VCs: Correcting and re-issuing an updated VC?

  1.  Is there is a process for correcting an issued VC being held by, say, the Subject, and then re-issuing the updated VC? Best practice to achieve this with backward traceability?

  1.  Can the VC be re-issued with the same 'id' value?

  1.  Can a VC be "versioned"? ...and maintain the same 'id' value

  1.  Can 2 VCs exist with the same 'id' value? Is this valid? ...if not, and a Verifier encounters 2 VCs with the same 'id', what should "happen"?

There are 2 sub-use cases:

  1.  Correcting the value of an existing property in an existing (issued) VC.  Best practice to achieve this with backward traceability?

  2.  Adding additional properties to an existing (issued) VC. Best practice to achieve this with backward traceability?

Best regards,
Michael Herman
Far Left Self-Sovereignist

Self-Sovereign Blockchain Architect
Trusted Digital Web
Hyperonomy Digital Identity Lab
Parallelspace Corporation


Received on Friday, 21 May 2021 13:23:00 UTC