DID method that supports community goals but does use a work
  item, ... if approved it would be a legit work item.
<cel> ... It is a scope question.
Ted Thibodeau is scribing.
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: should have a separate
  conversation, or in a GitHub thread...
<kim> I don't see any reason to modify the usual criteria -- if
  at least 2 people from different orgs offer to lead it, then it's
Mike Prorock:  To clarify, for potential clarification... How
  should we be thinking of work items as a community... We do not
  want to block specific techs... [scribe assist by Charles E.
<cel> ... If leveraging bitcoin, cool, seeing approaches apply to
  multiple things... that should be clear.
<cel> ... Other thing to be careful about... when we are looking
  at specific work items... is it working on something that can
  ultimately become a standards item?
<rgrant> I don't think that we want to "be careful" but that we
  want to foster innovation.
<cel> ... Doesn't have to necessarily, but let's get the
  conversation going around the criteria, as a community.
<cel> ... CCG is getting more active - more work item proposals -
  need to evaluate.

Topic: did.pkh

<orie> I think we want more did methods in the ccg, not less,
  especially if doing so, raises the bar for the method...

Topic: did.tz

Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Let's talk about these two
  DID methods, did:pkh and did:tz
<heather_vescent> ttps://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/202
Orie Steele: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/202
<cel> ... I think I am kind of reiterating the obvious, based on
  the criteria stated, based on the criteria (we, chairs) agreed on
  as a guideline, these would be approved... and we would request
  did:tz to be withdrawn.
<rgrant> Ahh, there it is, "rehome" my DID Method.
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Need to know if we can
  re-home some items...
Wayne Chang:  I would request that whatever is agreed upon is
  applied consistently upon work items, even if approved before.
  [scribe assist by Charles E. Lehner]
Mike Prorock: +1
<orie> moving community work out of the community seems pretty
  bad form....
<cel> ... If accepted I would like to see the same kind of
  designation applied to previous ones... did:v1, did:btcr, maybe
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Good points... we could take
  a "grandfathering" state, those are there and have been in the
  community for a long time, and not accepting the other ones...
<orie> why are we considering "not accepting work items the
  community wants to work on" ?
<cel> ... Wayne, did you have comments on the proposal to accept
  pkh as a work item and withdraw did:tz?
<dmitriz> (incidentally, we should probably not use 'grandfather
  clause' terminology, and substitute with 'legacy')
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: To answer that... it has to
  do with scope.
Juan Caballero:  How does one withdraw a work item? Just close
  the issue? [scribe assist by Charles E. Lehner]
Heather Vescent:  You can make a comment, ask for withdrawal; it
  can be acknowledged by chairs and then closed. [scribe assist by
  Charles E. Lehner]

Topic: BBS+ signature scheme for LDP using JSON pointer normalization

Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Moving forward. Next work
  item: BBS Signature Scheme
Charles E. Lehner: Tomislav_Markovski: This proposal deals with
  extending the BBS signature scheme with an additional
  normalization algorithm, JSON pointer normalization.
<cel> ... This is interesting because BBS uses a multi-message
  payload to sign documents, currently it is obtained using JSON-LD
  processing (URDNA2015). This proposal is to use JSON Pointer
  Normalization instead, to merge the document into a form usable
  in a multi-message format.
<cel> ... JSON Pointer is on IETF standards track... looks
  similar to JSON Path... A complex JSON document can be flattened
  into a single JSON document.
<cel> ... The POC document shows how a document can be
  converted... Whether it is JSON-LD compliant or not.
<cel> ... The linked data proof specs specifies some terms around
  canonicalization algorithm, which can be used to specify how the
  document was canonicalized before signing, in addition to
  signature algorithm and other items.
<cel> ... Thus far this has been the RDF canonicalization, with
  the exception of JCS...
<cel> ... Using this, the signature suite could be extended...
<cel> ... Because JSON Pointer operates on JSON documents, it
  works on both embedded and wrapped signatures.
<cel> ... So it can be used with different signature suites.
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Question: is this work in
  conjunction with DIF activities? How do you plan to coordinate?
<cel> ... There are no work items in DIF right now that are
  relevant to this specific work item - the linked data proofs.
<cel> ... However, there efforts to bring this... to JOSE. No
  dependency in required work.
Charles E. Lehner: Heather_Vescent: Great. It looks like you have
  hit all of the requirements.
<cel> ... Any other questions from the community?
<cel> ... I think we'll give this the 7-day review and then can
  open it as a work item.
<cel> ... Thanks for coming today, and for being brief and

Topic: VC Guide

<cel> ... Next: VC Guide. Are Michael Herman or David Chadwick on
  the call?
<cel> ... Not seeing either; we'll skip this.

Topic: Breakout use cases for VC HTTP API

<cel> ... Juan, Eric?
Juan Caballero:  I am here, and involved with those use cases.
  Eric couldn't make it. [scribe assist by Charles E. Lehner]
<cel> ... Need a new repo. Trying to migrate to ReSpec.
<cel> ... It's just to have a separate repo that can be linked
  from the VC HTTP API.
<cel> ... It would still be discussed on those calls by that
  group, just need a separate repo.
Heather Vescent:  Can you tell us what is the work item? [scribe
  assist by Charles E. Lehner]
Juan Caballero:  The VC HTTP API Working Group started publishing
  more non-normative stuff. It was previously just a Swagger Doc
  that had been designed by some CCG companies and participants.
  [scribe assist by Charles E. Lehner]
<cel> ... As part of trying to make it more intelligible...
  business partners needed more context...
<cel> ... That weekly meeting is largely about technical stuff.
  There is a parallel work track, people working to make use cases
  supported by that API be explicit so you can point to use cases
  from the main meetings.
<steve_gance> (scribe lost internet for 10 minutes)
Heather Vescent:  What is deliverable going to be, Word, respec?
<heather_vescent> Steve, Cel took over scribe for you.
<steve_gance> Google doc now, will be moved to respec.
Charles E. Lehner: +1
<steve_gance> (thanks cel)
<mprorock> Off Topic: added an issue to track and have discussion
  around scope for CCG work items, etc - e.g. anything related to
  credentials, etc -
Heather Vescent:  Do you have a repo, or chairs need to create
  it? [scribe assist by Charles E. Lehner]
Juan Caballero:  I think Eric had one... [scribe assist by
  Charles E. Lehner]
<steve_gance> Is there a repo to transfer over, or do chairs need
  to create a new one?
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> will do in 3 hours, thanks!
<steve_gance> Not sure, will check whether a new repo is needed.

Topic: Merkle Disclosure Proof 2021

Orie Steele:  BBS+ JsonLD+ suite is the first, but concern was it
  was too much of a snowflake. This work item proposes another
  method based on Merkle proof, as well as JWS. Work item is there
  to help us clarify selective disclosure interfaces.
Mike Prorock:  Part of motivation: we always want an alternative
  to being tied to one crytographic methods. Select disclosure is a
  big issue.
Markus Sabadello:  How does this relate to previous work item?
Mike Prorock: +1 Layer / interface compat with other selective
  disclosure methods
<steve_gance> Its related because it allows swapping the
  cryptographic layer, while still doing the selective disclosure.
<steve_gance> It is not related in the sense that this relies on
  boring Merkle or JWS
Heather Vescent:  Looks like you have the requirements for a work
  item. Wait the 7 days and we can open a work item.

Topic: Revisit scope for DID methods & did.pkh & did.tz

Heather Vescent:  Let's pick up discussion of DID methods.
Mike Prorock:  Let's make sure we are properly capturing the will
  of the community.
Mike Prorock: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/214
<orie> probably not...
Heather Vescent:  Can we decouple the score discussion from the
  discussion of the two DID methods?
Mike Prorock: +1 Orie - tightly coupled
<steve_gance> Scope question is being used to answer the DID
  question, so the scope question is critical to be addressed
  before we accept any more work items.
<orie> Please leave your comments here:
Heather Vescent:  I see it as being more flexible. I don't see
  the scope question being resolved easily. At a gut level it often
  seems what should be in scope and what shouldn't. Criteria for
  developing DID methods are generally what is supported by the
<kim> who had the concern?
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> ^
<wayne_chang> manu, i think
Heather Vescent:  The concerns usually have been raised in a
  previous calls. A concern that if we accept every DID method we
  would be overwhelmed.
<kim> I think we should have that person write up their concern.
  this is a huge deviation from how we've accepted work items in
  the past
Heather Vescent:  To me, the community goals can be addressed,
  maybe scope is irrelevant. Participation from multiple companies,
  is that a sufficient requirement for scope?
<steve_gance> Jaun: Part of the problem is that businesses don't
  address the concern, e.g., goggle cloud wants to make something
  that doesn't work for anyone else. Concern that multiple
  companies can also do things that are too narrowly scoped to
  benefit the larger community...
<heather_vescent> OK, so it's clear we need to decide on scope
  first, then review these work items.
<mprorock> would like to yield time to wayne
Juan Caballero:  The intention is to have something that would be
  generally useful. Proposers of (multiple technologies) have
  usually been trying to benefit entire community.
<heather_vescent> I was wrong in thinking we could decide on
  these work items with the non-specific guidance at this time.
<orie> playing games with "rehoming work" is a slippery slope
  that will fracture the community and cause needless pain... the
  scope of ccg work should be limited only by the tools we have at
  our disposal... not political or economic interests of companies
  or non profits or governments.
<heather_vescent> it wasn't a concern about accepting work items.
Mike Prorock: +1 Issue opened to track any concerns
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  BTCR (?) should be retired, it was
  important, but there is a bigger concern: we should have the
  person who has a concern about how we accept work items should
  write a concrete proposal. Otherwise, this discussion tends to
  block the community work. I don't think it's clear that a
  substantial concern has been raised.
Mike Prorock: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/214
<heather_vescent> Juan + Wayne, can you add your intent to the
  github thread?
Mike Prorock:  DIDTC's implementation is formally verified, we
  wanted to bring that work to the group.
<kim> Just to be clear, not saying btcr should be retired, just
  saying that if anything, it should be retired due to inactivity,
  NOT because it uses the bitcoin blockchain
<kim> And Ryan's comment is addressing the inactivity concerns
<steve_gance> BTCR has a 2.0 that we are working on. We are in
  the middle of scheduling additional work. Some of the people on
  this call are active on this DID method...
<steve_gance> I don't think BTCR being here is a burden.
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> i think that BTC might be quite
  different from ETH and TZ in that it doesn't have development
  funds, which make feel even further from the allegation of being
  specific to a bundle of shared economic interests
Mike Prorock: +1 Heather
Heather Vescent:  Sorry, I don't think that BTCR is under
Orie Steele: +1 To not doing anything that fractures the
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> did:collusion
Heather Vescent:  Maybe we don't need to do anything, just do the
  7-day on these two DID processes and let the process play out...
Heather Vescent:  Then we can deal with any collusion of DID
  methods as they arise.
<rgrant> Not just across companies, but across DID Methods!
<orie> sorry gonna need to drop, please don't decide to exclude
  folks who want to work together while i'm gone ; )
Mike Prorock:  An important note: One of the benefits of the CCG
  has been to foster inoperability in a IP-protected space. Let's
  continue to make this a place to move this work forward, across
  DID methods...
<steve_gance> My inclination would be along an inclusivity path.
  There is a lot of discussion that could happen, let's move it to
  github and bring it up as needed.
Heather Vescent:  I'll move these two issues to the 7-day
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> thx steve! and charles!

Heather Vescent <http://www.heathervescent.com/>
Co-Chair, Credentials Community Group @W3C
President, The Purple Tornado, Inc <https://thepurpletornado.com/>
Author, The Secret of Spies <https://amzn.to/2GfJpXH>
Author, The Cyber Attack Survival Manual
Author, A Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity

@heathervescent <https://twitter.com/heathervescent> | Film Futures
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<https://medium.com/@heathervescent/> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/heathervescent/> | Future of Security Updates

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2021 21:36:10 UTC