[AGENDA] Credentials CG call Tuesday 6July,9am PT, 12pm ET, 6pm CET - Open Discussion of proposed `vc-jwt-test-suite`

TL;DR: Open Discussion to gather inputs and requirements for JWT-VC Test 
Suite proposal

The VC-HTTP-API group has been [discussing][^1] whether and how to 
support JWT-VCs in recent weeks. In an effort to limit the 
workload/scope of the API work item, the chairs of that work item have 
asked implementers and those with LD-VC/JWT-VC interoperability 
experience to pin down stable/specific versions of specifications to 
profile for testing purposes.

The purpose of this open discussion is simply to map out the existing 
specification landscape (including alternative signing and serialization 
options) and to gather experiences, requirements, and pitfalls from 
those with relevant experience.

[^1]: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api/pull/208#issuecomment-870948764

__juan caballero
(on behalf of Wayne Chang)

Juan Caballero, PhD.
Open Source Yenta and Advisor, Spruce Systems, USA
Berlin-based (CET)

Received on Monday, 5 July 2021 13:00:11 UTC