Re: Okta Acquires Auth0 for $6.5B

Also, Okta's article on "Decentralized Identity" (quite high level, some assumptions made).
What is Decentralized Identity? | Okta<>

One clarification:
> Issuer: A party that issues access credentials, similar to an identity or OpenID provider.
During the presentation of the credential, end-user becomes an OP (Self-Issued OP).

差出人: Wayne Chang <>
送信日時: 2021年3月4日 13:35
宛先: W3C Credentials CG <>
件名: Okta Acquires Auth0 for $6.5B

Thought it could be relevant to this ecosystem:;;sdata=OHcNxV8dKevwb3Eja5g5g5fasX6Oghv0QoIoPh0L0p8%3D&amp;reserved=0

Per the Okta CEO:
CSO: Do you’ve gotten an opinion on self-sovereign id?

McKinnon: I do. I believe that it’s the long run. We’ve obtained to get it executed. The issue is: How does it get bootstrapped? How does it get helpful in sufficient locations in order that sufficient individuals use it to make it helpful? The place is it going to come back from? Is it going to come back from an enormous social media firm? Is it going to come back from an enormous IT vendor? Or ought to it come from an unbiased establish supplier like Okta?;;sdata=%2BHOGYwiOW93OJjiPGZ5V8PB%2BOLDQ6IaylSsLCxYW46A%3D&amp;reserved=0

- Wayne

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2021 04:47:15 UTC