Re: Identifiers in Verifiable Credentials

On 6/6/21 5:57 PM, Kerri Lemoie wrote:
> I’m not clear on the uses for the optional id in the vc assertion. It
> would be helpful to learn about some examples or suggested uses.

I saw answers for why you wouldn't want to use an `id` in the VC assertion. I
didn't see many examples of why you would want to use `id`. Here are two:

* You have a single-use bearer token (movie ticket, age
  token) that you want to determine if it's been used
  before or not. Identifiers like this are useful for that
  use case:


  These sorts of identifiers also compress well when
  using CBOR-LD (to 16 bytes) and help when encoding
  to QR Codes.

* You have a public Verifiable Credential where you
  might want to publish other information, such as
  an HTML representation of the VC. An Open Badge
  URL might be a good use here.

There are other uses, but they tend to be fairly use case specific and thus,

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 19:53:51 UTC