Cross Community Working Group for Vaccination Certificate Service Interoperability

Dear CCG-Chairs, dear CCG-Members, 


we, that is currently  <https://go.eID.AS> https://go.eID.AS,

and  <https://mGov4.EU> https://mGov4.EU, have started to set up a Cross
Community Working Group for 

Vaccination Certificate Service Interoperability, which aims at pushing
forward reasonable 

specifications and interoperable implementations in this domain. 


As we assume that at least some CCG members are active in this domain, 

we would like to invite those CCG members and the CCG itself to join us


We plan to organise a virtual kick-off meeting in the calendar week 

April 12th through 16th 2021 in order to discuss which reasonable

are already available and where we need to put efforts into improving the 



Are there any CCG-Members on the list who are working on Vaccination 

Certificate Services and related topics? 


If yes, would it make sense to add CCG to the list of involved communities? 


Best Regards,



Dipl. Inform. (FH)

Dr. rer. nat. Detlef Hühnlein

ecsec GmbH

Sudetenstrasse 16

96247 Michelau

Telefon +49 9571 948 1020

Mobil   +49 171  9754980



ecsec GmbH

Sudetenstrasse 16

96247 Michelau


Amtsgericht Coburg HRB 4622



Tina Hühnlein

Dr. Detlef Hühnlein


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Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 06:46:55 UTC